
. Ihrowl In llsc    ~

- - -I'- - .^WilfiolST. HoWord>uU«h.ł    ‘i “

■ > ?łc?iacri1.Q^HlQh. Monoglnp €difor

r; '.. . * Sund4y.Octobor77.1973 M*mb« ©ł A*drt ktMv •! OfCw^łOo oON* 1©I CM* ©«d C^yteiU#pp<f partie* k>    40 100 tt*So Cod©. tV^i-

do*>©t łH# óor of ih© «©♦* ©<» ~h»ch t»poi W **U|h©d. NM!»Hod d#Jf OAd Su-KJoy. ©.<©P< Sołwófclr. oOW TMfd (MMt W©tt. Iwwł *©*t. Idgbo §3301. by M»yc~Vort©y    hn»d ot *©<0*d <<••*• Md

mo»f## Apr.l i. Uli. Ot ih© poił afflc© * twin f©flt tdoh© 03301. *rd©< lh© PCI ©fACtrch i. 1|ff.

•    Phono 733*0931 .


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Schlesinger hudget def ense plan original

Drivers still


CN.Y.Ttoea Sonic© ...

WASHINGTON - Defcroc Sccrctary Jamę* R. Schlesinger boi hit onan original way lo dcfcnd Ihc Pentagon'* bcdgd.

lic hot oltackcd ihc Housc Afcpfoprłallons Commitlec 'and fot Into t Krop willi It* vcneraMe 7$-ycor-oW coiTicrvo»ivc chalrmun. Rcp.Georgc II. MphonofTeaas. In Washington.

news Krntnar In (our montk* ond dcttfcrcd o cartfulty wrlttcn atlark on tbc ridlcutous Idea of bclng cul dowo to a mere SDO.2CO.COO for Ihc. comlngftocilyear.-

He icurded ts H be had bccn ampulolcd. whlch In a way be wu, but by about a pinklc. 'The Homo Approprłaltons Commitlec," bc saki. "madc dcep. savagc. ond arbllrary culs In

trying lo cover up lUdcccli.

Mahoń. who has bccn rcgartkd for years os • Ihe mod powcrful supportce o! Ihc Pentagon, flnally tumcd on thc sccrctary of dcfcnsc. In a lormal itatcment. be sald |hal hto commlttcc’* rcduclbns had becn "aoythtng but arbltrary*' and had becn madc with che "objccttoc of ellmlnatlng unnecessary spcodbg wllboul

narrowi mithenutlcalTenni. iGm lif

foolball tcrms: Who's No.- 2 In mlssllcs. *ub-marinę*. offcnsto? and ddenslYC strategie*.

th toto© lUlkHUe błowing up your-ownareana].-Ihe Prrtldtia^.rcc^Jor^ppropriattoiulhli-Impalrlng eioenl lał drfeme program*.41

U stale ffgures aro correct, there are propor-tlonately fewer drunk drlvers on Idaho roads now thanfouryearaago.

Roadsldc suryeya conducted In ihe same locatlons four.'yedrś ago and thls ycar show slgnltlcanl redudion in the percentagc of drunk dmers, The sumys were madę by thc Idaho Alcohol Safety Actlon Project. •

In 1972 about 8.3 .per cent of those drlvers passlng through the chcckpolnts were legally drunk, wllh blood aJcohol Ievels aboyc .08 per cent Ievd: j.. v-

In dOmpartaon, the percentagc óf drunk drivers fell to<.4 per cent In the 1975 surveys.

If Ułose flgurea are rdlablc, It means that there —jnfr [irtmorilono^lu-abouLa, thlrd fewer drunk _ drWeni on tbe road thls year than when the stare-alcohof project began four years ago.

An even morę dramatlc redudion was recorded ‘ among the heavlest drinkers. In 1972 there were 2.2 per cent of. the sampled drivers who had heavy blood alcohol levels dfT15"pef^ćChrrBy l975'U>e level had fallen to 1.3 per cent.    *

That suggests the percentagc of these^iloppy drunks, the real klllers, had dccllned by about 41 per cent In the four-year period.

There was an Interesting sldellght. Whilc those who drank more than they should fell sharply,

- there was an Increase In the perccntage of drivers who were drinklng llghtly, Those with some alcohol In thelr blood but whose blood aJcohol content was below .06 per cent, a falrly safe level, rosę from 14 per cent ln 1972 to 18 per cent In 1975.

