UP MS General Medicine major - subjects of llw Pre-clinical module - Course descriplions - academic year of2015/2016

10    Tissue ischemia.    reperfusion

Dr. Garai Janos

11    Pathophysiology of coronaiy circulalion Dr. Garai Janos

12    Pathophysiology of pulmonaiy circulalion Dr. Garai Janos

13    Characteristics of brain blood flow Dr. Garai Janos

14    Palhophy siology of brain blood flow Dr. Garai Janos

15    Abnormalities of renal and splanchnic blood flow Dr. Garai Janos

16    Disorders of the regulation of brealhing Rittmann-ne Dr. Petervari Erika

17    Mechanics of respiration: abnormalities Rittmann-nć Dr. Pelcn ari Erika

18    Work of respiration and its disorders Rittmann-ne Dr. Petervari Erika

19    Ventilation and its abnormalities Dr. Soós Szihia

20    Disorders of diffusion Dr. Soós Szihia

21    Pulmonaiy perfusion. V/Q mismatching Dr. Soós Szihia

22    Disorders of oxygen transport Dr. Soós Szilvia

23    Hypoxia, respiratory failure Dr. Soós Szilvia

24    Mecltanismsofdyspnea Dr. Soós Szilvia

25    Erythropoiesis. General pathophysiology of anemias Dr. Balaskó Marta

26    Deficiency anemias Dr. Balaskó Marta

27    Hemolytic anemias Dr. Balaskó Marta

28    Polycythemia, polyglobulia Dr. Balaskó Marta

29    Leukocyte dysfunctions Dr. Balaskó Marta

30    Disorders of hemostasis Dr, Balaskó Marta

31    Thrombosis. DIC Dr. Balaskó Marta

32    Excretory and non-excretory    renal    functions

Dr. Szekely Miklós

33    Glomerular functions and their disorders Dr. Szekely Miklós

34    Tubular dysfunctions Dr. Szekely Miklós

35    Disorders of the amount and composition of urine Dr. Szćkely Miklós

36    Failure of renal excretory function. uremia Dr. Szekely Miklós

37    Chronić renal failure. ESRF Dr. Szekely Miklós

38    Acute renal failure Dr. Szekely Miklós



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