testdisk livecd

TestDisk Livecd - CGSecurity /**/ var skin = "monobook"; var stylepath = "/mw/skins"; var wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; var wgScriptPath = "/mw"; var wgServer = "http://www.cgsecurity.org"; var wgCanonicalNamespace = ""; var wgNamespaceNumber = 0; var wgPageName = "TestDisk_Livecd"; var wgTitle = "TestDisk Livecd"; var wgArticleId = 1317; var wgIsArticle = true; var wgUserName = null; var wgUserLanguage = "en"; var wgContentLanguage = "en"; /**/ TestDisk Livecd From CGSecurity Jump to: navigation, search TestDisk && Live rescue cd TestDisk (not always the latest version) is included on GParted LiveCD Knoppix Parted Magic PLD RescueCD Recovery Is Possible Linux rescue system Slax-LFI System Rescue CD Ultimate Boot CD Note, TestDisk is also available on the following distributions ALT Linux backports ArchLinux User-community Repository Debian contrib Fedora Extras FreeBSD ports Gentoo Gentoo Portage Mandriva contrib (ex-Mandrake) PLD Linux distribution Source Mage GNU/Linux Ubuntu Some of them have a console/rescue mode that can be used to run TestDisk or PhotoRec. Download Latest version of TestDisk is available from the download page TestDisk && bootdisk DOS bootdisk GNU/Linux bootdisk Return to TestDisk page Category: Data Recovery if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); Data Recovery TestDisk PhotoRec download This page was last modified 20:38, 5 February 2007. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2. if (window.runOnloadHook) runOnloadHook();


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