
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Jaworski

Praca wykonana w projekcie badawczym KBN nr 6 P202 040 07

Abstract. The main purpose of this study is to present the methodology of topoclimatological classification of relatively smali areas based on specific pattems of energy exchange at the interface earth-atmosphere, and in tum, its suitability for topoclimatological mapping. Apart from the introduction, this paper is organized into three main parts. The importance of energy exchange at the earth-atmosphere boundary („active surface”) in controlling topoclimatic differentiation, forms the main content of the chapter 2. Therefore, the focus of this chapter is on the role of physical properties of the active surface in the energy balance. The aim of the chapter 3. is to present the methods appropriate to field investigations of energy exchange. The chapter 4. is concemed with the cartographic representation of topoclimates. Using the typologies of energy exchange for both day-time and night-time, the finał classification of topoclimates has been elaborated and basie topoclimatological maps have been drawn up. Sixteen types of topoclimates have been distinguished, according to the relative values of main components of energy balance.

Key words: Energy exchange, heat balance, radiation balance, turbulent heat exchange, conductive heat exchange, local climates, topoclimatology, topoclimatological mapping.



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