U RET: Internationa! Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eLSSN: 2319-11631 pISSN: 2321-7308

may cost a lot in thc bcginning. but it will help the company in the long run by providing Solutions to thc kcy próbiems likc lack of spccification. dclay. improper procurcmcnt etc. According to thc próbie ms that gcncrally oocur in thc sitc duc to thc improper materiał nianagcmcnt. was catcgoriscd cach problem and crcatcd a causc-cffcct diagram, whcrc factors suchas. invcntory. purchasc. procurcmcnt. wcrc all gcncrally addresscd to procurcmcnt cyclc. For this purposc. thc study was donc by visiting thc sitc. She survcy was donc. and prepared qucstionnaircs accordingly and problcnu to cach abovc mentioned groups wcrc analyscd and Solutions thus wcrc givcn. Substantial cvidcnccs in thc form of photos wcrc taken to analysc thc procurcmcnt problcnu occunring in thc present casc study. Qucstions wcrc prepared accordingly and thosc prepared qucstions wcrc givcn as a challenge to thc sitc manągcrs, quality eon troi inspcctor. projcct manager. purchasc manager. Front thc qucstionnaircs prepared and thc answers thus obtaincd front thent wcrc catcgorizcd inlo cach class of problcnu. Front thosc elasses h was understood that lack of tcchnological intplications and scicntific approach wcrc lacking with rcspcct to thc procurcmcnt proccss. Thus thc problcnu wcrc pointed out to thent and they agreed to cach abovc mentioned problcnu th.it wcrc occunring in their sitc and thus eorrcctions would be implcntcntcd by thent in their ncxtonconting projoets.

12    Analysls on Imentory Controlling

In thc invcntory proocss. thc mcthodology adopted was preparing qucstionnaircs and allocating ntarks for cach. by catcgorizing thent into cach of their suhsystcm problcnu. such as supply. matcrials and cquipntcnts. wcightagcs wcrc givcn substantially. Then. ha sod on this thc Solutions wcrc offerod in thc form of causc - cffcct diagram and flow charts. graphs wcrc also prepared. dcpicting problcnu such as dclay. lack of spccification. cxccss and lack of inspcction.

12.1    Imentory Planning

i.    Production planning rcquires purchasc and imentory planning dccisions for an organization to control cxpcnscs and lina nc es.

ii.    To gcl thc purchasc benefits. discounts. rcduccd transportation and or dc ring cost thc bulk purchasc may be oconomical. Invenłory of such ntatcrials arc stored for longcr tintc.

13    Analysls on Purchasing Procedures

All thc organizations need an cfficicnt and cconontic purchasing and pr<xurcmcnt of hs various supplics of matcrials front thc suppliers.

13.1    Process of Purchasing

The pr<xcss of purchasing involvcs various steps to be followod as routinc ntatter by thc purchasc depanntent.

i) Identification of ntatcrials: Identify thc matcrials to be purchasod by rcociving thc rcquisitions rccdvcd front various departntents.

(ii) Purchasc rcquisitions: Purchasc rcquisitions arc documcnts listing thc rcquircmcnts of ntatcrials front thc various Stores written by thc storckccpcr rccdvcd by thc purchasc depanntent front various departntents. The planning depanntent for spccial purchascs for non-stock itents also prepares thc purchasc rcquisitions. The purchasc rcquisitions arc ntadc as Bill of Matcrials (BOM) of a product. which spccifics quantitics. nccdcd. The purchasc rcquisitions arc gcncrally prepared in triplicatc. One copy sent to thc purchasc depanntent signed by thc storckccpcr. works manager and production conłrollcr. sccond copy sent to ntatcrials control or planning depanntent and third copy is retained by thc rcquisitioncd.

2.4    Anulysls on Procurcmcnt and Tracking

In this. thc conccpt is bascd on procurcmcnt and tracking of thc ntatcrials which is donc with thc help of RFID and bar coding scanncrs. In procurcmcnt tracking. thc conccpt of tracking thc materiał is donc ntainly with thc help of barcodc scanncrs. whcrc thc quality control manager can vicw thc ntatcrials to whcrc it is bcing transported. Hcncc a chcck on thc ntatcrials can be donc. Oncc thc transportation has arrivcd at sitc. thc materiał is bcing passed by cross chccking it with thc bill of quanthics and bill of loading. with thc consigncc. Oncc thc consigncc acccpts thc bill of loading it is then convcycd to thc consigncr. The wholc casc study of procurcmcnt and tracking was donc by us with thc help of qucstionnaircs.

2.5    Analysls on Cost

2.5.1 ABC Analysls

This is most popular imentory control tcchniquc adopted as Parcto's Law. Large amount of Capital is imested in purchasc of costly itenu in smali number. Eighty percem of thc cost of matcrials purchasod is rcquircd for only Twenty pcrccnt costly itenu for cfficicnt invcntory control in Stores whcrc thc large number of matcrials arc to be handlcd. thc classificatktn of thent is ncccssary to takc partie ular carc of costly itenu. which arc less in number. The ABC analysis is commonly uscd in most of thc organizations

Toclassify thc matcrials according to their salcs valucs. In this rnethod. all thc itenu of Stores arc classificd in thrcc groups as A. B and C as cxplaincdbclow.

(i) Thc quantityof cach i lent uscd annuaDy multiplyby its unit salcs pricc is salcs valuc of that iłem. All such salcs valucs of all thc itenu arc calculatcd and tabulatcd.

(ii)    The itents. its quantity sold and salcs vahics arc tabulatcd in dccrcasing order and thc salcs valucs arc added item-wise and shown in ncxt coluntn.


IC-RICE Conferencc Issue I Nov-2013, Availablc@ htlu:/Avvvvv.iirctzm;


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