The nineteenth century - important dates from the period

-    There were great changes in social structure. Most people lived in towns and cities. They no longer depended on country landowners for their living but rather on the owners of Industries. These factory owners held the real power in the country , along with the new and growing middle class of trades people. As they established their power, so they established a set of values which emphasized hard work, thrift, religious observance, family life and extreme respectability to sexual matters. This is the set of values which we now cali Victorian.

-    Queen Victoria reigned form 1837 to 1901. During her reign she became an increasingly popular symbol of Britain’s success in the world. As a hard-working, religious mother of nine children, devoted to her husband, Prince Albert, she was regarded as the personification of contemporary morals. The idea that the monarch should set an example to the people in such matters was unknown before this time and created problems for the monarchy in the twentieth century.

-    At that time there were not only political reforms, but also reforms which recognized some human rights. Slavery and the laws against people in the basis of religion were abolished, and laws were madę to protect workers from some of the worst forms of exploitation resulting from the industrial modę of production.

Some significant dates:

-    1801 Act of Union unites Great Britain and Ireland

-    1805 A British fleet under the command of Admirał Horatio Nelson defeats Napoleon's French fleet as the Battle of Trafalgar (- cape in Spain). Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square in London commemorates this national hero, who died during the battle. - the decislve naval battle of the Napoleonie Wars

-    1829 Robert Peel, a government minister organizes the first modern pollce force. The police are still sometimes known today as 'bobbies'. ('Bobby' is a short form of the name 'Robert'.)

-    1833 Slavery is madę illegal throughout the British Empire. (Slave trade lasted from 17thto 19* century. Slaves taken by force from Africa to the colonies of European countries and to America esp. The South where they worked on large plantations)

-    1868 TheTUC (Trades Union Congress) is formed.


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