Usc tlić phrascs to complctc (lic scntcnccs bclow.

I. We are taught how to ................................................

(taniał siaa ikiry)

Z Futurc beauty dierapists aic taught how to ........................

(nyskjwoł iufsrmttjt od kkmtek)

3.    We must know how to ................................................

(lądaoać pytanie)

4.    We must leatn how to ..............................................

(oamać shitj)

5.    A beauty dictapist must be abk to .................................

fafprmtdęć,pnfa/o»ałną onaką skitj)

6.    A beauty therapist should be abk to ................:.............


7.    A beauty thenipist can ................................................ .*

(ivntrqi pręcm m/gtfncla ikirj)

Exercise 2

Join Column A and Column B to form meaningful phrases.




a figurc analysis

• w

to determine

a inassagc properly


advicc about skin and body carc

to rccocnmend

the nght treatment

to petform

advicc on nutnuon

to make

a proper home carc skin regime

to provxle

the cxact skin problem


Now usc the phrases to complctc dic scntcnccs bclow.

1. It is importom to .......................................

(okrnk hmkrtlną tMgwcii skóry)

Z It is sometunes not so easy to .......................

(dokonać ayóore rlaiawtge yobttgn)

3.    It is often ncccssary to .................................

(ndętłtt porody odnoimt dboćoia o skórj r ne/o)

4.    It is not easy to .......................................

(lokat tyłaśao^ptĄyaac^ skóry m marmkocb Joomyd)

5.    It ił importom to .....................:.................

poddianu wykonać moury)

6.    It is somedmcs difficull to ....

porody othtoinit othjWMnia)

7.    It is hclpful to bc abłc to ........


Exercise 3

Complctc the text bclow with the woids you have just learned.

First 1 must c..................a skin analysis. I nced to c..................

the condidon of the skin and d.................. any skin ptoblems

you may have. Ncat I will a..................you a fcw quesbons to

e..................any hclpful informauon. Then I may m..................

the moisture level just in case. Finally, I will c..................the nght

treatment, r....'.............. a proper home carc skin regime and

p..................advKC on nutrition.

Exercise 4

Join Column A and Column B to form meaningful phrascs.



to reniove

skin dcfccts

to ineratse

the diem‘s appearance

to improve

toxins ftom the skin

to rcbalancc

body stress


the skin


the teiture and tonę of the skin

to climinatc

the supply of oxygcn and nutńents to the skin

to enhance

a skin defect

Now usc the phrascs (in their -ing form) to completc the scntcnccs bclow.

1.    This therapy is good for ..............■..............................

(pnjariama rwow*# ik&rj)

2.    This treaunem is hclpful in .......................:..................

(fogxlęfiui strun)

3.    This ptoduct can be of assistance m ..............................

(itbyaii rncftfy shiry)


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