for O. fusiformis. Af. nancllus n.$p. is described from soil around Ihc roots of Zea m1ys in Nigeria. It differs from Af. acarayensis in being morę slender (a = 24 to 30 against 20 to 24 in M. acarayensis) witb flner annules, in havmg a morę anterior vulva (V = 57.8 to 61.6 against 64 to 66) and a taił 1.5 to 2.1 times the vulva-anus distance long (1.3 to 1.4 in Af. acarayensis). Af. tantalus n.sp. is described from soil around the roots of tomato (type host), P. purpurowi and Saccharum sp. in Malawi. It differs from Af. acarayensis in having lateral fields originating some distance behind the spear base, a smaller T/V-A ratio (0.96 to 1.13) and in having a straight elongate-conoid taił with straight, pointed termin us. Af. tantalus differs from Af. andrassyi in having a shorter female taił with a sharply pointed but not hooked tip (hookcd in Af. andrassyi), a smaller spear (8 ^m against 10 to 11 jim in Af. andrassyi) and coarser body annules (1.4 p.m wide in mid-body against 1.0 to 1.3 pm in Af. andrassyi).

0 24? Taylor, D. P.; Luc, M. Obserrations on Sarisodera afrlcana (Nematoda: Heterodcridae): redescription of anterior end of females and occnrresce of jnreniles with aberrant tails. Revue de Nćmatologic (1979) 2 (1) 111-114 [En] Lab. de Nfanatol.. ORSTOM, B P. 1386, Dakar, Senegal.

En tire females of Sarisodera africana were obtained from roots of Panicum nuutimum in hydroponic culture and the anterior region is described for the first time. The “neck" is smali, usually bent at a right angle to the long axis of the body and the eutiełe is 1.5 to 2 um thick. The oval orał aperture is in the centre of a rouahiy r cc tang u lar first annule or labial disc: no papillae or amphids were seen. The stylet is thin, curved, 25 to 27 p.m long with rounded, baekward sloping knobs and the dorsal oesophageal gland opening is 3

Cm behind them. There is a well-devek>ped muscular median ulb 25 to 30 by 22 to 25 firn in size; only one nucleus was seen in the ovoid basal bulb; the eacretory porę is leve) with the base of the oesophagus. Of juveniles hatched from cysts in water 5% had aberrant tails.

Treatments with the herbicides chlorpropham (isopropyl m-chlorocarbinilate), DCPA (dimethyl tetrachloroterephthala-te), and UPTC (S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate), alone or in combination with Meloidogyne hapla, significantly reduced the growtb of both nematode-resistant łNev Syn XX1 and susceptible ‘Ranger’ alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seedlings. Af. hapla infection of both alf alf as was reduced by all herbicides because of fewer available infective courts in the treated plants. EPTC, however, reduced resistance to Af. hapla, as mdicated by inereased gal ling of ‘Nev Syn XX’ plants.

0262 Sharma, N. K.; Setw, C. L- Interrelationshlp between Meloidogyne Incognita, Heterodera cąjani and Rhizobium sp. on cowpea (Visma sinensis    5•V) Indian

Journal of Nematology (1976, publ. 1979) 6 (2) 117-123 [En] Division of Nematology, Indian Agric. Res. InsL, New Delhi-110012, India.

In a pot experiment Vigna sinensis seedlings were inoculated witb Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera cajani and Rhizobium singly or in combination. Both nematode species significantly reduced plant growth, nodulation and shoot nitrogen content. Symptoms following inoculation with both species together were morę severe than with either species alone. Both species penetrated and developed in root n od ul es. Af. incognita reduced the nitrogen content morę than H. cajani. Inoculation with rhizobia reduced cyst formation but not gali formation.

0 25 3 Sharma. N. K.; Sethi, C. L. Influence of Meloidogyne    incognita    and Heterodera    cajani    on

carbohydrate content of cowpea. Indian Journal of Nematology (1976, publ. 1979) 6 (2) 171-173 [En] Division of Nematology, Indian Agric. Res. Inst., New Delhi. India.

