
How have we as a global society come to find ourselves in this peculiar political moment?

Why is it so difficult for the mainstream media to imagine left-wing alternatives to the problems that we have?

Why do populism and fascism seem to be logical conclusions to our situation for so many people around the world?

Why haven't we foreseen the symptoms for something that is a repetitive mechanism in our history?

Why do we allow these things to happen?

Why is it so difficult to make them stop?

Why do we go home after the protests?

What is the point of the protests?

Is it going to get worse?

How can we change this situation?

Are we capable of understanding the other side?

Are there any new methodologies that will allow us to not repeat the same errors?

Why is there another side and how did we find ourselves on this side?

Who can answer our questions?

Why don't we ask the psychologists?

Does the majority even care about what's going on?

How is right-wing populism related to capitalism?

Why don't we invite the other side to the discussion?

Why don't they come?

Do they come?

What can we do to invite the other side to our discussions so they have an opportunity to listen and we have an opportunity to listen to them?

What if they come with axes?

Are we afraid of this bipolarization?

Are we afraid of binary opposition?

Do we believe that binary opposition exists?

Are we afraid in generał?

Are they afraid?

How is this isolationist mentality the consequence of a desire to create a coherent worldview and a coherent feeling of home and safety?

How do we create coherence and strategies that help us to understand the world and what's going on and let us sleep at night with all the complexity that we find?

How can we be surę that the things we find bad are really bad for the rest of the population?

Are we patronizing sometimes?

Are we facing a dead end road? When all these divisions have been expressed before, so many times, are we facing a dead end?

How do we know that our way is the best way?

Do we think that the so-called other side believes as strongly that their way is the best way as we do?

What are the steps of the educational processes in this gamę that we're playing?

How important is education—from primary education to high school—in the recreation and repetition of those divisions?

Isn't it often when someone from your own family—your father, mother—tells us what side we are on?

What is the impact of the media and the politicians?

How to stop the polarization?

Isn't this polarization another gamę that the media is based on?

What if someone who is very close to you—a family member for example—moves on to the other side?

Why is the space between opposite sides so smali?

Why is there no middle?

Did you cali the battlefield smali?

Why does there have to be a battlefield?

Is there any battlefield?

When did the battlefield appear?

How is the battlefield influenced by the media and redesigned by the media viewers?

Aren't the media viewers the population themselves—the society?

Are they us?

What does it mean that we're having this conversation inside an exhibition and how does this set-up influence the situation?

Aren't the exhibition spaces the exact spaces to talk about important issues?

Is it accessible for everyone?

If not, why?

Why do people prefer to spend their time in shopping malls not thinking about so-called important issues?

Are these issues that we are talking about really important for the average person?

Who is the average person?

Why is our conversation in the CCA and not in the shopping mail?

Why are we not in the shopping mail?

Can we go to the shopping mail next time?

Would anyone join us if we were sitting like this in the shopping mail? What would guards say? Is it possible to talk like this in a commercial space?

How fast would we arrive in the panie room?

Why do we have to think about these things?

What kind of things?

Why did this topie appear? Why can't we just imagine going to the shopping mail to have a conversation?

Why do you think we are not the people who spend time in the shopping mail?

Why do we think that the shopping mail is morę authentic than the art museum?

What is the art museum for other people?

Why does less than one percent of inhabitants of Warsaw spend their time in art museums?

Why don't they try to change it?

Why is it a global reality that a minority of the population visits museums and other educational spaces out of free will?

How come consumption is a morę important feature of our society and is morę common than education and conversation?

Why is it so hard to answer these questions in my head with the views I had before?

Does your view change while we're in conversation?

Why don't I think so?

Why don't we negotiate the function of places, institutions, places to talk about important issues?

Why do we open these public spaces and people still don't come?

What did we do wrong?

What do we do well?

Are museums spaces of authority?

Are we being surveilled right now?

Are we seen?

Do we care?

What is the authority of the museum, what does it exclude, and how is it endangered by fascism?

How is the museum a space of protection for different mindsets that can be explored?

If the space is exclusive, does it protect us or someone else?

What if they are not coming because they don't feel that they are inclusive?

What if it goes back to education again?

What if us as kids were not taken to museums by force, by need, by someone else?

How can we change education to an influence?

Should museums be morę inclusive of the perspectives of the right?

How would it change our point of view on museums?

Should museums work on their educational missions?

What if those museums then show that humans and dinosaurs walked together thousands of years ago?

What is the difference between a museum and a Center for Contemporary Art?

What is the difference between a center for contemporary art and other contemporary institutions?

What if we could create some morę safe place inside the institutions?

What if to all the questions that we ask, you in your mind have different answers than I do?

How can I be surę that we are having a conversation?

How is it possible that I think that you have the same answers as I have?

What makes you so surę?

Is it too early to have any answers?

What is the role of the artist in society?

What is the role of the curator in opening up institutions to civil society?

What is the role of architecture and design of exhibitions in the process of audience-making?

Why are our museums in palaces and manors and castles?

Why are the walls white?

And why are they also and bunkers and fortresses and spaces of former violence?

Why do those who want to change it would rather meet not in those palaces but in spaces that are fundamentally the exact opposite?

Why would we like to escape the bipolar division?

Why are we so surę we are on the same side against the other side?

Don't we need to keep those sides?

What if there are no sides?

If there are no sides, what is there?

Are the sides being constructed?

Doesn't the construction make them exist?

Which side—if the sides really exist—is bigger?

Is the fascist the new "other"?

Are there morę than two sides?

Is it bi-polar?

Are there sides and sideways?

Isn't there a little bit of fascism within all of us?

Was it always there?

How do we fight the fascism within ourselves?

How do we reduce our own ego in that process?

How can people still say "I'm not interested in politics"?

What if through social media a lot of the values that we knew before have changed?

What if some young anarchist would like us to pose for photos for an Instagram page? What happens when we can buy "punk" jeans at HSM Stores because they're mass-produced?

Are the sides we need as elear as they used to be before when we invented those bi-polar oppositions?

How has social media become a tool for campaigning and how can we use it for an emancipatory campaign?

What makes social media so social? Isn't it by chance antisocial? What if it breaks former social behaviors into fuli alienation, producing even morę antisocial profiles of individuals?

How can we use social media to demolish fascism, racism and capitalism?

What is fascism? What does it all include?

Are we fascist too?

What if hate differs from love by just one percent?

What if one percent matters?

One percent of what?

Is there such a thing as empirical truth, of objective truth?

Can I answer this question with "no"?

Who will answer these questions for us?

If we reject the idea of truth, do we lose everything along with it?

If we agree that truth is a fiction, what then happens to history?

What if there are too many individual truths depending on context?

Can we invite ... to our next meeting?

What is the difference between a fact and the truth?

