Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

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* --1888. 4th Report on the injurious insects. New

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* --1S93. Report ofthe Entoniologist. Ninth report on

the injurious and other insects of the State of New York, for 1892. 494 p. ().

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* --1S96. Anisandrus obesus Lec., xtjlographus Say,

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Linton. D A . L. Safranyik. II. S Whitney. and O J Spamer. 19S4. Possiblc genelic control of color morphs of sprucc beetles. Canada Department of the Environment, Canadian Forestry Service, Research Notes 4(4):52-53. (ay cn).

Liotta. G. 1981. Problem i entomologici delKoliyo. lnfor-matore Fitopatologico 31 (1/2): 11-17. (cn ec).

Lipa. Jerzy J 1968. Stempcllia scoltjti (Weiser) n. comb. and Nosema scoltjti n. sp. microsporidian parasites offour species of Sculytus (Coleoptera). Acta Pro-tozoologica 6(7):69-77. (ec).

Lipa.JerzyJ , and WitChmielewski 1977. Pasożytniczy roztocz Pijemotes scoltjti Oud. (Acarina: Pyemoti-dae) na og\oc\ku-Scohjtus pygmaeus Fabr. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) [ Parasitization of Scohjtus pyg-macus Fabr. by a mite Pijemotes scoltjti Oud.]. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 47(2):345-349. (ec).

Lipks. Jack E 196S. A new insect pest of coflee. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 16(2):32. (cn).

Lipkowitz. K B.. and B P Mundy. 1976. Studies di-rectcd toward a practical synthesis of brcvicomin. V. lsomer enrichment of bicvclic kctals in the 6,S-dio.\abicvclo(3.2. l)octane serics by complcxa-tion with titanium tetracliloride. Journal of Organie Chemistry 41(2):373. (bv ms).

Lipkowitz. K. B . B P Mundy. and D. Geeseman. 1973. Studies directed towards a practical synthesis of breviconiins (11). A novel synthesis of 1,5-dimethyl-8-oxo-bicyclo (3.2. l)octane-6-one. Syn-tlictic Communications 3:453-458. (bv ms).

Lipkowitz. K B . R P Mundy. andT. II. Matsko. 1976. Studies directed toward a practical synthesis of brevieomin. IV. Formation and hydrogenolysis of 5,7 diniethyl-6,S-dioxabicyclo(3.2. l)octane under catalytic liydrogenation eonditions. Journal of Organie Chemistry 41:371-373. (bv ms).

♦Liro. Johan Ivar 1912. Kaarnakuoriaisista. Tap. [“Tapio” or “Tappi ?] 1912:12-15, 51-5S. 0-

* __1915. Kaarnakuoriaisista hiologista. Luonnon Ys-

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* __1916a. Kaarnakuoriaisista. Evon metsanvartjakou-

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* __1916h. Margborrarne. Uppsatser i Skogsbruk

redigerade av Fińska Skogvardsforeningen. Tap. 1916(9): 126-132, S figs. ().

Lister. C. Kendall. 197la. Mountain pine beetle. Ara-paho National Forest, Fraser and Sulphur Rangcr Districts; Bureau of Land Management, Glen-wood District; private land. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Semce, Rocky Mountain Region, Biological Evaluation, Report 71-4. 3 P (cn).

__197lb. Mountain pine beetle. Routl National

Forest, priyate land, Bureau of Land Management, Glenwood District, North Park, Colorado. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Biological Eval-uation, Report 71-2. 2 p. (cn).

__1972a. Mountain Pine beetle. Bighorn National

Forest, Tongue Rangę District. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Semce, Rocky Mountain Region, Biological Esaluation, Report R2-72-17. 2 p. (cn).

__ 1972b. Mountain pine beetle. North Park, Colorado, Ront t National Forest, Bureau of Land Management, and private land. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky


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