nccessity of thinking over of the method of ccopcration in regard to the two social institutions. The Legał Press Section of the Press Research Centre has started the first investigations in this field with the aim of examining the problems dircctly or indirectly concerning the contacts of the Press with the administratiton of justice. They are the result of the established legał basis of jurisdiction, of doctrinal points of vicw or finally cf currcnt experiences of the journalistic and judicial work. The author of this article presents the introduetory results of the investigations which were based on the declarations and opinions of 45 pcople: representatives of science, practising lawyers and journalists publishers, specialists in social problems and law.

The conclusions of the article are the result of the analysis of postulates concerning the part played by the press its aims and techniąue and the organs of the ad-ministration of justice.

W. Masłowski: Critique in the columns of „Polityka”

The author presents in his article the results of the analysis of the critical public-ations in Polityka in the year 1962.

The author takes the publications including the elements of critical appreciation or postulało for an analytical unit (they do not include specialistic critioue. International themcs c-tc.). The critical publications have been cathegorised according to a number of criteria among others according to the criterion of subject. An „institut-ion” or unit of an organised numnn behaviour was takcn as a subject of criticism. Part>cular elements and the range of the institution were also taken under con-sicleration. The author presents the correlations of ccrtain analyscd groups, features of analyscd publications (for instance the anonymousness of publications or rangę of the institution under discussion). figures concerning critique according to scason. The materiał of the article is the initial point for investigations upon the effoct-iveness of critique in the weekly magazine Polityka.

T. Dobrowolska: The problem of the choice of the represcntativc sample for the investigations upon the press-reading in the country

In order to make suitable mcthcdological experiments on the press-reading in the country ihc sociological section of the Press Rescaich Centre in Kraków carried out experimcntal investigations in Krakowski district. The author of the article discusses the results of the invesligalionst its scopc and the choice of the representativc sample. The ful! image of the rcading process in the country can be cbtaincd c.r.ly in the investigalions including all the adults of the villagc, those who read the press as woli as those who do not read it, and not limited only to Ih.c reading circles of ccrtain magazines and newspapers.

The author analizes from the point of view of their usefulness for the press reading investigations in the country different means of the choice of the representative samples. The author mostly discusses the typological method as the best one in her opinion.

The family should be the unit of investigations and in its ccntext the niechanism of press reading should be investigalcd. The participation of all the membres of the family and the orał transmission of press Information should also be taken into em-sideration.

M. Ingi ot: Tlie opinion of .1. I. Kraszewski about the materiał basis of the jourual-istie profession in the years 1830—1863

In this article the author cited and explaincd a number of Kraszowskfs opinions from the time between the insurrections. At that time the matter of the journalisfs and writers profession and their financial basis was widely discussed. Kraszewski^ opinion taken from his corresponedenco, publications and works of literaturo prove that for a long time he did not treal writing as a profession and he was against any interference of money in the ar of writing. He was faithful to his opinions in pract-ical life. Ile was for many years the cditor of Athenacum and did not pay atention to the losses he had in connection with his work. Such an attitude had its roots in his social feeling and ambition. He had the honor cf a noblemnn and baving an


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