Why do we talk about such important things but our politicians don't?

Is non-fascist natural?

How is fascism related to capitalism?

How is fascism not related to capitalism?

Hows does fascism play out in a communist society?

Can there be fascism if there is wealth equality?

Does wealth equality mean that there is enough for everyone?

What if we take all those Container ships that are standing nearby all the countries in Southeast Asia that are filled with all the fridges and technical equipment and hit them on the rocks in India?

Why India?

Why not?

Does it mean something that mainly women participate in this conversation?

How are our genders composed?

Can there be fascism in a matriarchat society?

How is fascism connected with gender?

How is it connected to the roles we play if we decide that life is theater and that we need to play these roles?

Why don't we just draw borders in our country and on one side the fascists could live their lives in fascism and we could fili the other side with our equality, etc?

How similar would that be to all the terrible political systems that we have already experienced here in Europę sitting in Warsaw?

Are any people willing to say that they are fascists?

How is fascism based in the personality?

Is fascism also fed by the idea of leadership?

Who will we name fascists and would he or she cali him or herself "fascist"?

How is it productive to name someone fascist, racist, sexist or xenophobic?

Is "fascist" an insult or is it a typology?

What if they are now amongst us and hearing these names and start hitting us in the face?

Are these terms really necessary in these types of conversations?

If we cali them fascists are they still human for us or just some type of monsters?

Under what circumstances do us become them and they become us?

If we cali somebody fascist are we fascist in the same moment somehow?

Why do I keep thinking of Voltaire's Candide in this context?

Do we treat all people equally?

By calling someone a fascist, do we reproduce those divisions that we are talking about?

When we cali someone a fascist, do they become fascist even if they weren't before?

How does naming imply defending?

Are we open to have such conversations with fascists?

Are we open to any conversations with fascists?

Who knows them?

Are there rules and forms of behavior that are natural for us but at the same time can precede them and might be rules that make gatherings like this exclusive to people who are trained in acting in a specific way and having specific forms of conversations?

What would happen if someone were to join this group who has a very different way of knowing how to act in a group and how to discuss what is dear to us?

What are our values and how do they differ from those we define as fascist?

What if we don't come up with any better ideas for how to improve the world?

Why do we consider fascists to be so different from us? Why do we believe that the gaps in society are not so large?

What if we start from ourselves?

What if we are already doing it now?

What if asking questions changes our thinking?

Aren't we assuming that everyone should think the same? Are we representatives of the society we refer to?

Who are we?

What can we do together?

What if some terms that we believe can help us are misused by political systems?

How can we liberate our vocabulary?

What is the role of language?

Are we speaking the same language as people whom we define as fascists?

Are we speaking the same language as the people here in the circle?

How do we gather morę people like us to change the world? Isn't it beautiful that people from all over the world can feel that they are in community even though they only ask questions?

Should we ask morę questions in our lives?

What is the most important thing to people around the world?

Do you think that people around the world would concur that the most important thing is an object or an emotion? Would they say that it is water or love?

Do we define love in the same way?

What if fascists love as well?

Can you imagine a fascist in love?

Should we start to love fascists?

What if I disagree?

Do fascists go to art exhibitions?

Would fascists come to the CCA to see this exhibition?

How many fascists have already been here to see this exhibition?

Would fascists demolish or enjoy the exhibition?

Would fascists be able to ask questions here with us?

Why can't we see that fascists are people like we are? Would you be able to fali in love with a fascist?

Have you heard the stories about fascists falling in love with their presumed enemies, for example black parole officers, and changing the course of their lives?

If there really are binaries, do we need them?

Do we need binaries in order to be non-fascists?

Where are we going to go with this?

What if we put marks on fascists' coats in order to distinguish them?

Does it make you feel better when you talk about fascists?

Have you ever thought that those whom you don't like should just be executed?

What if fascism starts from these smali things?

What if fascism always starts with division?

Do they have similar conversations?

What institutions do they have?

How many different ways have we tried...

Are our questions similar to conversations in other countries?

How radical can we be in asking questions?

How much are we willing to question?

How many questions have we asked?

How deep can we go?

How are these questions connected to yourself, individually?

What if we imagine a moment when we almost became fascist?

Do we know enough about fascists?

Does it start with ourselves?

What if our education went a different way?

How have we even come to this thought experiment questioning whether we could be fascist?

Have we mystified fascism?

Do fascists ask themselves as many questions?

Do you have this awful feeling that our conversations are better than theirs?

Do we know people on the right?

What if we know people on the right but cannot talk to them?

What would be a topie of conversation that would be open for them to join? How do we open dialogue?

What if the middle ground is not a battleground?

What if we had an exhibition about Islam? How many fascists would come?

What can we do to make change? Do we have power as individuals?

Do we do enough to have conversations with fascists?

What do we share?

Do fascists share our concern that our experience is


Do we all believe that we can make the world better?

Why do you assume that education is not the answer?

What if fascism is madę up by educators?

What if fascism is only based on economy?

What if the left wing madę fascism up?

Which side will win the battle of good and evil?

What if we—the left—are wrong about what we consider to be the best way to fix our global problems? What if we are wrong and they are right?

What else is there?

Do fascists believe in climate change?

Do leftists believe in climate change?

Do fascists like to hurt people?

Would you like to hurt fascists if you met them?

How much is fascism related to poverty?

How much is fascism related to personality and a need to belong to a group?

Why is fascism such an easy ideology?

Is fascism an easy ideology?

Where do we go from here?

What if there is no home because your house is burned?

Are we close to burning houses?

Which houses do you want to burn?

How can we explore morę leftist Solutions to what we believe are problems?

Is fascism the greatest problem?

How does fascism relate to capitalism?

How do we defend society from repetitive mechanisms?

Is fascism in our blood or is it related to specific cultural mechanisms?

Why can't I stop thinking of the fascist love for the Black Forest as some sort of a starting point?


If we can learn and identify the characteristics of a fascist society, what are the characteristics of an anti-fascist society?

What is the opposite of fascism?

Is fascism an ahistorical term?

Do we need to meet a fascist in order to know what fascism is?

How do we know when someone is a fascist?

Have you met a true fascist?

What are the characteristics of a fascist?

Are there fake fascists?

Would anyone refer to themselves as a fascist?

Who exactly is a fascist if we assume that no one would like to cali themselves "fascist"?

Are all fascists the same?

Is it important for someone to self-identify as something in order for that identity to be true?

Why would someone not want to identify as a fascist?

Is "fascist" a label rather than identity?

If you think someone is an enemy, do you cali that person a "fascist"?

Is it possible to describe the characteristics of fascism without using a word that is polarizing?

Would that be a good thing?

What types of things are byproducts of fascism?

Can a society be fascist without the majority of it displaying values or characteristics of a fascist?

