cp 15

cp 15

how little influenza rcspcctrd the liealthy and apparently strong— how pneumonia often attacked the strongest men around us. the athlete. the big virile creatures. as well as the weaklings. 1 did not take him scriously.

But when evcryonc in my own Household fell ill with the disease and I alone escaped. when all about me I saw men and women succumbing to the dread infection and yet every morning bright and carly therc was Captain Rodrigues. as rosy-chceked and clear-tyed as evcr, with his 190 pounds of six foot vigor. it was borne upon me with overwhelming force that this remarkable man really had possession of a great truth. which if conscientiously applied. gave to the body a very rcal and actual resistance to disease. a resistance stronger than that of the most powcrful of drugs and morę cflicacious than the advice and skill of the most scientific of physicians.

At this time King Gcorge of England was Iying on his royal sick bed. ill of pneumonia. contracted on a ccrtain drizzly. foggy day in London, when. in pursuit of his royal duties. he was compelled to stand for hours in the rain. Captain Rodrigues told me that Sandow. Europę s famous "big-muscle" man. had at one time taught King George his. Sandow's. system of physical culture, all of which apparently had availed the Monarch nothing. It will be recalled that Sandow himself. who should apparently have tived to a ripe old age. died at the early age of fifty.

King Georges resistance could have been built up. according to the Captain. with simple posturę practicc. so that a few hours or a whole day out in the wet would never have reduced his resistance as it did. to such a degrec that he fell easy victim to influenza, followed by pneumonia. This all seemed unreal to me at the time. but I can readily under-stand it now that I know the scientific principles which lic behind this unusual man’s simple system.

How about yourself? Should a method interest you. of attaining resistance of such great power that it would enable


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