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the $econd Corps. Tbese compleiaents will be formed from soldiers dischstr^ed froin hospitala, boys łea^lnrj school, men retorniag from temporary attaehmento, conscripts, etc*.

Echelon II will be comnanded by the Second in Coimand, Polioh Anny in the :©ot. 3n nattere of training, and complemerts be will be subordinated to (Jenerał Anders, G.O.C., Polish Army In the Ł'aet« In all otfcer matters, he will be directly 3Ubordinate to the Polish Coumiander-in-Chief. ohelon II ie de3tined to be transferred to the Continent as soon as conditiona will allow. Until tfcen, Bchalon II will rercain ststionary. It is essential that Schelon II shall remin either in Palestine or Korth Esypt* until it is definitely transforred to the Contin-er.t, as thls will enable it to work in familiar and favourable conditions.

as the principal ta3k of Lchcion II will be the aosembly and trainin# of complements, it should be proTided with the necessary r.eans and eąuipment.

III, is composed of units, establishment® and orr^anisations which are to reiaain in the 1’iddle ast, for the duration of the war. They are: cadet schools, prep-aratory schools, records, prisons, eamp cozaisando, eto.. Until,the trahsfer cf Schelon II to the Continent, both

/ bchelon II ••••..


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