

d/ Tllkc

e/ bad-lands or 3cab-laads

18, Steep slopee of assymetrical ralleys 19# Barranoos Fluvloglacial forma

I.    Destructlonal forma due to proglaoial water •roslon

1.    Valley-, channe1-sldes out by proglaoial water durlng the fonaer glaciatloas

w urn

with gradients of.....

2.    Sides of glaclcr margln valley tralns /Urstromtal/ out by proglaoial - and extraglacial water durlng the former glaciatlons


with gradients of.....

3.    Sidea of Inherlted gapa

dating frcm the.former glaciatlons


)( )(

with gradients of.....

k,    Trompetentaler

5. Edges and slopes of outwaah /sandur/ terracea and fluvlo-glaclal fans

6* Cut sandur terrace plalns

7.    Old and dry apill-ways

8.    ErosiODal-residuals of the ground moraine

II.    Construotlonal forms due to proglaoial water depositlon

l.    Outwaah /sandur/ plalns oonslstlng of grayel

s and

2. Glacio-fluYlal fan plalns conslstlng of gravel

s and

3* Glaclo-lacustrine plalns conslstlng of clay


km Kama terrace plalns conslstlng of grarei

a and alit

5.    Flurio-glaolal karne ridges and hllls conslstlng of gravel


less than 5m. In height 5 - 10m. In height 10 - 30m. ln height morę than 30xn. ln height

6.    Glaoio-laoustrine karne rldges and hllls conslstlng of sand

sil t


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