G r e at Basi n N atu ra li st M em 01 rs

No. 11

*    __1925. Dendroctonus micons. Kug. an Kiefer (Pi-

nus sihestris). Sudetendutsche Forst- und Jagdzeitung 25:53. ().

* __1928. Welche Mittel steben der Natur zur

Verfugung, um der Entstehung von Insekten-kalamitaten entgegenzuarbeiten? Sudeten-dutsebe Forst- und Jagdzeitung 2S:18-21. ().

* __1958. Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing. Erwin Schimitschek ais

Organisator und Leiter des Forstsehutzeinsatzes der Landesforstinspektion. Osterreichische Vier-teljabrsschrift fur das Forstwesen 99:2-4. ().

Lor ber. Milan, and Vladimir NovaK 1967. Pomohl lp-sotox pri likvidaci kurovce? [llas Ipsotox belpcd in barkbeetlecontrol?]. Leśnicka Prace 46(2):60-64. (cn).

•Lorenz 1SS7. Nlitteilungen uber Waldbescbadigungen dureb Naturereignisse, Insecten, etc. Jahrbuch des Schlesiscben Forstvereins 18S7:38-39. ().

Lorio, Peter Leonce. Jr 1966a. Plujtophłhora ciii-namomi and Pythium species associated with loblolly pine dccline in Louisiana. Plant Disease Reporter 50(S):596-597. (ec).

* __1966b. Problem analysis, site conditions and

Southern pine beetleattacks. (Rev.). United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station SO-2203-6.0. 4 p. 0-

-- 1968a. Oleoresin exudation pressurc and rclative

water contcnt of inner bark as indicators of mois-ture stress in loblol!v pines. Forest Science 14(4):392-398. (ec).

--196Sb. Soil and stand conditions related to Southern pine beetle aetivitv in Ilardin County, Texas. Journal of Economic Entoinology 61:565-566. (ec).

__ 1973. Declining pines associated with bark beetle

activity in Allen Parish, Louisiana. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest E.\periment Station, Research Notę SO-163. 3 p. (ec).

-- 1976. Stop 2, Sam Houston National Forest: Site-

stand relationships and the Southern pine beetle. Pages 25-26 in Forest/soil/geology relationships at selected southeast Te.xas forest sites: a field trip guidebook. TAM U, Forest Science Research Notę 3. (ec ms).

--1978a. Developing stand riskelasses for the Southern pine beetle. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Ex-periment Station, Research Paper SO-144. 9 p. (cn ec).

-- 1978b. Researching the Southern pine beetle.

Ames Forester 65:35-16. (cn).

--19S0a. Loblolly pine stocking levels affect poten-

tial for Southern pine beetle infestation. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 4(4): 162-165. (cn).

--19S0b. Rating stands for susccptibility to SPB

(southem pine beetle). Pages 153-163 in R. C. Thatcher, J. L. Searcy, J E. Coster and G. D. Hertel (eds.), The Southern pine beetle. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Serviee, Technical Bulletin 1631. 266 p. (ec).

-- 1984. Should smali infestations of Southern pine

beetle receire control priority? Southern Journal of Applied Forestry-8(4):201-205. (cn).

Lorio. Peter Leonce. Jr.. and William II Bennett.

1974. Recurring Southern pine beetle infestations ncar Oakdale, Louisiana. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Scrvice, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Research Paper SO-95. 6 p. (cn ec).

Lorio. Peter Leonce. Jr.. and John D Hodces. 196Sa. Microsite effeets on oleoresin exudation pressure of largc loblolly pines. Ecology 49(6): 1207-1210. (ec).

__1968b. Oleoresin exudation pressure and relative

water eon tent of inner bark as indicators of mois-ture stress in loblolly pines. Forest Science 14(4):392-39S. (ec).

__1971. Microrelicf, soil water regime and loblolly

pine growth on a wet, mounded site. Soil Science Society of America, Proceedings 35(5):795-S00. (ec).

__ 1974. Host and site factors in Southern pine beetle

infestations. Pages 32-34 in T. L. Payne, R. N. Coulson, and R. C. Thatcher (eds.), Southern pine beetle symposium. Texas Agricultural Experi-ment Station and United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Scrvice, College Station, Te.\as. 57 p. (ec).

--1977. Tree water status afTccts induced southem

pine beetle attack and brood production. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Serviee, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Research Paper SO-135. 7 p. (ec hb).

__1985. Thcoriesofinteractions amongbark beetles,

associated microorganisms, and host trees. Pages

485-492 in Third biennial Southern Svlvieultural


Research Conference, Proceedings. Atlanta, Georgia, 7-8 Novcmber 1984. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Scrvice, Southern Forest Experiment Station. (cn ec).

Lorio. Peter Leonce. Jr . YircilK Howe, andCarolyn N Martin 1972. Loblolly pine rootingvaries with microrelief on wet sites. Ecology 53:3134-1140. (ec).

Lorio, Peter Leonce. Jr.. G. N. Mason, and G L. Autry. I9S2. Stand risk rating for the Southern pine beetle: integrating pest management with forest management. Journal of Forestry 80:212-213. (cn).

Lorio. Peter Leonce, Jr .and R A Sommers. 1980. Gulf Coastal Plain (Louisiana). Pages 23-39 in J. E. Coster and J. L. Searcy (eds.), Site, stand, and host characteristics of Southern pine beetle infestations. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Technical Bulletin 1612. 115 p. (cn).

__1981. Use ofavailable resouree data to ratę stands

for Southern pine beetle risk. Pages 75-7S in R. L. Iledden, S. J. Barras, and J. E. Coster (eds.),

1 Iazard-rating systems in forest insect pest management: symposium proceedings. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report WO-27. 169 p. (cn).

Lorio. Peter Leonce. Jr.. and David O Yandle. 1978. Distribution of lightning-induced Southern pine beetle infestations. Southern Lumberman 235(2920): 12-13. (cn).

Lorio. Peter Leonce. Jr . ano S J Zarnoch 19S4. Cal-culating tree bole surface area for estimating popu-lations of the Southern pine beetle (Coleoptera:


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