
New equipment and developments by The Audio Editors

A-T Makes It Tiny

Al a mere 2.8 grams, ihe AT-55XE is said 10 he one of the smallesi cartridges


madę. Audio-Technica uses its Vcctor-Aligncd Dual-Magnet design system in the pickup. which is fitied with an cllipti-cal Stylus and tracks belween 1.2 and 1.8 grams. The same design is also buill into plug-in models: the AT-57NE for stand


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The impressive new linę from H.H. Scott, which includes ślini linę compo-nents (Slimcom, Scott calls them) and iwo cassette decks with Dolby C (as well as B). is styled along the lines of the Model 458A integrated amplifier shown here. As. the top model of Scotl’s inte-grateds, ii features such niceties as switchable accessor\ loop in additioo to two lape loops, provision for two speaker pairs.and triple tonę Controls (hass. mid-Range. TRF.BLE). The continuous power rating is 65 watts (18 dBW) per channel, and the price is $350:

Circle 137 on Reader-Senice Curd



Among the lirst products from a company new to the U.S. market is the Cybernet SRC-80 receiver. Rated at 50 watts (17 dBW) per channel, it includes direct-coupled amplifier circuitry. inputs for both fixed- and moving-coil car-tridges. and two tape monitor loops with dubbing in eilher direction. The digital frecjuency-synihesis AM/FM tuner sec-tion has a tluorescent station-frequency display and Iburtcen station presets— seven for FM and seven for AM. Price is $447.

Circle 143 on Reader-Sen ice Curd



A genuine bookshelf model only 8V5 inches deep, the KEF Model 203 is de-scribed as a lechnological outgrowth of the Model 103 in the conipanv*s Refer-ence Series. It is a two-way system rated fiat within ±2!* dB from 68 Hz to 20 kHz, with an impedance of 8 olinis.

Condenser Mikę a Shure Thing

A reCent addition to Shure Brothers’ well-known microphone linę is the SM85 condenser model intended partic-ularly for hand use by vocalists. It is in-ternallv shock mounted to minimize handling noise and add to the mike’s ruggedness and is designed to sur\ive temperaturę and humidity extremes. A nuiltistage “pop’’ filier is built in: an ac-cessor\ windscreen and swivel adapter are supplied with the mikę. Its cardioid (Continued on page 14)

ard bayonet mounts and the AT-59XE lor the newer straight-arm designs. The AT-55XE sells for SI25: the intcgral plug-in models sell for S145 apiece. Circle 141 on Reader-Senice Curd

There isa choiceof teak orwalnut wood-veneer cabinets. A pair of 203s sell for $600.

Circle 142 on Retuler-Senice Curd


< Circle 10 on Reader-Servlce Card


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