Thls suggests that the total pcrcentage of drinkers was almost the same over the four-year period, but that those drinkers are now drinklng a lot less befóre they get behlnd thc wheel

Thafs real progress. II may have hod as much to do with the dellnlng fatallty rates In Idaho as have the lower speed llmlts

Gccrgc Mahoń from Lutobock bas bccn In ihc Housc for over 40 >xart and chalrmon bf ihc commlllcc wbcrc thc Pentagon gets tli moncy fro II years. Tbcrc orc fcw morę IrJlucnllal or poucrful men In the Housc of RcprcscnUllves K\cry mon.In the ormed 0crvkes obove Ihc rank of corporal know> ihat war ii beli but a wholc lot sofer Ihan fusslng tHh Ihc man wtio holdi Ihc punc.

Bul Dcfcnsc Sccrctary Schlesinger Is a bravc man. Unfortujutdy for htm. thc urokness of IntcłllgerKC łs often cloqucncc and orrogancc. and when Ihc approprlalions commlltcc cut thc odmlnlflrotlon’1 rcqucsted dcfcnsc. .ap-proprlatlon by $7.6 blllton. Sccrctary Schlesinger. Ihe Intelllgcnl and outraged professor. summoned thc press Into his flrsl

ycar that will. If ihey arc oontlaoed ihrough the icntlre course of Ihe IcgUlatlon. have hormful effeets upon the defeme pcslurc of Ihc Unllcd States.’’    r#

So far he wai not In too much.InHibJc^iCh Gcorgc Mahoń bul bc wcnl on to atlack. not only the.commi(1cc'i actlons bul IU Intclllfcncc and IU motWcs. l(c suggcsicd ihat it had bccn Mdrtvtn by pollllco) considcrallons." ihal II was prtlcndlng Ihal lis cids utmid not harm Ihe esKntiąl securily of the nation Ihat II knew bcltcr than Chls. and Ihal IMs. **was a form of self-ócccpllon ot best."

In short. by vollng no 2 bflllon Instcad of thc Prctldcnfs reąucsl for ID7.9 blllton. Schlesinger ‘ Insisted.-thc Approprtatkms Commlllcc was not only engaged In poKUcal h>pocrtsy but was

Then he added wtal b llkety to U*.ihc dcclshc poi - In Ihc comlng dcbalc on Ihc dcfcnsc budget. In rtlatlon lo Ihc natlonot debt. and ralosof uncmploymenl.prlccs. and Inlcrest: • ••I bcHcvt.M Mahoń sald. 'Ihat most Amcrkans s-oukJ agrcc Ihal $00.2 blllton for the dcfcnsc Dcparlmcnl Is. H mannged and spcnl wbrly, adccpialeat a tlmcwhcn no U^. młlilary forccs art engaged ln combal and thc nation Is faccd wllh a huge dcficll and an Incrcasc In ihc natkmal debt of $» blllton Ihls year.**

One argument for havlng o hlghty Irdelllgcnt. plpc-smoking phUosophlc mon as sccrctary of dcfcnsc. Is Ihat. Ilkc Jim Porrcsiat. llic nret •occupant of his offlcc. he wouCd loke a u ido and long vk?w ol ll*o ttcurtly of Ihc rcpuhllc.

Hul Schlcslngu* iv argiMng security In thc

strategie forccs. and c?ovcnitonal forccs. A fcw years ago. these sporu*pagc argument* ^oritd Iw Washington, bul George Mahoń, who knows more about iports Ihan ScMcsIngcr. ha* Hnally NownlbewhUde.    ^ #

—Maybc-PresWcnl Ford.-who was Ii> ihc Kwc-

of Rcprrsecitatłyes for 2S >*ears. and knows Gcorgo Mahoń bcltcr than hd knoW eilher

Tliouplit for tfulay

••Follh. mlghly fallh. Ihc promlsc sccs and looks lo Cod ahne. Lough* at Imposslbllllks. and crict. *U shaM bc donc."' — Charles Wcslcy. Engllsh elergyman.

Sccrctary of Defcrpe Schlesinger or Sccrctary of Stole Klwlogcr. will pay more atlentlon now lo lip rcvl!l ogalnst Ms InsJsIence on Capllol Hill 4hal the dcfcnsc bodget has-to bc part of hb auslcrily program Ilkc cvcrylhlng tlsc.

