THE DARY NEWS, MONDAY, MY 4, 1953    11

Upstart Buccos Slap Brooklyns In Series Win


AiMcbted Prsa Sporu Wrttee

Plitaborgh pirale»-no erpeet-en of aitlortty, they-finlshed a Imr-game aet wlth tte Natlcoal Uigue leadłng Brooklyn Dodprs SmWby witt a docKkbeader sp:.t.

The Boccos won tha flrst gamę 74 and dnpped the eecoed Bl. Art M was good etKugl to giso taem the scfki BI.

The tecond place Chkago Cubs. korerer, maraged to gala only a isY-garrg oa the Dodgen becaose teey silit a doublebeaócr oith Sl Louk Cardinal!, droppbg Ihe flrst K. jM tahlng tbe nlgtecap IBS. U tky‘re lite games back.

b ctter Natlcoal Leigue actbn. M Inuker do*oed Oacbnatl 74 sod New york edged Plulad;JpA'a 43

Thrre waa a mte of surprłse te tle Amrrlcifi kapx. tao. Tbe Katsas Oty As wm a mambsa iManłeg job with Drtreit Tljeri M hr thf*r fosrth stralght trB omeu ortr tbe Besgab. la teo proces* they narrowed the Tlgers* Ute piaee msrgln to tes ga»«4 TANKS BOW

Tbe kigoe-leidtog New Yeck Yaakm caaae acrop^r at tbe liods ef the torom Wattlngko Smteri    law log to aacknt

Jrhaay SckmiU S4. Bet Chicago FbKr Son currern eeecponls of sffMd plKe. dropyed a 114 iług-ku aa Ortflsnd lnAam. ao tbe Yinli suyed Pi gamea b tbe na

B*4*o RM Sn ecmibocd their ramossr by |kf«ll3ng tte Balii-morę OrkAes 7 2 b |be oiher gamc

7br Piralcs wb.ppcd tbg Brcoks miłtly ihroagh tte etfcfti ef Ron-ale KHrc. who took ot er the pilch-bg rtem In Ibe ibird Ir.sing and UH thr nalbush Kockbwstcrs ai tey tte rtM of |U wny. Hc rt-nrrd ik lut U mm b enkr for h*< Kctmd fit< rtftef jeb b l«o 4%>s The Bronki ksd J**d a « mircia b ibe fint \mp Inategs.

Ełt tte proapcrll; was Im C«od u In and Mb Loes and Clcr. Labnr comkincd to beri a wwfh-mniiU >ix-bMter b tbe ■lcMfa^ The Arooks scurtd nil their nma tn Or »ixih »niag off 31ai Surkor.t.

Hord UacWrtdge wbipped Ibr Cobt for the Cardinal! in tbe tęertrr. łUi mstcs eoiketed Hec r«* la tte flrst twa tetbgs. mace tta a mmth to bsurt the trteaph. Dat tte ucoJd gamr was acolher matwr aad managrr Harry Wal-ker had to emplsy fire burlcn. Rsrrry Haddlx, flrst «d the pro-rtssbń. was ibe bser. while Ssm Jiars wen*, tbe dlstanrc ter tbe C*oW.


B*irrcn Spaha aeatterrd 19 hlta U 3lilwaakf«'a coaąoeit of tte Rrikga. Tbe Brases. tńtb borne nmi hy Bahby Thomson, Ed Mat-kras amf Dd CrandeS. pOcd up a •drwi margfe m tha flrst foar łajfais, ta make Spahs'i Usk rasy.

AfUr Kcelng tbreo reit h tbe krsł tniaj. th« Ciaots watchcd Ike Pkillks pcck away at Rob« i-»fi umil tte coent was lied at 3-afi ia tho faurth, bat «»d fe<h by retiefcr Jack Meyer wlth tu haseł foadcd b th; seswnlh frtnmti *XŁc Maya to score •Rh tke w.anteg run.

BMh tU Tlgers aad As sent fite porkers bto their fny aflcr Det-w«*t dcadlocked the pme dlih tUrr nni ia tbe nltth They each ooUbti mc na io tte 12th, and Ihe A« wrapped il up b the Htt wite «k nm.