What are the values that we share with fascists?

Is it possible that they are right in certain matters or should we ditch the worldview they represent as a whole?

If you had fascists from different societies in a room would they get along?

Why are the values they stand for so important to them? What are they trying to accomplish?

Are we who are not fascists as steadfast and firm in our own values as the fascists are with theirs?

Are they really as steadfast as we think or is this a myth we are building?

What does fascism have in common with internet or technology?

Did fascism begin in the 20th Century?

Why do some people say that environmentalism is fascist? Can we use violence to achieve what we perceive as the greater good?

Could we tracę common characteristics of fascism to consumerism, capitalism and pop culture?

What does fascism have in common with racism and misogyny?

Why do we have so many names for negative notions, but the only word we can cali ourselves is "anti-fascist"?

Why does the term for ourselves have to include the word "fascist"?

Do we all at this table share the same definition of fascism or is it morę of an intuitive term?

Do we know that fascism is a generalized hodgepodge of many different attributes that include a sense of elitism, false populism, traditionalism, technology, warfare as an aesthetic and is inherently racist, misogynistic and stokes fear of the other?

What is fascist language?

Is fascism intrinsic to what we cali western civilization? Or does it emanate in cultures where the fascist ideology is not even disputed?

Are there societies either currently or in the past that have defeated populism through means that were non-violent?

Is there any society which will be absolutely free of fascism?

In what ways was the so-called Communist era in Russia and the USSR a fascist State?

Is micro-fascism the same as fascism?

Is it possible for a modern society to function without some notion of micro-fascism?

Can we even imagine a world free of fascism?

Does talking about fascism give it or them power?

Does the term "anti-fascist" give fascism power?

Does discussing fascism make us morę fearful or morę prepared when we are faced with actual manifestations of fascism?

Could anti-fascism become a fashion?

Do we want it to become a fashion?

If populism is successful through its reliance on the celebrity and elitism of its leaders, how can an anti-fascist movement become popular without falling into the trappings of fascism?

Is it possible to build strong movements without a leader?

Is it possible to become a leader without a strong movement?

Why do some countries have really strong movements that label themselves as anti-fascist while others do not?

Why don't people understand that being a fascist is being against themselves, being against humanity?

Have we given up on humanity in some way?

What does the human have in common with humanity?

Is it possible to function without giving up on humanity in some way?

Did anti-fascists give up on humanity or are they fighting for humanity?

What direction does technology push humans towards, to be anti-fascist or fascist?

What circumstances would need to arise so that fascism would no longer be relevant?

Is the rise of fascism and populism a result of the failure of the left to present a desirable, functional and beautiful alternative to capitalism?

Do we know what we are fighting for?

Is it necessary for an alternative to capitalism to be beautiful?

How does the idea of fascism and anti-fascism shift as you go from countries that experienced so-called left-wing totalitarianism and those who didn't?

Is the popularity of fascism connected with the influence of global capitalism, financial elites, and big corporations?

Are fascists individualists or collectivists?

Are leftists individualists or collectivists?

Can we place the definition of a fascist and fascism on the traditional left-wing/right-wing spectrum?

Is fascism related to the alienation of the individual within our post-modern society and culture?

How do fascist tendencies relate to one's position on the social ladder and their economic circumstances?

What role do aesthetics play?

What would you do if your father or mother was fascist? How do you know they are not?

What would you do if your son or daughter were fascist? How do you know you are not a fascist?

How can we figurę out what we want to be if we know we do not want to be fascist? What do we want to be?

Is there a word that designates the opposite of "fascist"?

Is fascism a goal or a means?

Is fascism a process of becoming or a series of actions or is it a static State?

What happens if someone starts to suspect they might be becoming a fascist?

Does freedom produce fascism?

Do we need surveillance and vigilance in order for people not to become fascists?

What is freedom under capitalism?

What is disobedience under capitalism?

How does art support fascism?

Do people really know what fascism is? Are they aware of the threat that we are facing right now?

Do we exaggerate the threat?

How can we take steps to create an alternative to fascism through our own actions in everyday life?

What kind of actions can we take every day?

Is it possible to fight fascism all by yourself?

If so, what are these gestures?

Is going to antifascist demonstrations "fighting fascism"? Does fascism absorb antifascist manifestations?

Have you been to an antifascist manifestation and, if so, what do you remember about it?

Are we as angry as they are? If not, why aren't we?

Are we as in love as they are?

Who has clearer goals?

Whose goals are we trying to achieve?

What are our goals?

What are their goals?

Why can democracy so easily turn into fascism?

Have you ever thought that you would make an excellent benevolent dictator and be able to fix all the problems of your country if only you were handed power?

Can you imagine an anti-fascist tyranny?

Have you ever thought that a friend would make a great dictator?

Is it possible to steal antifascist rhetoric?

Have you ever thought that you would love to submit to some righteous dictator?

Would we like a benevolent Al?

Wouldn't a benevolent Al be the ultimate wet dream of fascism?

Can fascism function without religion and the idea of God?

How did we get from Al to religion?

Don't you think they are very close? Don't you think the idea of a benevolent Al is identical with a benevolent God?

Is that what we all thought about?

Why is this year's nationalist rally in Warsaw, why was it organized under the slogan, "We want God"?

Do we have any idea what is the connection with the church?

Is it possible to fight the church?

Is it possible to replace the Pope with Al?

Is it still about the Pope?

Will a fascist or a nationalist oppose a figurę of authority like the Pope when this figurę no longer adheres to what this person believes the standards should be?

Is there a powerful and effective way of expressing class anger without becoming a nationalist, misogynist, a populist and a fascist?

Are these terms interconnected or can we imagine each of them functioning in a different structure?

Are we using blanket terms for problems that are very specific and should be solved on their own?

Can we imagine a fascist State that solves the problems of homophobia, gender inequality, racism, and so on?

Can we imagine a fascist state that is good for art?

That creates circumstances for good art?

What are those circumstances? Do we just mean the welfare of artists and institutions or is there something else that the state provide?

Can unethical art be considered good?

Why is the poetry of Marinetti's Italian Futurist/fascist poetry so terribly, disturbingly seductive?

What does it mean to be ethical?

If we know that the greed of individuals and corporations is leading to the ecological destruction of our planet, do we need a totalitarian state to get everyone's individual greed in check and protect us from the collapse of humanity and the world as we know it?

What was the relationship between totalitarianism, nationalism and fascism? Are they identical, interrelated or different?

Aren't totalitarianism and nationalisms qualities of fascism but also phenomena that can exist separately?

Is there something salvageable in the Nazi obsession with blood and soil?

What about basie income—is it a fascist idea?

Is unchecked liberalism an opposite of fascism and a cure for fascism?

