Gazeta AMG nr 7/2013

Gazeta AMG nr 7/2013

The message from vice dean prof. Maria Dębska-Ślizień

The message from prof. Ewa Bryl, tutor of III ED

Dear Colleagues,

After 6 years of blood, sweat and tears you are now fully accredited MD’s. Congratulations!

It has been a long road, far from family and old friends, but perhaps you havefound intellectual satisfaction and madę new friendships here in Gdańsk.

Your official period as students has finished, but the path of doctor implies life-long study of the advances in medicine and their consequences, so please, do not forget your appetite for knowledge now. The patients needs your constant hunger to be the best as you can be.

Remember always, the Latin sentence Primum non nocere which means do not harm and in the most possible human context, treat the patient as you yourself would wish to be tre-ated.

If you don’t know what to do, ask yourself what would you do if he or she were you, your mother or father or child. Listen to your patient and look and see.

A sick individual can be difficult, but she or he is sick. You will be judged harshly when the odds are against you; but your successes will inspire and motivate, it is the Naturę of the Be-ast. This is the naturę of our profession.

Fight strongly for life, with the best information, the latest advances of science.

Good luck in the futurę Young Doctors, well done! And keep us informed, because we are your medical family here in Gdańsk. Congratulations! And goodbye!

Dear Ali,

Time is fast... 6 years past... I remember you from the be-ginning of your 3rd year. You have changed a lot, gained new knowledge and experience. It was not an easy way, but easy ways are not always the best ways... Nothing that comes easy is worth a dime...

There were some smali and bigger problems during your stay at the Medical University. Seeing you here, means you have overcame all difficulties and finally become doctors...

Somebody told that We are the compilation of people you meet and the events you experienced... I want to tell you that I am glad that I met you on my way and wish you a next life-long trip as doctors. ..Ido hope that memories of our school will stay with you for a long time.

Some hints for the futurę: Continue to grow intellectually and listen to the little alarm inside you that sounds when stagnation or boredom or becoming a know-it-all begin to creep up.

Keep balance. I will repeat it as a pathophysiologist - keep balance. Be open. Live long and prosper.


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