Hist i Kult UK

Hist i Kult UK

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1.    Who are the patrons of Engłand, Scotland, Wales and Ireland?

England - St. George, Scotland - St. Andrew, Wales - St. David, Ireland - St. Patrick.

2.    When are pairons days celebrated?

St. George -23 April, St. Andrew - 30 November, St. David - 1 March, St. Patrick - 17 March.

3.    What are national emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland?

England - Red Rosę, Scotland - Red Lion, Thistle, Wales - Red Lion, Daffodil, Leek,

Ireland - Shamerock.

4.    What is the difference between Great Britain and United Kingdom?

Great Britain = Scotland + England + Wales,

United Kingdom = Scotland + England + Wales -r-Northern Ireland.

5.    When is Guy Fawkes’ Day?

It is on 5th of November, it is also called „Gunpowder Plot” connected with attempt of assasination of King James I.

6.    When is Boxing Day?

26th of December.

7.    The name Boxing Day is taken from the sport of boxing? T/F False.

8.    When is Auld Lang Syne usually sung?

On New Years Day, between 30.12 and 01.01 (at midnight of New Years Eve).

9.    Where you are iikeiy to be if you are eating haggis?

In Scotland.

10.    In which month does the Edinburgh Festiwal takes place?

In August. "i" Aa    \

11.    What is Capital of Northern Ireland?


12.    What do terms Loyalist and Nationalist mean in context of Northern Ireland?

Loyalist are unionists - Protestants loyal to British Crown,

Nationalists are republicans - usually Catholics and they want to unitę Ireland,

13.    Would an Orangeman be a Protestant or a Catholic?

Irish Protestant. «Wi oj f&kiicuJUT—

14.    Give another name for Northern Ireland.

Ulster, Six Lost Counties, Six Stolen Counties.

15.    What does the afc-breviatipn IRa stand for?

16.    What is the national sport of Wales?


17.    What was the major industry of Wales until the 1980s?

Coal minning ar.d Steel industry.

1S. What is the name of gatherings in Wales at which competirions are hela in Welsh language poetry, singing and musie?


19.    The Welsh and Breton language are closeły related. T/F True.

20.    What is Piaid Cymru?

The Welsh Nationalist Party.

21.    Scotland has its own legał and educational systems and its own Chuch. T/F True.

22.    What is Scotland's traditional musical instrument called?


23.    For what is Sł Andrews well known?

An oldest Unrversin- in Scotland and the golf headquaters.

24.    What is the Scots word for lakę?


25.    Wiat is Scodar.c s most famous drink?

Scodsh Whisky.

26.    Wiat in England is a public school?-.

Free perlic. srare school (private schools are boarding school - very expensive).

2". Which poiibcał pany does the Prime Minister Gordon Brown represent?

L2bocr Party.


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