
Q.2 B) On thc nigbt of April, 30* 2013 tbc pretniscs of a Bader wcrc damaged by fire and part ofhis Stock in tra3 was destroycd. Stock was taken on May 5* aller tbc closc of business and it amounted a! cost Rs. 14.950. You an given thc following Information.    (15)



Stock on Dcccmbcr 31* 2012 at Cost Purchases January 1“ 2013 to April 30* 2013 Purchascs May 1“ 2013 to May 5* 2013 Trade Debtors 1“ January 2013 Trade Debtors April 30* 2013 Cash irccivcd from Trade debtors January l" 2013 to 30* April 2013.

Salcs May l“ 2013 to May 5* 2013








No discounts wcrc allowed and ihcrc wcrc no b®d debts and aport Croro thc firc thcrc m no Iow or wasugc at stock. The gross profit is at a Uniform raić of 20% of setling pricc. The loss of stock by fire is covcrcd by insunmcc and thc wholc cost of thc stock destroycd by firc is rccovcrab!c from thc insurance company.

You orc rcquircd to show your calculntion of tbc cost of thc stock destroycd by firc and to preporc thc trnding Account for thc period. January 1**2013 to April 30*2013.

Q.J. Tbc foUowing b tbc Suramarized UaUncc sbcct of Rajaram Ud. as on 31H March 2013.    (15)

l IiMMh







Sbarc Capital;


5.000    Etjuity shares of ? 100 cach

3.000    14% prefcrcnce shares of? 10 cach

Capital Rcservc General Rcscrvc P&I.A/c

iii Si

Flsrd Assetł.

Good will Other fixcd Asscts lnve«ments Net Current Asscts







The preferencc shares wcrc redccmablc on 1“ April. 2013 at premium of 10% for this purposc, thc

company sold o£f thc invcstment ot a profit of ? 20.000 and issucd 1,000 15% pref. shares off lOOcachatparin cosh.


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