□ 1 understand that if any of the above applies 1 must advise the airline / travel agent, and should on no account travel or report to the airport for the flight. Otherwise 1 could be denied testing at the border and placed into quarantine in accordance with the Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases, No. 19/1997.

Please enter the mobile number that you want us to be able to contact you during your stay in Iceland. Next you should choose to send the verification codę to your mobile phone. The verification codę is six random numbers, which you should enter into the verification form below.

Mobile phone (country codę)    Mobile phone (number)

Choose ▼

Send verification codę

Enter verification codę

Verify mobile phone


This form can't be confirmed and sent until 72 hrs before your arrival in Iceland.



Directorate of Health



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The Directorate of Health and The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management are responsible for this website.

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