What kind of coalitions can we make to successfully fight fascism?

Assuming that fascism stems from the basie need or desire to live in peace, isn't basie income a fascist solution? What makes fascism thrive?

Isn't basie income inherently not fascist sińce it seeks to dissolve the differences of class and race and treat everyone equally?

Isn't basie income destined to be exclusive through nationality? Isn't it going to be only for citizens?

How does fascism replicate itself on a micro scalę?

Do we think that fighting fascism is the best way to fight against this collapse or are there other evils we can name here?

Are social welfare and internationalism both aspects of anti-fascism and are they mutually exclusive?

Can we agree that fascism is a misdiagnosis of the ills of society and an attempt to cure those ills if from a misguided starting point and set of assumptions?

Have we found a better cure?

A better cure than fascism?

Do we even know a cure for the problems fascism is trying to solve?

Do we know the illness?

When do fascists become fascists? At what age? How early can you become a fascist? Or how late?

If all your environment is fascist and all your family is fascist, is it possible to thwart the rise of fascism in yourself?

Can you carry fascism in your genes?

Is modern education fascist?

Is modernism fascism?

What does contemporary art have in common with fascism?

Is enlightenment a form of fascism?

Are museums part of this Enlightenment institution and therefore agents of fascism?

Is it possible to dismantle the house with master's tools?

Do we believe that all refugees should be given safe asylum in the country that they choose or are forced to relocate to?

Should refugees be given citizenship in that nation?

And why not?

Are we able to see Berlin as a Turkish-speaking city rather than a German-speaking city?

If Esperanto was an intemational language, would fascism exist?

Are the endeavors to combat fascism as futile as Esperanto?

Can we think of a better way to combat fascism?

Do we think that our nationalities are the most important parts of our identities?

Why do we have to care about identities?

If you are forced to erase your identity and somehow lose your roots, don't you think you would want to find identity?

Is art possible without identities?

Is anything wrong with having an identity?

Does fascism have a lifestyle?

What do we lose when we only affiliate with those who share an identity with us?

Can we affiliate with those who do not share a large portion of an identity with us without exoticism and feelings of superiority?

How can we make fascists meet morę people from the cultures that they don't know?

If fascists really got to know morę people from far-away cultures would they still be fascists?

Do fascists fantasize about the other?

How mobile are fascists? Why?

Can you see a class structure in fascist organizations even those informal and we would say that the leaders would be upper middle classes, their disciples would be lower middle classes and working classes?

Is there a gender relation within a fascist organization as if the father would be the leader of the kids and women?

If there is a fascist organization which combats gender inequality or antisemitism, which we could say are portions of the antifascist agenda, would we say this is a good thing, as is happening in France for example? Should we try to infect right-wing nationalism with ideas of environmentalism and fighting inequality for them to become morę widespread or should we keep them to ourselves?

Ultimately, is it possible to convince someone to care about something they don't care about?

Don't you feel sometimes that gender inequality is the ultimate source of the rise of fascism around the world? If fascists are reeruiting people into their ranks through propaganda and social media, should we not be seeking to reeruit people from the ranks of the far-right to join our causes like environmentalism, gender equality and racial equality through the use of art and other forms of propaganda?

What do we have to offer and what strategies can we use? Is art a form of propaganda?

Are the art institutions in Poland really as left-wing as right-wing politicians tend to say?

Can we help people turn away from fascist ideas? How can we make the ideas of the left morę accessible?

Can someone who considers him or herself to be left-wing turn into a fascist?

Can we learn morę from people who are on the right?

Is it morę about feeling comfortable or morę about ideas, fascist ideas included?

When will we finally invite those people to roundtable discussions like this?

Could we invite people whom we meet at the march on Saturday?

Would they be welcome?

Would they feel at home?

Should they be welcome?

Are we ready to meet them?

Is it actually necessary?

If they invited us would we even go?

Would they ever invite us to their meeting?

Would they find the questions we are posing relevant or just as obstructions to their goals?

Should we demonstrate disagreement for their actions or make them feel as partners or equal sińce we believe in equality?

Why were we on the left unable to celebrate the failure of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was widely opposed by the left, because the trade agreement was opposed by President Trump who we say stands for everything that we are against?

Why can't we recognize that there are some victories that we share and celebrate those moments together?

Would you be happy to march alongside a fascist in an attempt to gain something that you find valuable politically?

Would you be willing to march alongside someone whose overall political identity you find distasteful if you could achieve a valuable political win through coalition?


Why is there no affirmative word for the anti-fascist movement? Why do we (or they) only speak of ourselves in the negative?

Would it be possible to come up with a single term that satisfies everyone who recognizes themselves as antifascist?

What could those words actually be?

Wouldn't it be frightening if there was a single word that meant everything the same for everyone?

But why are we called anti- something?

Are we always fighting with something?

Why do we have to be in the opposite?

Is there a different motor of solidarity than an enemy? Would it be possible to ask what is the phenomenon that the fascist movement represents that is so unwelcome by anti-fascists?

What is the characteristic of the fascist movement that unites the other side? Would that be freedom?

Is it true, what Lacan once said, that the only thing that brings people together, or brotherhood, is through segregation?

Why do people need segregation to come together?

Why do people need labels?

Why do people come together through segregation?

How do people come together through segregation?

What about those people who fali through the cracks of segregated groups? How do they come together?

What if segregation is natural?

Why is it so hard to ask questions?

Why do we keep trying to answer the questions?

Do we have a space in the public forum to ask important questions?

Where would that space be? The museum? The educational center? The church?

Why do people believe in God?

Why was one of the primary slogans at the nationalist march "We Want God"?

What is the need behind looking for God?

Why do people always need someone to stand behind them? Why do people always seek an idea to follow?

Is it possible to follow morę than one idea?

Is it possible to follow only one idea?

Is it normal to follow opposite ideas?

Why are we afraid to ask questions?

Why do we have to know everything right away?

What does it have to do with capitalism?

Why do people choose to join the march on 11 November at a time when there were evident racist comments and slogans?

Why were there so few people at the anti-fascist march? Why don't people feel that they have to join the antifascist march?

Why do I think that it's obvious that you have to join the mach?

Why is it obvious?

Is it obvious?

Why do people hate each other?

Why do people love each other?

What is the reason the police don't take away the racist banners from the protestors?

Why didn't some people at the march say something about the banners?

Do the slogans really represent their needs and desires? Is it elitist to assume that people who think differently than you—who express ideas and sentiments you consider problematic—are confused?

Is it possible that these slogans were only used for PR reasons?

Does the media benefit from polarization?

Do these types of slogans help in reeruiting others?

Are those people blindly following others or is it truły what they mean?

What's wrong with someone saying what they think?

What if it is offensive?

What is offensive?

