
A picture is worth a thousand words

The subject of our bachelor’s thesis was to create the system, which Stores and shares spatial data - geoserver (map server). Our most important goals were compliance with stan-dards of popular services, ease of sever configuration, high performance and the possibility of futurę system development. As a result we have created the WUTGeoserver, which fulfills our goals and may be the basis for multifunctional and highly developed geoinformation system. This server is an integral part of this thesis.

An important matter associated with spatial data are described at the beginning of this paper basie geodetic and cartographic issues: how to describe the position of objects on the surface of the Earth, and create a two-dimensional representation of the data (mapping of the Earth globe on a fiat surface of the paper or the monitor). In subseąuent chapters we briefly presented several of existing applications and geoinformation systems important for our thesis due to their popularity and use to view, create and edit spatial data. We discussed popular data formats supported in our server and implemented standards for sharing these data over network. An important point of this project was the compliance with norms of services for sharing spatial data. Generally accepted, well documented standards are Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) developed by Open Geospatial Consortium. At the same time we wanted that our WUTGeoserver interoperability with other applications used in Poland (commonly known around the world, such as QuantumGIS, as well as our national geoportal.gov.pl). However, it turned out that although there are elear standards, the software — even officially implementing them — do not always act in accordance with them.

Documentation: architectural, technical and user are large part of our paper work. Also the fuli Javadoc documentation is included on the CD with the source files of our applica-tion. We tried to make as detailed documentation as possible to facilitate potential system development and the interference in its source codę. The reason our conscientiousness was the first attempt to develop existing ,open-source server (Geoserver), which we abandoned due to lack of documentation and technical support.



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