Seedlings of Vigna sinensis (varieties Pusa Barsati and Barsati mutant) were inoculated with 1000 Meloidogyne incognita or Heterodera cajani larvae. 45 days after inoculation infection with Af. incognita had resulted in an inerease in non-reducing sugars in the shoots of both varietics and an inerease in reducing sugars in Pusa Barsati. The sugar content of the roots decreased. Infestation with H. cajani decreased reducing sugar eon centra tion in the shoots of both varieties and inereased the non-reducing sugar content in the shoots and decreased it in the roots. Accumulation of non-reducing sugars in shoots of H. ca/am-infested plants was morę marked than in shoots of Af. wcognita-infesteó plants. Nematode infection inereased the total carbohydrate content and aflected the ratio of reducing/total soluble carbohydrate.

02 49 Syeriges UtsADESFORENING [Annual report 1977/78.] Arsredovisning 1977/78. SValov, Sweden. (1978) 101 pp. [Sv] From Plant Breeding Abstracts 49 (4), 2339, 2344.

Selection for resistance to Ditylencbus dipsaci in luceme variety, Lesina, has given variety Sv0672 which is being included in trials.

0 2 5 0 BOPAlAH, B. M.; PATIL, R. B.; ReDDY, D. D. R. Effect of Meloidogyne JaranJca on nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fbtation in mtmg, Vigna radia ta. Indian Journal of Nematology (1976. publ. 1979) 6 (2) 124-130 (En) Dep. of Microbiology, Univ. of Agric. Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore, India.

In a pot experiment Vigna radiata seedlings were inoculated with 3000 Meloidogyne javanica larvae/pot and with Rhizobium either before nematode inoculation, at the same time or several days later. Nematode infection retarded plant growth but if the plants were inoculated with rhizobia simultaneously, or 2 to 7 days later, growth was normal. Nodulation was significantly reduced when nematode inoculation preceded rhizobia inoculation. The nitrogen content was significantly high er when Rhizobium inoculation preceded nematode infection.

34)261 GRIFFIN, G. D.; ANDERSON, J. L. Effects of DCPA, EPTC, and chlorpropham on patbogenicity of Meloidogyne hapla to alfalfa. Journal of Nematology (1979) 11 (1) 32-36 [En] Utah State Univ., Logan,.Utah 84322,


:K)2 54 Taha, A. H. Y.; Kassab, A. S. The histopathological reactions of Vlgna sinensis to separate and concomltant parasitisra by Meloidogyne Jaranica and Rotylencbnlus reniformis. Journal of Nematology (1979) 11 (2) 117-123 [En] Plant Protection Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt.

In a pot experiment seedlings of Vigna sinensis were inoculated with 2 egg masses of Meloidogyne jaranica ot 50 cgg masses of Rotylenchuius reniformis or both together. Histopathological examination of the infected tissue snowed that Af. javanica initiated giant cclls in the vascular

rnchyma and syncytia in the cortex of bacterial n od ul es.

reniformis caused mild hypertrophy of pericycle and endodermal cells in roots and nodules. Syncytia were also formed in roots and nodules. A ring of hypertrophied pericycle cells was formed as a result of multiple infections with R. reniformis. In the plants infected with both species, each species produced its own chara cteristic response independently.

0 2 5 5 Walters, M. C. The possible status of parasitie nematodes as limiting factors in maize production in South Africa. In Proceedings of the 2nd South African maize breeding Symposium, 17-19 March, 1976, Pictermaritzburg, Na tai. Organized by the Department of Agńcultural Technical Serrices. Publication Na 2 (Edited by HO. Gerers). South Africa. (1979) 112-118 [En, Discussion pp. 118-122. Technical Communication No. 142)

A survey of plant-parasitie nematodes was madę in tbe 119 major maizc-producing areas of South Africa. The dominant


0 24 8 Hunt, O. J.; HartmaN, B. J.; Thyr, B. D.; Peaden, R. N. Registration of alfalfa germplasm, NMP1 9 (Reg. No. G.P. 93). Crop Science (1978) 18 (4) 697 [En] Nev. Agric. Exp. Sta., Reno, USA. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 49 (4), 2794.

The luceme germplasm, NMP-9, is resistant to 3 Nevada, USA region populations of Meloidogyne hapla.


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