The quality of the interfaces and ion-beam/e-beam irradiation influencing the magnetic properties of thin Pt/Co/Pt films

M. Jakubowski1,

Z. Kurant2, P. Mazalski2, i L.T. Baczewski1,


J. Kisielewski2, A. Petroutchik1, T. Wojciechowski1 j A. Maziewski2, A. Wawro1 j

j 1 Institute of Physics, Polish Acodemy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa

Magnet* thtn lay*n w«h peelodkady modutated propertwt. In • tal* of deuent ot ntnonutm, w nterettmg mjteetiii ttu* ałow reteanh Mi a fie*d ot ninomjgneełtni ki Co-bowd mułttky*' ttructuret that eitubit perpendkuter magnctk annotropy (PMA|, tu* eflettiw magnet* annotropy dependt on the Co-byer thickneit Moreorer, annotropy Merface efkcts predomln ate and th* 11, phat* CoPI ailoy lormed on the Pt/Co interface tubtlantulFy enhancet magnet* anltot/opy and relnforcet the PMA. In compaeHon to the pure Co hlm

In thh work we have prepared tamplet by motet u lai beam fpUiy (MU) whkh olfert wel controbed growth eondltlont Out retaarth wat caeried out utlng leyeral methodt to modify Pt/Co interfaeet Hut, we hae* perlormed •yi biat irradlahon to mb kilerlacet Pt/Co We ute two differmt techeapuet fotuted lon-beam (FM| Irradiation and ton Sourte Irradiation (non-focuted beam) Moreoter, w* Kaw* madę en etłempt te create the tam* retult wrth *-b*am eradlatton Addibenally, In contratt to ttructuret obtalned by Irradiation methodt. w* hor* imettigated temperatur* ■tfltwnc* on Pt/Co Interface and Pt turtac* ttruttur* In dHFerent eondltlont wher* telf-orgarwred magnetic pertodkal ttructuret may be mduced.

In order to Imrettlpte our tyttrm. we h*ve raploittd reflected highenergy Hectront dlffractlon (RHICDI, atomac lorce nucrotcopy |AFM) and tcannlng electron microtcopy |SCM) at every ttag* Ol the produetton ol the tamplet Magnetic propertiet ol thln Wmt wer* inuetBgated utlng MOHE t«thniqu«t

Finałly, we hav* muolyed numerical methodt For electron and ion beam Irradiation to tupport our eaperlmental rwetOgatlont W* hav* modelled beam depth penetratton and degre* ol Miterlac* miting Mi order to obtain rital parametert lor lurther Irradiation.

Juch modihed Pt/Ce/Pt lyttem can therelore be regarded at a magnonlc cryttal olfermg period**! modifkabent of magnetic propertiet lor the propagating tpinweeet. Th ot* materia* ar* reny prorreting for appkcaPont Ml tpmtronlct at a magnet* recordmg media and magnonac cryitah- We eipect to produce a regular patiem ol out-of-piane magnetited doił or ttripet tmbedded Ml a matni wlth m plan* magnetlłation


University in Białystok, Faculty of Physics, ul. Lipowa 41, 15-424 Białystok


lon-beam irradiation |ion mitingi wat perlormed utmg Ga' locuted Ion beam |flB) In attrmpt to obtain a tharp and tub cmerometer irradiated ttructure whnh diplayt the propertiet of the mtgnonlc cryttal We htve imrettlgated PMA dependenee on Ion dotage. twrface recettlon and irradiation eondltlont in order to obtain a wel dchned magnetic ttructure Magnetic propertlci nere c.jmmated utmg MONĘ techrwyuet and turlać* analytn utmg AFM and SEM Dunng the eradiatlon procett accelrration reftage ol e beam (SEM) wat tet to S 1*V to minimalne tam pi* irradiation.

«t ' Mlllme-ii-ow-ina.ru >••*»««

bl    |b>»d Ifgrei ( I P-T »    ke rrpl •*<« r-m fV-r* rfr**i I ■

M    WhPf W— iw»*dl Ir >MO«l IMUtWIiMFl

•*« 4 A»M iMt|W •! •


Sapphirr / Mo 200A / tt 200A / Co wedge / Pt SOA




n* I    letteiat. Hn c< tee*a» Mructen aM ■**• at nienurcn

Eprtanal thln Mm wer* gronn In MBf tyttrm under a bat* prettur* ol 10 "torr A 100A thkk Mo|110) bufłer layer wat Hrtl gronn at Ngh temperatur* (1000*0 on an rp.rrady tapphirr AI.O,( 1 MOI Ulbłtrat*. Alter cooieig down to room temperatur* a Pt(lll) undeMayer wat depotited I etally, a Co leyer In th* thap* of wedge | O to Wi) or Mat layer lolemd by Pt cap lay*r were depotited Dunng th* growth procett PHI ID pattemt wer* monltored at each Uep of depotmon In additton, SEM and AFM ra-sltu Interface eiammacton wat perlormed.