- Schlesinger ond Kbstagtr had bccn preten-dlng In publlc Ihal they ogrcc on dclchie wllh thc SoyIcU. thal Ihcy agrcc on crulse mbsllcs orid hackflre planes ond all theother Issucs on the arms contro! lolks wHh thc Sovfcl Union, bul in facl Ihcy dlffer lundamentally on Schlesinger'* prcmlsc Ihat Ihe •ccurily of thc nallon rtsts primarlly on mlHtory suprcmacy. whlch he calls -suff1clcncyM or "balancc." when he Is prcttCd In dcbalc.

Nobody should ąucstlon Schleslngcr’1 sin-certty. and II Is nol ąucstloncd herc. He rtally Ihlnks wc are ol a crowroads with łhe So*leij Jgnfl wili ^nk.tUuT. do^noy-keeprbunrmHlitry

budgd vp wherebc wanls ». But modesty ts not Ms ouhtonding ąuilłty. and hc leaves tiule room for douW thal his cstlmalc of lhe'mUltary !>udgct may be Just a lit Hc błl - maybc $7 bUHon or $8 blllton — wrong.

Bul befn^io4naisUolandcven dramatlc oo thls_

polni, hc has choller.ged and Irrtlatcd Ihc ap-proprlatlons commitlec and It* cholrman. Mahoń, and In thc proce** afmosf aoured (hc dcfcat of Ihc dcfcnsc bodget hc Kt oul to defend.

The Sente ApproprlaHora Commitlec. whkh hc was atming at lo get some of thc Housc cuts restored. may bc sympalhrtlc lo hlm. but after his tusslc with George Mohoct. hc I* Mktfy lo łosc. nol only Influence on Ihe MIII. but with Ihc Prcsldcnt. who knowi ihc dangers o( flddllng wllh • Big Gcorgc or chaHcnglng ihc ap-propriallon* commlltec.

It Ib Interesting to correlate the dcdlning per-centage of drunk drivers with the Increase In % arresta of lntoxlcated drivers.

According to the State repert, the number of drunk drivlng airests had doublcd -sińce the beglnnlngof the alcohol safety program.

It ts another Indlcallon that strict law en-forcement pays off ln thc long run. U gives every łeason to cali for cven strlcter enforcemcnt of . dnmk-drlvlnglaws.

There are stUl far too many drunk drtvers on thc road. One In 18 of the drWers you will mect on a weekend eyenlng ątUl will be drunk They're just asdeadiyasever.


Downtown Denver conventions pleasure to attend.

Children’s fund above politics

the United Nalions Is the United Nallons Chlldren’sFund.

—SUM, fach ypar^LHalloween UNICEF ts tarred

Bccn toany convcndon$orłcmki3nilalcly?

Whlle Twln Fali* to a wondcrful place lo llve. I ncvcr sccm lo Itsd ony of Ihe mony organliatkm* thal I bckmg to holding any of ibctr periodk convcnUons ln our town All my groups. whether they bc soclal or profcssional. sccm lo pkk placcsllkc Chkago. San Francisco. l>cn\cr. Miami. etc. Thls ks grcal for ihe alrllncs bul II Is a iraumotlc c*pcrieocc for mc lo flnd out what llfe Is llkc ln some of these other cllles.

For eicamplc. whtle allcndlng a mcctlng in Anchoragc. Alaska 1 dlscovcrcd such littlc Iklblts Ihat milk Isl) o glass In a rcslaurant. hotel rooms Marł al $42 slcak dlnocn» ro from S 12.S0 and up. $7 lo usc thc bolcl pool.

I had an opportunlly for conlcrcncc ln Dcn\cr.% If >*ou havcn*t bccn to Dwcr rccently. >ou'rc młsslng somcthlng- The lawn ha* uroun

amailngly In Ihc past fcw years and l can scc why II rated high as one of Ihc moM dcsłrablc ond llvablc cltles In Ihr United Sinicy In cosc you arco*l aworc. II sccms Ihat pcnplc who do


lhcs« son oJ things cilcwlal*<l lho IhnliUMy of all of thc major cifie* ln thc ^ .tMcd Stale* ond tound ihal Dcnvcr roled cUhih Portland ua*

with the samo brush as the rcst of IheTTNT

Many people object to the United Natlons for a multltude of good and bad reasons. But almóst nobody dlrecUy objects lo the children-s fund


4He’s a nice ole boy’

flrsl. Bólu* was Jflih In overall llrabllity ln Ms partkular populatlon clau.

