wrote a memorable and invaluable account of the book's background and genesis, his working methods and influences, as well as its reception by the critics, favorable and hostile, in an autobiographical article notable for its human warmth and generał interest.

■    Turnaway from Romanticism

-    "Amanda Barker"

-    "Frank Drummer"

-    "Elsa Wertman"

-    "Hamilton Greene"

-    "Editor Whedon"

-    "Lucinda Matlock"

„Spoon River Anthology"

■    Poem spoken by fictious character

■    The Dramatic Monologue - poet avoided suspension that speaker was a character in unnamed drama

■    Poet - unemotional

■    Emotional detachment

■    Collecting monologues

■    Fragmentary fiction

■    Why authors used this connection PRE-MODERNISM

■    Loss of intent in individualism

■    Realistic connection in fiction (Dreiser, Twain)

■    Unnamed sense of yearning

■    Emotional void

Each following poem is an epitaph of a dead Citizen, delivered by the dead themselves. They speak about the sorts of things one might expect: some recite their histories and turning points, others make observations of life from the outside, and petty ones complain of the treatment of their araves. while few tell how they really died. Speaking without reason to Me or fear the consequences, they construct a picture of life in their town that is shorn of faęades. The interplay of various villagers — e.g. a bright and successful man crediting his parents for all he's


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