Great Basin Naturalist M emoirs

No. 11

Lepesme. Pierre, J Ghesquire. J Bourgocne. E. Cairaschi. R Paulian. and A Villieres 1947. Les insectcs des palmiers [Scolytidae. p. 633-649]. P. Leehevalier, Paris. (ds).

•Lepigre. Andre Louis. 1951. Insećtes du logis et du magasin. Lutte contrę les insectcs ennemis du commercant et de la menagere. Reconnaissanec-moeurs et movens de destruction. lnsectarium Jardin d’Essai, Algiers. ().

Lepiney, Jacques de. and J M Mimeur 1932. Notes dentomologie agricole et forestiere du Maroc [Scolytidae, p. 44-46]. Memoires de la Socicte des Sciences Naturellesdu Maroc, No. 31. (hbds).

Leplae. Edmond 1928a. Le scolyte des baies du cafeier (Stephanodcres hampci Ferr.). Bulletin Agricole du Congo Relge 19:271-276, 1 fig. (cn).

__ 1928b. Le scolyte du cafe (Stephanoderes). Agri-

culture et Elevage au Congo Belge 2(11): 121-123. (cn).

Leprieur. Charles Eucene. 1890 Les Nylophages d’Europe [Translation of: W. Eichhoff, 1S81, Die Europaisclien Borkenkafer]. Abeille, Journal d’Entomologie 27:1-152. (t.\).

LEROY 1828. Notice sur le traitement des ormes attaques par linseete Scolytus destrucłor au moyen du lait de chaux. Journal crAgriculture, d’Economie Bural et des Manufatures du Royaume des Pays Bas, Bruxelles, ser. 2, S:29-36. (cn).

♦Leshaya. V. 1925. Materiał zur Kenntnis der Borkenkafer Crusinienst Veroffentlichung des Volkskommissars des Landes Crusinien [ln Rus-sian]. Bureau zur Bekampfung der Forst-schadlinge, Leningrad. 15 p. ().

* __ 1929. Contribution to knowledge of the lpidae of

Georgia by C. K. Pjatnitzky [ln Russian]. Narkomsem Georgiens. Burean of Forest Pest Management, Leningrad. 19 p., 3 figs. ().

Leśne. Pierre. 1907. Sur les parasites wlopliages du Manicoba (Mani hot Glaziovi Muell. Arg.). Comptes Rendus llebdomadaires des Seances de rAcademied'Agriculturcde France 144:123.5. (cn).

-- 1908. Sur la nomenclature de divers insećtes cle

TOlivier. Societe Entomologicpie de France, Rul-letin 1908:29-31. (tx).

--191 la. Les variations du regime alimentaire chez

les coleopteres xylophages de la familie des bostrychides, parallelisme de regime chez les bostrychides et les scolytides adultes. Comptes Rendus llebdomadaires des Seances de TAcademie des Sciences 152(10):625-62S. (ay).

* --191 lb. Sur quelqnes particularites du regime ali

mentaire des Scolytidae. Societe Entomologiqne de France, Bulletin 1911:137 ff. 0-

--1913. Insećtes du pin. Journal d’Agriculture Prac-

tiqne 77:213-215. (cn ds).

-- 1922. Sur quelques coleopteres de la faunę fran-

caise. Societe Entomologique de France, Bulletin 1922:226-227. (ds).

-- 1938. Sur un Scolytidae peu eonmi (Phloeosiims

armatus Reitt.). Revne Francaise d Entomologie 5(4): 169-170. (hb).

LesSaRD. Eugene D. 1976. The occurrence and control of the spruce beetle in the Southwestern Region. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Forest Pest Management Report R3-76-26. 13 p. (cn).

. 1978. Forest insect and disease conditions in the Southwest 1977. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Forest Insect and Disease Management, Report R3-7S-S. 17 p. (cn).

. 1979a. Mountain pinc beetle, Bear Lodge Monn-tains, Black Hills National Forest. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Roeky Mountain Region, State and Private Forestry, Bi-ological Evaluation R2-79-12. 7 p. (cn).

. 1979b. Mountain pinc beetle evaluation, South Dakota State Cooperative Area, 1979, Progress Report 1. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Semce, Rocky Mountain Region, State and Private Forestrv, Riological Evaluation R2-79-I5. 9 p. (cn).

. 1979c. Mountain pine beetle, Project 632, Progress Report, Black Hills National Forest. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, State and Private Forestry, Biological Evaluation R2-79-11. 9 p. (cn).

. l9SIa. Factors alTecting ponderosa pine suscepti-bility to mountain pine beetle in the Black Hills, 19S1. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rncky Mountain Region. Techni-cal Report R2-26. 16 p. ().

. 19Slb. Mountain pine beetle evaluation, State, county, and private lands, Casper Mountain, Wy-oining, 19S1. United States Department of Agri-culture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Biological Evaluation, Report R2-82-L 12 p. (cn).

. 19S2a. Mountain pine beetle evaluation, ponderosa pine stand risk rating nsing ground and aerial photographic surveys, 1981. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Interim Report. 16 p. (cn).

. 19S2b. Spruce beetle, Little Horn Area, Bighorn National Forest, 1982. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Timber, Forest Pest, and Cooperative Forestry Management, Biological Eva)uation R2-S2-5. 5 p. (cn).

. 1983. Mountain pine beetle evaluation. Factors afTecting ponderosa pine stand susceptibility to mountain pine beetle in the Black Hills, 1981. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Timber, Forest Pest and Cooperative Forestry Management, Technieal Report R2-26. 16 p. (cn).

. 19S4a. High Country Integrated Pest Management Project post-suppression evalnation, Grand County, Colorado, 19S4. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Report R2-84-9. 26 p. (cn).

. 19S4b. High Country Integrated Pest Management Project post-suppression evaluation, 19S5. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Report R2-85-4 17 p. (cn).

. 19S4c. Mountain pine beetle in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, 19S4. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Biological Evaluation, Report R2-84-7. (cn).


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