WcIL Myray, back to Denvcr. Cltles arc In a constant flux. dther gcttłng bcltcr or worsc Dcnvcr to one In whlch thc dcsłnhHRy os a city has improvcd conslderaWy ln thc pasł fcw years. The dnwntown bas bccn rc|uvcnatcd by an urhan rcnewal program*Chał sccms lo havc ^ccccdcd marsctously. The corc orca has o number of otfManding offlcc bulldlngs and stores The city Is obvkmsly thc finandal ond ccnnomlc hcadquartcrs of thc IMcrmountaln arca. .

One of Ihc more dcłlghi ful dlscovcrics ts there arc a large number of flr^ cłttS rcsłmiranls ihnHighout thc Ocnvcr arta. One ol thc bcncflts oC allcndlng a scmlnar In Dcnvcr I* Ihal you havc a chancc lo go lo Ihc best rcstauranl* ond. wllh thc pn>pcr accounllng aMcc. jw can pass

_oJIaak^lAiUl.ił part nf Ihr/nsl ol.your-lnpaa.

Ihc IRS.

In Unrłmer Siyuarc. whlch to an old flophousc and wino area rcRncnalcd Into Turn-of thc-Cent tiry Boutinuc* along the style of San Francisco'* Glardetll Squarc. there musi bc al

arc arrargrd In and oul of thc varłous former vaulU and storage rooms. creatlng a unlquc almosphcre whcrc gourmcf food ts scn-cd loridcaURy. Antolne'*. rlght herc In Tw ln Falls can match any rcslaurant In Denver or San Fr and SCO.

One Ihlng thal plcascs mc about convcntlons ln Pcnycr. UJhcy arc In thc downtown arco. Is that >ou*rć nol a' vić(lcn ©f Ihc newrst lnnovatton In thc commłlon business wtikh is bccomlng a \irluol housc prłsoncr In a “fulI*Knicć”*cbn-vcr-(lon hotel loc^cd up wllh your tellów delrgotcs In prlson Wr Ihc fuli term. The only tlmc you scc dayltght 1* tbc fewr mlnutcs bd-wcen Ihe co«vcnlton hołd und Ihc olrport.

The rcst of Ihc llmc >ou are wallcd inlo a single comptc* surrouadcd by a varidy of rcsloranls. coffcc shops. culcsy bar* tcach wllh It* spcclal themo. Ihc housc poci ond sauna Jiothoajdall PlhCtLflcUYllitl.laUlJyxocooned.

You may be In lho most Interesllng cltles of Ihc world but.njth Ihls ncw style of fuli scrvlcc coRYcniloacering. >ou arc lotaliy Incarccrated from Ihe Orst weJcomlng no^iosl cocklall party lo Ihc awards banąuet on thc last nighl.

ąssociation. a few of those who oppose Ihe U.N. also balk at the chOdrenvs fund. The process peaks each year In the pre-Halloween scason when youngsters “trick-or-treat° seeklng donations for UNICEF.

When scen agalnst the backdrop of growlng —hungerand jnalnutrltlon throughout the.world, thc. diDdrenvs fund ts only & drop In thc buckct. But U* does manage to bjing food and other forms ot humanltarlan ręilef to some of. the chlldrcn wha are the hardest hit by hunger anddeprlvatlon.

Regardless of onełs opinion ahout the United Natlons and its troubles. there Is good rcason to support the effort to help the neediest chlldrcn.

_ , There Is no. ręason. to let Irre)evant politics sldetrack traditlonai American generoslty.


Berry’s World


i haw nothlng agatnsl women ministors. Ovt I wouldnt want my aon to ta married to on*r

O Lc» Angeles Time*

WASHINGTON - Coaeh Rob Strauss of lho Pcmocratlc Party football Team mci last w cek with hisasMstanlstodlKus*strategy for tho Alt Siar gamo In New York CHy ncct ycar whlch hns 1kt« Advcrtiscd as a bńrfll for thc United States of America

-All rłght.** sald Coach Slratos m hc slood ln front ol thc błackhoard "We don t luvc fuli aquid ytCKul" w e should bavc ln a"fcw* w i»ćkv l^fsscc We havc Bcntscnof Tcga*.*' — “Nobody knnw* wtio-hc fcr." tKic of hir asslstanissald.

-Ile*a nkre ok? boy.** Ktraus* sald. "Bcsldcs.

