Photoelastic analysis of stress concentration for beams in pure bending v;ith a central hole, by J.J. Ryan and L.J. Fischer. Journal of the Franklin institute, Philaaelphia, Pa., May 1938, v. 225, no. 5, p. 513-26. diagrs., illus., tables.

Shear distributlon in a sheet-metal box spar, by H.W. Sibert.

Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, Feb. 1938, v. 5, no. 4, p. 134-37. diagrs., illus. (Abstraćts Journal of the R.A.S., London, May 1938, p. 476 and Technical data -digest, New York, Apr. 15, 1938;

Stress-strain relations, by A.G. Solakian. Photoelastic Journal, Jan.-Mar. 1938, v. 1, no. 1-3, p. 9-10; 12-13.

A Stressed-skin problem, by W.J. Goodey. Aircraft engineering,

London, Jan. 1338, v. 10, no. 107, p. 11-13. diagrs., il.lus.

Calculation of load distribution in stiffened cylinarical siiells, by H. Ebner and H. Koller. Washington, 1938.    62 p.

(N.A.C.A. Technical rnemorandums no. 366) (From Luftfahrtfor-schung, MUnchen und Berlin, Dec. 20, 1137, v. 14, no. 12, p. 607-26)

Belastungsversuche mit einer versteiften kreiscylinderschale bei krafteinleitung an einzelnen punkten, von E. Schapitz und C. KrUmling. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen, Dec. 20, 1937, v. 14, no. 12, p. 593-606. diagrs., illus., tables.

Stressed-skin eonatrućtion (distribution of loads on strlngors and transverse rings in a raonocoąue fuselage), by W. Tye. Flight, London, Aug. 26, 1937, v. 32, no. 1496, d. 212a-e. illus.

Stress distribution in stiffened panels under compression, by

E.E. Sechler. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, June 1937, v. 4, no. 8, p. 320-23. diagrs., illus.

Beitr&ge zur theorie des unvollstanóigen zugfeides, von E.

Schapitz. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen und Berlin, Mar. 20, 1937, v. 14, no. 2, p. 129-38. diagrs., tables. (Abstract Aircraft engineering, London, June 1937, v. 9, no. 100,

p. 168)

Fields of diagonal tonsions. The effect of beam end load on

tension diagonal field distribution, by E.H. Atkin. Aircraft engineering, London, Jan..1937, v. 9, no. 95, p. 9-12. diagrs., illus.

Stress concentration at a circular opening in a strip under bending moments, by I.I. Trapezin. Yestnik ingenerov i teknikov, Moscow, Jan. 1937, no. 1, p. 30-32. diagrs.


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