What is the difference between something "offensive" and something that incites violence against others?

Is there a difference between something "offensive" and something that incites violence?

Why do people feel that violence is the only option?

What is the reason behind all of this?

Is it morę important to be heard or understood?

How will we remember this year?

How will we remember this evening?

What if these Neo-Nazis are people as well?

Why do some people think they are better than other people?

And why do some people not think that they are better than others?

Do we think that we are better than others?

Can we really not think that we are better than other people?

Why is mass media or technology morę suitable for nationalists?

If it is true that it is better to be heard than understood, would it mean that the whole source of that situation is an inferiority complex?

Is the march therefore a platform for expression, not for change?

Why do people like to complain when they shouldn't?

Why shouldn't they complain?

Why do they like to compete?

What hurts them?

Aren't we all hurting?

What does being hurt lead to?

Can we differentiate correctly between pain and pleasure? Why is it so easy for people to believe in something?

Is it easy for people to believe in something?

Why is it so hard to slow down and just listen and ask questions?

Why is it hard to understand that some people have different beliefs than us?

Why do we think that our opinion is relevant?

Can we distinguish between "different" and "better" or "worse"?

How do we know that we know better?

How do we know our truth is the real truth?

How do we know our news is the real news?

Why do we still believe them?

How do we get real news?

Can we get the whole truth by being present?

How do we know that we know?

Why do we identify ourselves with the country we were born in?

Is it truły necessary to identify with the country we were born in?

Why do we have a need to know our roots and where we belong?

Why do we have a need to identify?

What are the positive sides of identification with the nation or the state where you were born?

Why do we need to have passports?

What if looking for an answer is not an answer?

Why does populism go hand in hand with nationalism and fascism?

How can we formulate anti-fascist visions so that they are actually understood by people?

Would it be okay to use the same tools in order to win this fight?

Why do we say that it's a fight?

Why do people act like it's not a fight?

What are we talking about?

Will a multiplicity of truth cause chaos in an understanding of things?

If there are lots of truths, will they cause chaos between themselves?

Was it ever different in history?

Is it possible to connect with people through things that are very frail, delicate, soft, not easy to grasp?

Do you mean if we could befriend the fascists?

Why are young people afraid of the futurę in our country? Why is it so hard to respect others' opinions sometimes? Why do people always anticipate wars?

Why does fear always lead to fascism but never the opposite?

Does the past or the futurę exist?

Is fascism connected with a trauma?

Should we consider every person at the November 11 march a nationalist or as a fascist?

Is "nationalist" a derogatory word?

Why shouldn't we consider everyone at the march as a radical nationalist if they are walking behind banners that are racist?

Why don't we talk about what we can do rather than what others shouldn't do?

Do I do enough?

Do we believe that everyone at the November 11 march was a Nazi or a nationalist?

Why couldn't they think for themselves?

Why did they agree to walk behind those slogans?

Is it bad not to know about this march?

Is it possible that the majority of these people didn't see those racist banners?

Why do we think that all the people walking at the march were only behind those slogans?

Why do we think it is strange to walk on this day if you

are a foreigner?

Why do people stare at me?

Why are men asking morę questions than women?

Why do you think that's a bad thing?

Why did you count and why does it matter?

What is the first step out from the fear that comes from being lonely?

Why do people want to have such big influence over other

people's lives?

Does it make life harder to be a part of a group?

Why do I feel nervous when someone asks me to repeat my question?

Why are people so afraid of people who are choosing to be an outsider?

Why are outsiders called strangę or weird?

Why does it feel strangę to accept a transgendered person in my female sports team?

Why don't people like change?

Is it true that people don't like things that they don't know?

Why are people afraid of changes?

Why must we have change?

Are the people around the world who are identifying increasingly with nationalism facing economic pressures that we on the left are not adequately addressing and discussing?

Does the left or the right still exist?

Why did some people at the march cover their faces?

If the marchers associate with the church, why is the church not doing anything about so much violence represented by the banners at the march?

Wasn't the church present at the march?

What question would we ask every person in Poland if we could?

How far are we willing to go?

Do people actually mean what they say?

What does it mean to speak?

What does it mean to understand?

What if some people just treated this march as a big party?

Why do we have to talk about the march?

What if they are right?

What do you mean?

What if that is what God is like?

Why do we believe in God?

Shouldn't God and belief be personal? Why are they so politicized and madę into something public that can also be manipulated?

Why do people feel that they can force others into faith? Why do people believe in God but don't believe in themselves?

Is religious manipulation the very basis of this problem? What if it's no one's fault but the system that Controls everyone that we cannot escape?

Why do so many people follow the system?

Is there a way to not be in a system?

Is it obligatory to follow the system?

Are you aware that you are not in the system?

Can fascism exist only on a national level but also on a personal level like in a fraternity?

Why don't we have interesting artworks from the right wing?

Why is art the domain of the left wing?

Is that true?

Has the right wing stopped believing in the power of art to transmit values and ideas?

Has the left?

Is this postmodernism?

What do you consider to be interesting?

Can you name an artwork which is important that has nationalist ideał?

Can you name Italian futurist artists?

Why don't our English lessons look like this one?

Why doesn't school look like this?

For whom should the arts be important in order for us to consider it as having importance? Is it a question of who or a question of how many?

Who makes the decisions about what is important and what is not?

And why do we trust them?

Was the nationalist march really the best possible party? How can we organize an alternative bigger and better party?

Do messages that we feel are inclusive make others feel excluded?

Why do most people just think and talk but do not act and do?

Does that include us as well?

Do I deceive myself into thinking I am making an impact? What is the connection between protest and real transformation of society?

Can protest change anything anymore?

And if not, what else can we do?

Can not doing anything change something?

Why are we morę and morę divided as a society?

Why are we divided within our respective countries all over the world?

Is it connected to wealth inequality?

Has it always been connected to wealth inequality?

Has it always been connected to race?

Is there a difference between protest and a manifestation? And does it make sense that a manifestation is an act of promoting something in a positive way rather than protesting against something? Shouldn't we promote what we are for rather than what we are against?

What is the difference between love and obsession?

Why is it easier to love someone but not yourself?

Is it possible to love someone if you don't love yourself?

What is love?

Why do we ideałize love?

Why do we pay taxes if we don't agree with how the money is being spent by the government?

Do we have another option?

Why do we go to jail when we don't pay taxes?

Why do we have jails?

Why did police beat the protesters at the November 11 march a few years ago?

How many of us sitting here today have actually physically been, either as a researcher, a visitor or as someone who was being held, inside a jail?

Why haven't you been inside a jail?

Shouldn't we all go?

How can the US believe that it's spreading freedom when we incarcerate morę people per capita than anywhere else in the world?

Aren't jails just the legalization of slavery?

