
BASF Chrome.

The worlcTs ąuietest tape

is like

Today, only one high bios


lied particles ol ferrir oxide. movemenrand consistenl

tape is able to combine out-    Protessional II is madę ot

sianding sensitivlty in the critical high freąuency

pure chromium dio>ide.

high lidelity reprodactior. With Professional II, youU

rangę with the lowest back-    unitormly sized particTes

ground noise ol any oxid= provide a magnetic me-

These pertectly shaped and hear ail ot the musie and unitormly sized partirTes    nonę cf the tape. And isn't

tape in the world.

That tape is BASF's . Professional II.

Professional II is like no oiher tape because its madę like no other tape While orhinary high bias

diumthat not only delivers an absolute minimum ol background noise. boi out-standing high frequer>cies as well.

Like all BASF tapes. Professional II comes encased

that what you want in a tape0

>^tcal Chiomr SubMidte.

tapes are madę from mod_-    in the new ultra-precision

cassette Shell lor perlect alignment. smooth. even

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The diaoraice in noi$e level between PfcOIIand^rdlnary highbias apois greates; vf.er» the human ear Is most sensitlveC2 ©KHz).

GUARANTCE ^senes^6 OFAL1FŁTIME ca-*seIe■mhhih co me with a

lifetm e guarantee. Should

any BASF cassette ever

lail-eicept for abuse or


return i: to BASF for a lree


Mobil* FKSellty Sound Lcb.

BASF F*oO:siona! II isso superior It was chosea b\ Mobile FidelitySound Lab tor theirC*ig-ral Master Recording • High Fidelit^Caiseltes These stale ot the art prereocrced casseltes ar* duplicated In real nr.e Cl I) irom ihe or; jinal recordlng studio Tiafler tapes ot $orr>* ot the most promlran recordlng arlls sotourlime.


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For the best recordings you’11 ever make.

BASF Systems. Crosby Drve. Beatom Massaehusere 01^30



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