I knew his daddy. Now wc have Shrlvcr of Maryland "

"Waśni hc McGovern> halHiack ln ‘72?'* somcooe asked.

••Yeh.*'*ald Strauss "He'sareal nlccolc boy.

,1 le;*bccn_sulted up for threcyears. bul hc xald_ hc wouldńl ptay if Tcddy was on Ihc lcam.

Tcddy gołng to ptay or nol?" an assistant coach asked.

"Hc's a nlccolc boy." Strauss rcpllcd. "But hc wy* hc toni golng to ptay ip thc All Siar gamc. All hc want* lodo to run for Massachusetts."

"Hot can wc bc *urc of ihat?"

—    "Can*l bc. But he'.s still Ihc No. I drafl cholcc fora loi of fan* l'vc gol a tuli for hlm. a hclmel and a loeker in casc hc changes hto mind."

-What aboul Jackson of Waihlngton^"

"llc's a ntcc olc t»y and hc want* lo play In Ihc woni way. Hc'* beto pracUdi^ cverv day. Trouhtc 1* tbc fans sitirdonl know who bc to. Now there’* JlmmyTarier."

••Who'a Jlmmy Carter?" anniher o**l*tanl osked.

"Ile’* a nlcc olc boy from Georgia My ulfc knowł bis wlle. lic want* to play with Tcrry Sanford. a nlcc olc boy from North Ca rot In*/*

—    - -We -l4t-hit*4»-a-lnl ot pUv»krv frurn lho..

South "

•'Tllr>,,rc nil Mcc olr Im s amf Ihcy want lo brat oul Wallaccuf Alabama."

—    -‘ Wnllacr^f Alabama1* H«w can ł»r piny ln o jrtkccłchalf?"

nDm1 werry nhoul olr (ta* ge."Sf raua* sald "Hc hopo to nłjkc flrsl u ring. If hc docnnl hc *ay* heb golng to thto owp All Siar gamc

włlhcul us Thal .could cut into thc gatc    least Haira^doictnop TWtctrrrstauronlSr noUh<L__    10 l^c °rlf^ 10 a


"I say hc'* a Iroublcmakrr and wc should drop hlmone of Ibt coacbci *aid "Aw. comc nn." wid Slrau*> "Hc’i nłccolc boy If you donl lokc hlm scrkiusly Now IH'* go downjhcroslcr l'vcgr>t llarrtoofOklahoma "


convćntk)ft wtere you could walk aro and town. shop In Ihc slorcs durlng Ihc day belween session* and drop a fcw bucki wllh some of thc olher mcrchani* ln town?

"Shappof Pcnnsylvaola " ‘ *WHo?M -    -----

"Udali of Arlrona •Who?"

' --BJyhof Indiana' "I thoeght Blrrh ycar."



“What aboul McGorcm?"

tobuyhlm "I* Musklc gołng lo ploy?" .

"You betlcr bcWcve U. Hc fhTnks hc should

havc gollhc gamc bali In Miami "    ......

"What aboul Hubert?"    *

"HC* a nłcc ole boy. but he say* hc dodał want to run In pracllce He say* thal lf ut get to New York and cant agrceon a captoin hc mlghl bc penuaded to loke over. Rui l'll tell you thto. Hekecpikkklngevcrydaytosłaylnshapc "

"Is Ihat thc team?" $ coach osked.

''' "For ihe moment." Strau** *oW "They donl

llnw arc we gnJng ló grt .i«nmd ki New York

CUy-wilh^a ,loam-tlkr-lh.il?"- one of IN---*

coachcs asYcd. • • •»    ,*    . *

"Weil havc a crowd." Sirauv% aasured them.

"Don'i forgeI cach of tfle player* li enflllcd lo 20 Secrrt SctyIcc men *'

Icast of w hlch Is Ihc outstandlng LiFit tc's I dld dbcom a tcniflc place downtown callcd ,Thc Broker whlch is In thc hasemeni of an old bank bulldlng The bar and rcslaurant lablcs

dbdn'1 wan! ln play nc*l

‘You hovc lo bc kldding." Slrauss wid "Mc

thlnk* If hc had McGovcm's posltion In *72 wc • ^tfould havc won tbc Super Bowl."

“Hc’s a nlccolc boy atółcslde* wc donl havc 'hlm a ncw uniform.

look łlke much on paper - bulTII trłl thbr atfiul Ihem They'reaTl n^oleboy* '

That’s some stew you're In!”




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