SimulalMM *f rlrctmn bram drpch (WMlnlka Inf* Pl'(VPl muMlat-rrt Hat* hrea pcrf»rm«l Mag 'leeir ( ario < ttlno toflaar*. Madelllag rrtrakd that opnmal accetrrallaa taliage for tartber rtperlmenlt ibnrid be ca BhtV. Ehe tahtlanOal .mm.ni *f IW cwergt h drpetMrd In IW Pt l.ullrr nblch alumt dilfutr lato Ce lat er. and la t*atequeMe emir a ł*t<o laltr-face allui malliag la a cbaagr of Ibr aanetrupt. Srciadatt clrclraat (SE) kad bera umUlrd la timalalioat. breaate Ibełr lealribaltaa la Ibr eaergt Iraatfer h ralhrr acgllgthlc. IW timulalloat wrrr performrd for a beam tur rgaal to *0 mm aad fur 10'* rlcctrnnt. laillal allemptt rrtral wrak chaagrt la PMA la remaaeare imagrt tadkahag th ji tpta rrnrtrniailna *poa r-hram Irradialiea mat hr ladacrd.

emo/l mofOnJokubowfkifii/pon.tću.pt





Fetting interface quakty and itt dependenee to temperatur* wat carried out utmg atom*

lorce mkroteopy (AFM) at dMłerent ttaget of the tample preparaboet We have anneafed Pt hlm depotited on the Mo butle* up to 1000K The topography of Pt btdler turtace depotited at room temperaturę, and annealed eoenecutiuefy up to (00*C dltplayed a trench ttructure with pedodoty of epprourwtety SO nnv In contratt. th* turfac* of th* Pt bufie* depotited at room temperaturę and dlmdty heated at 1000>C wat atomacally tmooth Th* tr*nch-kh* topography df th* Pt buffar It a key faclor for th* leM-orgjrUied growth of the magnomc Pt/Co/Pt ttructure


We hm* modelled Ar- Ion mamng procett utlng TBIOTN i oh were TMt allowt ut to gol Intlght when ion irradiation hit an unpact on PMA Wlth combwmg together etpenmental rettftł w* can predlct what .on dot* li >tqwrrd to obtain p«rpendlcular magnetltatlon by mtilng tample leycrt together and forming CoPtalloylntcrfac*. Due to th* weeknettet of th* numerkal model, tuch at lampie umpMtce Ilon to amorphout layert. refu me of matter quantiracion (tet to 4 A cubet) etc., parametert deUrmkied by the tknulatfon may drftrr troen aapanmentai retulti but tupportWe rola of TUI DYN model ling n waluable

We hm* ditcutted th* ttructur* of Intcrfacct M Pt/Co/Pt nimt W connection wlth Itt Im pad on th* anałyted tytttmt magnetic propertiet Preparatton eondltlont ar* re-markabły rital lor detked magnetic eftect Spatially modulated thkknect of th* Co layer rewlti In ptriodkal magnditatlon direction rarutton betwren m piane and out-of-piane. Such patternlng wdl affect tpmwant propagabon and Iha gronn ttructur* will ditpiay th* propertiet of magnonk cryttal. Our work retulwd in f IB nall pattemed mag net* Uruduret of perlodkally modihed magnetnatton whkh may be conudered at a magnonk cryttal for tpinwauet propagabon reteerch Morrawr. w* tuccettfully performed iimiler r tperimpnt wlth tpread Ar ton beam whkh m additton to matk lithogra phy may lead to magnetkady patternlng of tub-mWnwtm areał wlth drtcrłte pattern Electron beam KradiaCłon teemt to be morę challengttig due to the fad that entrgy traert-fer occure on diflerent bawt It wd opent potubility ol tub nanomeuet magnet* patiem Ing. The morpholegy of Pt bufler aftedt magnetic propertiet of depotited Co layer Spin r*ort*ntadon trantibon from out of plan* lo m piane orknCatton occurt for a we* defined Co layar thkkneu In th* cat* of at-d*poutad butler, wherrat lor anneaied buffar H « blurred and ewtandt toward larg er thkknrtwt of th* magnetk layer


Iklt potter wat pr*pared for pretematlon at the IEEE Magnebct Society Summer Schoof lunę » 14 7011 In Al MU. luty

^lEEE /&


Thłt reteerch wat tupported by th* *Stabt(kt and dynaankt oI magnonk and magnetophoComc trytuft - SYMfkOflf pro)ed* of th* foundatlon for Polhh Science TEAM program. coEWianced by the turo pean (fmon from ( wopean Region al Dewelopment Found (ERDf).




* pro/ed email' rromgOuwft.ftfu.pf


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