8la« 2 INT WB Ss Co«ents.<w> Blare 2 INT WB Ss Contents 6T28/16 1 06 PM^Age 3



Module 1 - Unique characters

Vocabulary Practice..........................................p.    2

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    6

SkiUs Practice.....................................................p.    8

Module 2 - Our World

Vocabuiary Practice..........................................p.    10

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    14

SkiUs Practice.....................................................p.    16

Module 3 - Long ago

Vocabulary Practice ..........................................p.    18

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    22

Skilłs Practice.....................................................p.    24

Module 4 - What the futurę holds

Vocabulary Practice ..........................................p.    26

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    30

Skilts Practice.....................................................p.    32

Module 5 - Expericnces

Vocaboiary Practice..........................................p.    34

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    38

Skills Practice.....................................................p.    40

Module 6 - Getting the message acrosss

Vocabulary Practice ..........................................p.    42

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    46

Skills Practice.....................................................p.    48

Module 7 - Entertainment

Vocabulary Practice..........................................p.    50

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    54

Skills Practice.....................................................p.    56

Module 8 - Eat well, live well

Vocabuiary Practice..........................................p.    58

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    62

Skills Practice....................................................p.    64

Vocabulary Bank ...................................................p.    67

Grammar Book Module 1

The verb to be. The verb have got. car? (ability). Present simpte. Adverbs ot freguency.

Present continuous. Presem simpie vs Presem continuous. Ad>ectives,

Order ot adjectives............................................p. 2

Module 2

tbere is - there are. Prepositons ot place.

The imperative, afanJthe. too-enough,

Comparisons, Types ot companson.

Adverbs of degree..............................................p.    6

Module 3

Past simpie (regutar verbs/irregutar verbs). used to. Past continuous. Past simpie vs

Past contnuous................................................p.    10

Module 4

Futurę simpie (will), be going to. Time words. Conditionals (types 0.1 & 2), Adverbs,

Order of adverbs...............................................p.    14

Module 5

Present perfect. have gone (to) - have been (to). Present perfect vs Past simpie. Past perlect.

shoud/shoułdn't.................................................p.    18

Module 6

The infinitive. fo-infinitive. Infinitive without fo.

The -ing form. Reflexive pronouns.

Emphatic pronouns. or?e/or?es. Modals. car?/can'f - cotM/couldn't. must/mustr>'t. have to/need to!don't have to/needn't/rmstn’t,

may/mighl/couid...............................................p.    22

Module 7

Reiative pronouns. Reiative adrnbs, Defining/Non-defining relatrve elauses,

both - netther/either, Passive voice...................p.    26

Module 8

Countable/Uncountable nouns. Piurals -Irregular piurals. Plural nouns. thisJthese -that/those. there -rt.atot of/lots of - much - many. a few/few - a HttMSWe. some -any-no-every & their compounds. Ouestion tags,

Intonation. Report ed speech, say - teH.

Reported statements.........................................p.    30

Irregular Verbs.......................................................p.    36

Audioscripts.......................................................p.    A1

Notę: • The Skills Practice sectioos of the Workbook provide practice in various examinatioos.

G AS) indicates tasks related to Pre-lntermediate Level (AIM Awards - Anglia) exams. O indicates tasks reiated to KET for Schoots (Cambridge) exams.


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