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4.    (a) The Council shall be responsible for

matters of Policy affecting the Association and for the government and regulation of the Association.

(b) The Executive shall be responsible for carrying out the policies laid down by the Council and for the regulation and routine business of the Association with powers plenary to those of the Council, save as where expressly limited by the regulations and resolutlons of the Council as mentioned in sub-paragraph(a) above or by these by-laws.

5.    (a) There shall be not less chan three

meetings of Council in each Association Year. At the first meeting, soon after its election, the New Council shall detertnine matters of policy and transact such business as the General Meeting may have recommended to it, appoint the Membership Committee and Editorial Board, and generally establish plans and policy for the Association Year.

At its last meeting, which shall take place shortly before the next Annual General Meeting, the Council will receive a report on the activities of the year for submission to the membership at the Annual General Meeting hereinafter provided for.

An additional meeting, and preferably two, shall be held for the Council to execute proper government of the Association. These could be held prior to and following the termination of the fiscal year.

(b)    There shall be not less than four meetings of the Executive, the said meetings to be held at the Head Office of the Association or at a place designated by the Executive. Additional meetings of the Executlve may be called from time to time by the President when considered necessary and appropriate by that Officer. Minutes of all meetings of the Executive shall be sent to each member of the Council, and the Executive shall submit an Annual Report to the Council at the Council's last meeting

of the Association Year.

(c)    A quorum of the Council shall be one third (1/3) and of the Executive a majority of their respective memberships as established by these by-laws.

6.    (a) There shall be an Annual Meeting within

15 months of the previous one, normally held between the 15th of May and the 15th of July in each vear, at a place and on a datę to be established by the Council. At this General Meeting the Annual Report of the outgoing Council shall be given, and the report of the Teller Committee as hereinafter provided on the election of Officers of the Association shall be rendered.

Additional General Meetings of the Membership may be called by the Executive from time to time as it may deem necessary and advisable.

(b) Fifty Members shall constitute a quorum for the Annual General Meeting. One

third of the Members shall constitute a quorum for other General Meetings.

7.    (a) Meetings of the Council and Executive

may be held from time to time in accordance with these by-laws and at any place without formal notice if all the Members of the Council or the Executive as the case may be are present or if those absent have signified their consent in writing to the meeting being held in their absence. Notice of formal meetings of the Council and Executive shall specify the time and place of such meeting and shall be delivered, mailed or telegraphed to each member of the Council or the Executive as the case may be not less than two days before the meeting is to take place.

(b) Notice of the time and place of meeting of members in General or Special meetings and the generał naturę of the business to be transacted shall be mailed to each member by the Executive Secretary to his last known address at least ten days before the holding of the meeting.

8.    The President shall be the regular presiding officer at meetings of the Association, the Council and the Executive Committee. He shall be an ex-officio member of each Consnittee as herein established.

9.    The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of that Officer. In the additional absence of the Vice-President, the Vice-Presldent Elect shall assume the duties of President.

10.    The Honorary Secretary Treasurer shall have generał supervision of the correspondence and records of the Association, the flnanclal affairs of the Association.

11.    The Executive Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Executive, the Council and all General Meetings of the Association to record the proceedings; shall conduct the routine correspondence of the Association, keep fuli and complete records and prepare materiał and agenda for all such meetings, as directed by the President; shall have immedlate charge of the books of account and shall be bonded; shall receive applicatlons for membership which shall be promptly referred to the membership committee for action; shall keep and from time to time distribute as directed by the Executive accurate records of the Association membership; and shall assume such additional duties as may from time to time be declded by the Executive.

12.    The Editor shall be responsible for the publication of such periodicals and other literaturę as may be decided by Council from time to time.

13.    In the event that any member of the Council or Executive is unable to act, the Council may elect a substitute who will then be


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