Why do we think that jail is a bad idea?

Why do we think it is good?

Do we have any proof that jail has ever done anything positive for the world?

Can we find a better solution for people who hurt us?

Should we?

Why should we?

Why was this year's November march with so many people without damages?

Would you not be afraid if a murderer was not in jail?

Who is a murderer?

Is a murderer a human being?

Does a criminal have human rights?

Does a criminal cease being a person after a criminal act?

Why be racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic when you could just be quiet?

Why are minorities considered a threat by the majority? Why do we cali a place for separation for people who are dangerous to society "jail"?

Why aren't we calling "human rights" "human lefts"?

How can we say that there were no damages at the march if minorities, people of color, queer people, trans people feel that their lives are in danger and are unwelcome in their home?

Why was I afraid on that day to walk alone in the Streets of Warsaw?

What does it mean when foreigners feel afraid to walk alone?

Why was there a sense of aggression at the march?

Can we collaborate without aggression?

Why did it happen only in Warsaw?

Why do you think it only happens in Warsaw?

What are the elements of our daily lives that we are ignoring when we concentrate on the events of the march? Why do we forget about celebrating independence?

Can we celebrate independence and still celebrate togetherness?

Were they really celebrating independence or something


Can we celebrate history without using violence or without performing violence?

Do Polish people like to celebrate, to go out to the streets and have fun?

What if we had morę fun on the streets together? Would there still be space on the streets for marches like a couple of days ago?

What if those people really wanted to have fun?

What if aggression is fun for some people?

Why do people concentrate only on aggressive things?

Why is football connected to nationalism around the world?

Why is an average young Polish guy right wing?

Why do you think it's just guys?

Do average people exist?

Do you mean the majority?

What if there are morę young men who are not nationalists but they just don't know?

Why do we need to talk about these labels?

Why do people feel the need to label other people? Is it making things easier?

How would the planet look if people focus on the things that join them and not separate them?

Do we have things in common with the people we are calling "nationalists"? Do we have values that we share?

Who really started the aggressive behavior towards something different?

What if it is human naturę to be aggressive toward difference?

What if it's been in the world sińce whenever?

Then why should we continue it?

Why do we not evolve?

What if it's a vicious circle?

What if history doesn't really exist?

Was it really so much better for the last 15 years?

Why does almost everyone find this complexity ugly somehow?

Why should we always compare things to find the answer or find something better or worse?

Is there another way?

What will happen as climate change gets worse and we face increasing pressure on our local systems? As there are massive population shifts causing pressures that nationalists are perhaps afraid of, will some of us be swayed by their arguments?

Is it okay to celebrate independence if it was achieved by violence?

What if talking with people who believe the same things that you believe is really not the most important thing right now?

What would be the right thing to do?

Are we ready to welcome a nationalist or a fascist to this circle? What would this conversation look like? What questions would we ask them? What questions would they ask us?

Isn't separating nationalist discourse from public debate the right thing to do?

Is a consensus possible?

In what sense would this conversation actually make sense and be constructive?

If there were a nationalist person—a strong right wing person—here, would they actually ask any questions?

How do we know there are not nationalists in this circle? Can we assume that this half of the room and the other is not, just by talking?

Can we assume that the people who are wearing black are nationalists?

Have you asked yourself if you are a nationalist or not? Don't you want God?

What is the origin and logie behind people—usually white people—looking down at Black people?

Why do Black people always think that you are looking at them because they're black and not because they are, for example wearing nice clothes?

Or maybe they just wonder?

How do you know what Black people are always thinking? Have you asked them? All of them?

Haven't you mentioned before that you are looked at in a negative way?

Why are people always staring at me?

Why do we talk about negative things?

Why do you think this is a negative conversation?

Doesn't it lead to the conclusion that enemies unitę?

Do we know what to do to change things?

Can all those who have already asked questions stay quiet for two minutes and allow those others as well?

Do those people who have not already asked things want to ask questions?

Can we speak about something morę pleasant, like food?

If you are quiet in a smali group like this, how can you voice your concerns on a larger scalę?

Why is there a sense of pressure?

Why are people afraid to tell what they think?

Why do you think people want to speak?

Why is it so important for people to have the ability to be heard and listen?

Why do smallest dogs bark loudest?

Why is it comfortable to be quiet?

Is it so comfortable to be quiet?

Why are people always trying to hide, even from their opinions?

Why do others think that hiding is the easier way?

Are you going to do something with these questions?

Why are we always forced to have an opinion?

Does everyone know what will happen?

Is rejection the worst experience?

What if hate is really not the opposite of love? What if the opposite of love is total indifference?

Why do some people hate their own country?

Why don't all the conversations we have look like this one?

What if behind hate there is some beautiful need that every person on this planet has and we just don't see it? What if hate is a freedom, too?

Does any person really want to be evil?

Can anyone think about himself of herself that her or she is evil?

Is it normal to think that we are kind?

If I am supposed to be afraid of everyone at the nationalist march, why did some people go out of their way to be kind to me, and offer me their kind?

Why do we keep talking about the nationalist march?

Why are you afraid to talk about the nationalist march? Why when we hear the word "murderer" do we always think about some serial killer or something and not think that someone might be under some pressure to behave like this—to kill someone?

Why do we always think the way we used to think?

Why do we think up excuses for the things we do?

If we are for death penalty against murderers, are we murderers?

What if we don't need any excuses for our actions?

Why can't we just do what we feel?

What if joining the march for some people was the most important thing in their lives?

How else could they fulfill the same need?

What if feelings make us human and not feeling is evil?

Do we as Polish people secretly feel superior to people from those countries that are less wealthy?

What can we all do after leaving this room and this conversation?

Do you think this whole thing is actually based on any feeling of superiority?

Why don't we feel when someone dies?

What are we to do?

What can we do?

Why don't we even try?

Why is taking drugs bad?

Why do some people kill each other?

Why do we feel a need for respect?

Why should we allow people to kill themselves?

Why are drugs illegal in the first place?

Aren't there morę dangerous things than drugs?

Who decides what is illegal or legał?

What if legalization is a way of criminalizing some people?

Why isn't alcohol considered a drug?

What if legalization is all about business?

What if anarchy is a solution?

Why do we identify with a nation but not its laws?

What is the power of law?

Why do people identify with places or ideas but then don't follow their rules?

If people simply followed the rules would the world be better?

What if we had morę local decision-making?

Why does the Polish national government want to control local governments?

What if things don't get better than this?

Why don't people want to live here? Why are Poles leaving the country?

Is it actually better anywhere else?

What has to happen for people to realize they are controlled?

Is it true that education is training for stupidity and obedience?

Can we in...

Would we be interested in educating ourselves if there was no pressure to do so?

How do you learn your first language?

Is educational development connected to spiritual development?

