Lesson (139)

Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
I. Read the text and do the exercises below. Przeczytaj tekst i wykonaj poniższe
Icons, symbols and institutions
There are certain icons and institutions which even the British themselves consider as
"British." This is just a selection of those things which spring to mind whenever one hears
the word "British."
The BULLDOG symbolises the very essence of Britishness.
He is solid, reliable, unshakeably loyal, very individual,
VERY nice when you get to know him - and kind of cute in
his own funny little way! He also bears a startling
resemblance to Winston Churchill, Britain's great wartime
leader whose memory is still held in great esteem by the
majority of the British.
BRITANNIA is the personification of British nationalism.
She is portrayed as a young woman in a neo-classical gown
and helmet, seated by the sea ("Britannia Rules the Waves.")
She is holding a trident in one hand and a shield, decorated
with the Union flag, in the other.
The Romans called their newly-conquered province, just
across the sea from Gaul, Britannia, and the coinage of the
day featured the image of a woman in armour. This image
was not used on coins again until the reign of King Charles II,
and Britannia became a popular figure in 1707 when Scotland,
Wales and England were finally united to form Great Britain.
She was immortalised in 1740 when James Thompson wrote
the words of "Rule Britannia" and set it to music by Thomas
Arne. It was performed on the London stage where it
immediately captured the public imagination.
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
The British BOBBY is one of our most cherished icons,
called after the founder of the modern police force, Sir
Robert Peel. The local policemen may also be known as the
"Plod" after the delightful policeman character Mr. Plod in
Enid Blyton's "Noddy" stories, or as a "copper," from his
habit of "copping" (seeing what they are up to and catching)
Our policemen are not routinely armed and there is
considerable public support for it remaining that way; the
British have a natural aversion to the everyday use of guns,
and still yearn for the days when the local Bobby could
dispense summary justice to misbehaving juveniles with
a swift clout as soon as he caught them.
TEA is most definitely Britain's national drink, and it is
difficult to get a decent cuppa anywhere else in the world!
Tea drinking is not just a means of refreshment, it is also
a social ritual and any hostess (or host) will put the kettle on
immediately after greeting visitors. To make a proper cup of
tea, you need a china or earthenware teapot; fill the kettle
with freshly-drawn water and bring it to the boil. WARM
THE POT by pouring in some of the boiling water, swishing
it around then emptying it again. Purists will insist on loose
tea but good quality teabags are acceptable - the traditional
"one for each person and one for the pot" will produce rather
a strong brew! I prefer mine a bit less violent - about 3 spoons
(or bags) between four. Bring the water back to boil and pour
it onto the tea immediately. Leave the tea to brew/mash/stand
- it depends on where you live - for about five minutes. Gently
give it a stir and leave for another minute for the tea leaves to
settle again, then pour it out - but put the milk in the cup first!
If you use loose tea, you might want to use a tea-strainer
(a sort of mini-sieve designed for just that purpose.) Add
sugar to taste, and drink and enjoy!
1. Match the words from the text with their translations. Połącz wyrazy z tekstu
z ich tłumaczeniami
spring to mind system monetarny
solid stały. wierny
reliable młodociany przestępca
unshakeably kask
startling resemblance przyzwoity
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
esteem chołubiony
majority szybki
gown szacunek
helmet tęsknić
trident imbryk
shield rozkoszny
newly-conquered czajnik
coinage przychodzić na myśl
armour torebka herbaty
immortalised uderzenie
capture cel
cherished suknia
founder zamieszać
delightful gliniany
wrongdoer tarcza
armed złoczyńca
yearn większość
misbehaving porcelana
juvenile uwieczniony
swift odświeżenie
clout opróżnić
decent niewzruszenie
refreshment założyciel
kettle mieszać
china nowopodbity
earthenware zawładnąć
teapot wywar
swish around solidny
empty zle zachowujący się
teabag trójząb
brew sitko
stir uzbrojony
sieve zadziwiające podobieństwo
purpose zbroja
2. Read the text again and decise whether the following sentences are true (T) or false
(F). Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i zdecyduj czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (T), czy
fałszywe (F).
1. Bulldogs are very similar to one of the most famous British politicians.
2. Britons do not think highly of Winston Churchill.
3. Britannia is a real person.
4. Nowadays British coins feature the image of Britannia.
5. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
6.  Rule Britannia was written in 17th century.
7. Sir Robert Peel was the first British policeman.
8. Plod is short for Robert.
9. Britons drink tea from glasses.
10. You should drink tea immediately after preparing it.
11. The British drink tea with milk.
II. Past Continuous versus Past Simple.
1. an action which was in progress (was 1. a complete action at a stated time in the
happening) at a stated time in the past. We past.
do not know when the action started or The plane landed at the airport at eight
finished. o clock yesterday morning. (the time is
At nine o clock yesterday morning, the plane stated. The action is complete. The plane
was flying to Tahiti. (we do not know when landed.)
it left or reached its destination)
2. two actions which were happening at 2. actions which happened immediately
the same time in the past. one after the other in the past.
He was listening carefully while they were First she read the advertisement and then she
explaining the plan to him. called the company.
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple. Czasowniki
w nawiasach wstaw w czasie past continuous lub past simple.
1. We (go)& & & & & & & swimming every day when we were young.
2. Simon (dance) & & & & & & & .. when he fell and hurt his leg.
3. I (drink) & & & & & & & & . a glass of milk every day when I was a child.
4. Todd often (ride) & & & & & & & & .. horses when he was a boy.
5. Bill (write) & & & & & & & & & . a letter when his mother came home.
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
2. Complete the letter by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the
past continuous. Uzupełnij list wstawiając czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie past
simple lub past continuous.
Dear Rick,
I m writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland. I m having
a lovely time here but you can t imagine what
(happen)& & & & & .. to me yesterday. I (be)& & & & & ..on the
mountain with my friends and we (have) & & & & & & &
a lovely time because the snow (be)& & & & & & & & perfect
for skiing. Unfortunately, the sun (shine)& & & & & & .. on the
snow, so it (be)& & & & & & & . difficult to see. Suddenly, I hit
a rock and I (fall) & & & & & & & over. Luckily, I (not,
be)& & & & & & & & . seriously hurt  I just
(get)& & & & & & & . a few bruises. Now I m trying to be more
I ll see you when I get back.
Best wishes,
spring to mind przychodzić na myśl
solid solidny
reliable stały. wierny
unshakeably niewzruszenie
startling resemblance zadziwiające podobieństwo
esteem szacunek
majority większość
gown suknia
helmet kask
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
trident trójząb
shield tarcza
newly-conquered nowopodbity
coinage system monetarny
armour zbroja
immortalised uwieczniony
capture zawładnąć
cherished chołubiony
founder założyciel
delightful rozkoszny
wrongdoer złoczyńca
armed uzbrojony
yearn tęsknić
misbehaving zle zachowujący się
juvenile młodociany przestępca
swift szybki
clout uderzenie
decent przyzwoity
refreshment odświeżenie
kettle czajnik
china porcelana
earthenware gliniany
teapot imbryk
swish around zamieszać
empty opróżnić
teabag torebka herbaty
brew wywar
stir mieszać
sieve sitko
purpose cel
1 T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T, 6 F, 7 F, 8 F, 9 F, 10 F, 11 T
1 went, 2 was dancing, 3 drank, 4 rode, 5 was writing
1. happened, 2 was, 3 were having, 4 was, 5 was shining, 6 was, 7 fell, 8 wasn t, 9 got


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