Therefore I propose that when morphological survey has not yet started, or is in its preliminary stages, these maps should be taken as starting point. In a following symposium we can discuss in what degree enlarge-ments and changes are necessary for international cooperation. I con-sider here, among others, the cooperation between Galon and Gellert over the glacial accumulation areas; the marked enlargement of the key for the Holocene and coastal regions (the Netherlands, Senegal, Surinam) including areas such as the Sahara.

2. Besides this I should like to fervently plead for a second type of maps of mountain landscapes, in which the substrate is also marked. These are of great importance on the one hand from a functional stand-point, and on the other hand for their significance in morę theoretical problems, such as slope-processes and slope development. In my opinion Jungerius’ map is here the most advanced. Omitting the 34 colors, a sec-tion of the map (fig. 2) together with the topographic basis (fig. 1) and the key is here given as an appendix. If one replaces Jungerius’ map with a morphographical map like those of our Belgian colleagues for example, then, in my opinion, there would be a very important functional map added to morphological survey. My proposal for mountain landscapes is therefore: always make three types of standard maps:

a)    A morphological map, like the Polish map on a scalę of 1 : 50,000

b)    A morphographic-sedimentational detail map (with substrate) on a scalę 1 :25,000, or on a larger scalę if desired.

c)    Finally I should like to plead for an outline map (see map 1 : 200,000 of Czechoslovakia) 1 : 200,000 of all countries.


A n n a h e i m H., Zur Frage der geomorphologischen Kartierung.- Peterm. Geogr. Mitt., Gotha, 1956.

B a k k e r J. P., Causaliteit en wisselwerking in de physische geografie. Gronin-gen (Wolters), 1940.

B a k k e r J. P., De behandeling van het physisch milieu in Nederlandsche sociaal--geografische plattelandsmonografieen. Mens en Maatschappij, 1942, pp. 84—96.

B a k k e r J. P., Dutch applied geomorphological research, notably the research of the physical-geographical laboratory of the Municipal University of Amsterdam. Revue de geomorphologie dynamiąue, 1960, pp. 67—84.

Errata in this article: The figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 have been omltted; p. 71: Fig. 1. Relief of the tidal..., read: Fig. 7. Coversand plateaus in the subsoil of the NW — part of Frlesland (after J. J. Wensink); p. 77: Fig. 11. Grain size freąuency..., read: Fig. 12. Grain size freąuency of the weathering products topping the ferrite-bauxite crust of the Nassau Mountains in Surinam (parent materiał: basalt). No. 990 is a weathering product of schists. Vegetation: savannahforest (after Bakker and Muller); p. 78: Fig. 12. Grain size freąuency..., read: Fig. 11. Grain size freąuency of the weathering products of sandy serizite schists in Surinam underneath tropical rainforest (after Bakker and Muller); p. 78: Fig. 13. The figurę is upside down.

Bulla B. and P e c s i M., Die geomorphologische tlbersichtskarte Ungarns 1 : 200,000. Communication, Symposium — Cracow, 1962.

Czudek T., Demek J., Linhart J., Quitt E., and Stel cl O., Obecna geomorfologicka Mapa 1 : 200,000. Communication, Symposium — Cracow, 1962.

Czudek T., Demek J., Linhart J., Q u i 11 E., and S t e 1 c 1 O., Le-gende fur die geomorphologische Ubersichtskarte der Tschechischen Lander im Masstabe 1 :200,000. Kabinet pro Geomorfologii Ceskoslovenske Akademie ved v Bme. Communication, Symposium — Cracow, 1962.



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