Do people care morę about learning or about knowing?

Is there such a thing as experience?

Why is there not a global education?

What would global education look like?

Who would teach the classes?

Would global education include everyone's history?

Aren't we deciding what we know every day? Isn't it our choice to know or not know?

Isn't the spectrum of possibilities for knowledge too narrow?

Why do we interpret what is important and what is not important?

What drives us to continue?


Why are we afraid to talk to each other?

Am I stoking my own fear?

Do we believe in divide and conquer?

Who is the conquerer?

Does the media seek to divide and conquer?

On whose behalf are we being divided?

Is there anything wrong with loving your nation? Your state? Your region?

Should we have global citizenship?

If you could choose to be legally stateless, would you? Should we create international cities as an answer to nationalism?

Are identities an accumulation of data, of inputs—of history, experiences, associations, possibilities?

In our minds, where is the linę that divides a healthy love of nation from a problematic one?

Should I smile at fascists? Nationalists?

What are the elements of our daily lives that we are ignoring when we concentrate on the events of the march as the epitome of bad behavior?

Was the nationalist march art?

Should we divide and benevolently conquer the attendees of the nationalist march?

Should we declare war?

Who declares war these days?

Who am I, who are we, without them to compare ourselves to?

Do I still believe that we can change?

By asking questions, do we dismantle our internal fascism?

By asking questions about fascism, do we dilute our truths, our knowledge, and our ethical foundation?

What makes me happy?

Why does it feel so good to be correct?

Is it true that the left is morę cosmopolitan than the right?

Who will write our history?

Why did the media widely promote a sign that wasn't actually at the march? Weren't the real images enough to make a point?

Does it matter that it was not there?

Does it in fact articulate an unspoken opinion morę clearly than the existing banners and chants?

Has fake news always existed?

How much of our history is based on fake news?

Is this fake news a product of confirmation bias or something a little bit morę sinister, like a scion?

How does fake news make our community morę common?

What benefit does the Western media have to portray Poland in this manner?

Why do I realize right now that if there has been so much attention on what's going on Poland, it is not because we are concerned about the rise of Nationalism in Poland but perhaps it is someone else's interest?

Where is George Soros?

Who actually has an interest in portraying Poland as a nationalist and xenophobic country?

Is it Russia?

What does it mean that we want to know whether it is Russia who is burning up this conversation about fake news and nationalism?

Although this rise of nationalism and authoritarianism is definitely a situation here, how insulting is it to compare a Pole to a Nazi, even if they are a nationalist? Why is ONR—an organization directly connected to historical anti-semitism and nationalism—legał in Poland?

Are world powers trying to make their battlefield in Poland again?

Who are the world powers?

Do we as citizens have any impact on how those powers can influence our lives?

How often do we speak to someone who doesn't have exactly the same point of view as we do?

Are we handicapped by our lexicon?

Is it helpful to use the word "Nazi" to talk about a contemporary group?

How can we not cali someone a Nazi if they are sieg heiling at their meeting?

At what point do words lose cease to be specific and become a generalized identity that no longer need their historical context in order to exist in the world?

What is the role of semantics in constructing ideology? How important is historical revisionism when it comes to recycling ideology?

Are art museums the history museums of the left?

How was the world right after the 2nd World War? Would people have liked to be connected to fascism and Nazism at that time and what has happened between the end of the 2nd WW and today that some people do not feel ashamed?

Is it okay to punch a Nazi?

Is that the defining question of our time?

Would it actually help anyhow to use violence against violence?

What's a slippery slope?

What is the difference between an avalanche and a slippery slope?

Fascist or Nazist?

What is the difference between a Polish Nazi and a German Nazi?

Or a Russian Nazi?

Are there differences between Nazis?

Are there many kinds of Nazis?

Narcissism or Nazism?

At what point does a love of one's national identity become problematic?

At what point can you start to love your own nation?

What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism?

Do we love our country?

Do we love ourselves?

Do we love our fathers?

Do we love?

What is love?

Is love the answer?

Have you heard the Beatles?

Was the spectacle that was the Independence Day march a cultural manifestation? Was that a work of right wing art?

How was the Warsaw Uprising used to cement this nationalism within school systems?

To which extent did the Warsaw Uprising Museum help to create the myth of common memory about the Uprising?

Will the right wing uprising conquer art museums next year?

Why is martyrdom prominent in Polish culture?

How is martyrdom connected to Christianity? How is it connected to all monotheistic religions?

Is it possible to make an independent country without nationalism?

What is the role of nationalism today?

If we don't have national borders, how will we ensure that we have enough for our families?

Who are our families?

Where do we draw the linę?

When do we draw the linę on our side of the linę?

Is there something like EU nationalism?

What are so-called European values?

Do we agree with European values?

What are so-called Polish values?

Can a value belong to a nation?

Why do Poles still think hospitality is our national characteristic if we don't want to bring a single in our country? Does Poland still have a right to think that hospitality is our national feature?

Why are Poles not inviting those in need to Christmas supper sińce all of us are leaving one piąte for a stranger?

Will we do something this year about the refugees around Christmas?

Why wait until Christmas to make some big moves, some spectacular event?

Do we wait until Christmas so that we won't have to spend the day with our families?

Was life better before there were national borders?

Before there were nations?

What do we know about those times?

Maybe people had different problems then and we don't know anything about it because there was no media?

Is it time to bring back the City-state?

Or would that be devolution?

Is there such a thing as progress or evolution?

Do we secretly dream of exterminating all fascists?

Would exterminating fascists solve the problem of tensions within society?

Did Hitler have any valid points in Mein Kampf or was it all rubbish?

Are there print copies of Mein Kampf available?

Why is it scorned to read the words of Hitler? Why are we not forced to read what he actually wrote? Are we afraid that his words will be able to sway us?

Why was Zygmund Belmond resigned to a life in exile?

Can you play nations like you play musical chairs?

Is a nation a nation without its own currency?

In what ways is a nation a Corporation?

Can I move to McDonalds country?

Is a Corporation a nation?

Is a Corporation a person?

Are some legał precedents as valued today as when they were decreed?

If we think that nationalism is so problematic, would we be willing to give up our nationality and become stateless persons to make a point? Would we be willing to live without a nation?

What if global corporations already did what you suggested and are national without nations—global?

Why is BlackRock, a Corporation, have morę assets than any other sovereign nation? Why is a Corporation the largest economic superpower in the world?

How do we redistribute wealth? How does that actually work in practice?

How are corporations making us nationally proud of having corporations within our borders?

Why do I have so many questions that I am afraid to even articulate? Why does it frighten me to even articulate questions?

Why do I feel hopeless?

How many of us are truły engaged in any social movement? How do our everyday choices reflect our national bonds— eating and drinking—smali things?

