Dodawanie b

Dodawanie b

Solve the addition problems below. Use the codę to match the numbers with letters. Write each letter on the lines in the box below to solve the message.

5 + 6=_=    M    6    +    3=_=    J

3+4=_=    A    2    +    4=_=    Q

2 + 2=_=    U    1    +    1=_=    R

10 + 0=_=    p    0    +    3=    =    E

5 + 8=_=    S    10    + 2=_=    D

4 + 1 =_=    |    1    +    0 =    =    N


11    8    6    4    3    3    1

7    2    3

10    2    5    3    1    12    13


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