Why do our left-wing social movements feel polarizing and oppressive to me and make me want to crawl into my room and disengage from the world?

Why am I not inspired by our social movements that are active today?

Are social movements possible without leaders?

Why do we face so many problems today and how can we maintain the strength to keep fighting?

Isn't localism in social movements a new kind of nationalism? Choosing local products? Is it a bad thing?

Is economic nationalism different from political nationalism? What about ethnic nationalism?

Aren't generosity, diversity and solidarity the main weapons we could use to fight both capitalism and fascism? Is supporting your local economy a means of redistributing wealth?

How is nationalism connected with the economic state of people?

Do you think multi-billionaires are nationalists? Do they care about nations?

Who are the greatest role models of today?

Does blood decompose in the soil?

What about joy?

Where can we find joy in the world today when it seems that everything we're doing is the wrong move? Wen even something as joyous as glitter has to be banned because even glitter is destroying the world?

What if I can no longer eat my favorite nuts because I found out last week that their production is harmful to workers?

Where did you find cashews with Nazis inside?

Did you know that the favorite superfoods of vegans are completely killing the ecosystems?

Should we just eat meat?

Are vegans the new fascists?

Is vegan ethical?

How do our consumptive choices say about who we are and what we believe in?

Are we aware that being able to make some very basie choices like what we will eat is a privilege of elites? What if there is no ethical consumption at all, either rich or poor?

How come everything today seems so complicated and was it ever morę simple?

How far can it go to take so much time to check if every single product has ethical problems? How much time can we spend doing that?

Is there an app for that?

Should we make one?

Would it really solve world problems?

Or would using it just make some people feel better?

Isn't it important that we do these little things that make us feel like we're making a difference so that we feel like we have some agency to make change in the world and don't just stop trying?

How can we help people have morę agency?

Isn't that what people were doing on 11/11?

Why do people think that violence is an expression of agency? Why do people think that excluding people from a community because of their religion or ethnicity is agency?

What kind of agency do we actually possess in an age of global corporations?

Is choice our agency?

Wouldn't it be better if we all just stayed at home and did work in our own local communities and didn't pollute the Earth with our travel carbon footprints?

What would the world look like without cultural exchange? What if you feel unsafe in your community?

What if we know that all of our communities are going to be irreparably changed in the next 20-50 years by climate change and we know that people are going to have to move across the world?

How are we preparing for the fact that global migration is the futurę?

What kinds of global citizenship can we design to meet the challenges of a migratory futurę?

Are we able to anticipate the problems of tomorrow by examining the problems that we have today?

Is that a science or is that a 4 Chan channel?

Can we actually imagine this revolution we are longing for so much?

Are we willing to give up our own privileges to seek the change we need?

How much can one sacrifice for a bigger cause?

Considering all discomforts that we are all experiencing, aren't we actually really comfortable?

Can we observe that we are actually very comfortable and make something morę of it by imagining that some people aren't so comfortable and are still fighting?

Do we need morę discomfort to fight morę fiercely?

Is change possible without discomfort?

Don't we need to go through something really really horrible to be able to make change?

Aren't we somehow going through something very difficult but we don't want to see it?

Aren't we opportunistic?

How much engagement is enough engagement?

Could we observe that being in this comfortable position we should give and learn morę in order to share morę?

Can we be morę generous?

Why does every change we don't agree with have to be framed as something horrible? Why does the language have to be so emotional where we can't talk to each other without such strong words?

Why are people so greedy? Are we being greedy sometimes? Do we—each of us—owe something to other people, be they our families and communities? Do we owe something to the place and people who reared us?

Are we bound together whether we like it or not?

Is sharing really caring?

Does it matter if sharing really caring if at the end of the day everyone has what they need? Does it need to be altruistic?

Why is the Catholic Church supporting the misinterpretation of its holy book, the bibie, like for example, the myth that humans came to the earth to dominate the earth, and therefore humans want to dominate the whole world?

How come nationalism and xenophobia often go hand-in-hand with a lust for hunting?

Has the human species split into two species—one that derives joy from the violence that it inflicts on the world and another that is horrified by it? Have pacifists evolved morę highly than those who wield violence?

Is it a question of natural evolution or of cultural evolution?

So if it is about those two species and it's culture against violence, and if we sign up to the species of pacifists, aren't we going to be eternally defeated by those who use violence?

Is it possible to fight guns with art?

Isn't the nationalist march right-wing art?

Aren't we using a kind of symbolic violence against those who are physically violent?

If culture produces violence, maybe culture can produce peace?

Why do we have a war museum and not a peace museum?

Can we fight for peace?

Is fight violence?

Can we exchange in our vocabulary the word "fight" for another one so that we don't have to fight for peace?

Can we maybe just say "defense"?

Can we maybe dance peace?

Is defense a kind of fight?

Isn't Polish nationalism based on a desire of defense or a need for defense against some evil forces?

Isn't fear transformed into violence?

If people were fulfilled in their lives—love life or Professional life—would they really care to fight the other or do they want to defend what they have from those whom they are afraid of?

Why does everyone and everything tell us that we should be afraid?

Why do we listen to them?

Why do marketers apply the fear of loss to achieve their ends?

Would people care so much if they were immortal?

What if God exists and we are not making decisions on our own?

If we know divide and conquer is the most effective strategy, and we see that the right wing, from the far-right extremists to those at the center, are being united through this word "nationalism" that we brand them all with, wouldn't it be morę effective to divide and conquer what we are turning into a monolithic group of people and determine what exactly the distinct sentiments are within that group and give them each an approach that responds in a specific way to each group?

Aren't there passivists and antifascists among the most wealthy people in the world? Why don't they fund our cause?

How does inheritance perpetuate the State?

Is it possible to be a pacifist experiencing fear? Is fear something universal and if so, is one able to be a pacifist? Is it possible to be a pacifist with fear?

Is fear something that creates a response, defense mechanism? If fear is something universal that we all experience at some point as we experience joy, happiness? Is pacifism possible? What do fear and defense mechanisms have to do with pacifism?

Do bonobos defend themselves? Do people know about bonobos?

Are humans descended from bonobos or chimpanzees?

What was it in our lineage that caused us to have co-evolved with the bonobos or co-evolved with chimpanzees— what has caused us to fali somewhere in between those two groups?

What if being pacifist or fascist is in our DNA? Can we locate it somewhere, there?

Is it an extension of tribalism?

Wouldn't it solve all the problems if the world would be divided into two halves and on one half we would live and on the other we would put all of them?

Should we really believe our features (futures?) are in us genetically and are not produced in our socialization process?

And what if scientists discover this part of our DNA and decide to cut it out? Wouldn't it be another kind of fascism?

Who will make the decision about whether we should cut out a part of your DNA?




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