Sehwiu permUlrd tte Yanks •oij lat Nu ta Nd a Ne* Yeck ibnłag slrcak at fcft. The He-lary was the Nats’ fourth b their last S ganes. They cotected 12 hJU cdf thrre Yanh płtthors wlth Jttrur Ed Łopat łba loser. HALF-GAME LEAD

Chkago'1 loss ta Oetetead skar:d do WkMt ta* second puce marcia 0ter tte lndlani to I kolf gamo. Ray Karbtel, wko rtbesYd Boh Umoa In the Klb. •as tbe wtaaer. ebb Merrfo 3far-Ua secotd ot teur Sou elbswmen. tetk thr defoat. The Tribt ea»e up wak rbsters ef foar and fWt la ter fifth and sttth bnings.

TW rucknnBmSl Red Soi. «ho w* are anly three famo* aut of ttW place, ikci their and gamę

ta ttelr lut 27 Uzhlzu behlnd Friak Siiltaan. *1© rackcd up No. U. Far the Oriofos. fc w u ttełr 12th deieat a a m*. Ttd W^Ua*. rrcinwd to tte Red Sm Btcop for the Lrrt tlmt ta dIm dayi aad mada on* k:-a ćrttbkr past the mami. .


Carl Furtftj. Brcokiyn Dodgen’ sllckfklftag rightfieldtf, nade Mi t*H erree «f the Mattaoal Lcaguc kiwc Satsrday ani it led ta a 74 sfotary far tte last-fUce Mu burgh Piruet.

rurUto mrffcd Dtdi Grata fly baU la the l«h wntag for two bases aad Johany (FBrlra promptly slngfcd Grat borne wttt tte wbntag rmn.

Mpn, eridently mlsstag Roy Cisjanrlis. their injared cateher, Me* a M Wad aad erea Dea Ne wtombe, r e 11 • r In g bitne ilarter Ckm Labłn:. c*uMa*t bold ott the Pirates. girtag i; faur rai, two on Tmk Thomaa* bomer. Duke Saldrr hit Ms 25tt bamer w.tt one oa for Dodgera.

Homera by Kardy Jacksoo aad Walker Cocęer to a tiret . na eigbth ianlri fire Chicago Cuba a W «ta er er SŁ Leods Car-dłoali Tba Cards grt !*• ia tte ■tett oo a piach kamer by Pete WhtUflUt.

Wille Maya, dctaifely out al Ma ilump. hit his »st Kamer ef the seaaoo akfftf *ith circa'/. clooU by Sld Gordao aad Ray Katt for a «•! New York Gtents* Hetery arer Pkitaóclpbia Phils. Gerdoe i wat C*d tor thrte nm. Starter Sil Macttt toi tredU for Ma nlnth *ta altbeegh Kr oceded help fron Doo Udile b tte atath.

KusEwsM wns sa

Ted Kfcsacwshl Clncliwaii flrtt bnemaf. kepi pace v!ib Saider ło the bene rm race. hiutaf his Wh as tbe Rcdlc;* defcatcdHft-

waukr? IBS. ar.eioaall uscd setce

siftttes. twa waJki and a *ild pitek intr oraeMef e mil hiiectnd tato serea ruaj jn tbe ie«od io-aint

In the American Ulgi*. Gwrgt Suser tosicd a tev4Mter for Bh-t« Red Sm wio uot thek Blat j^torr b 21 gamei and haadrd Baltimare Orblei their mi stnliht defcit SI.

Tammy Bym# totsed a thrre.

• • •

UBC LosesTo Penn,

But Beat Russians

In Henley Regatta

bil ter ai New York Yinlecs for >1 hit* to iefrit W«s*laf!oa Soalon 1J-0. Bym* and Elłlca Haward hc«-cred.

Jack Harshwin alio pttebed a

tiwł hlll«r Md, lita Bjrnr, ham-

cr?d ai Chlcac* WU|« So* <Se-ftalti C.citUod M.

An lltMnnlij Łomar by Jo« Drmaritri tm Kiwi dly as M-M *1" eitt DftrotL AI Kalla* h»m<r«d for Tljcn wlth l«o M jR


A mer kia Leagwe:

Washington y New Yeck 0. Bojton 7; BaiUmorc 2. Clptland 14: Chkap 4. Kansas City t; Dctmit 8 Nallawal Leagwr:

WtUburgh 7; Brooklyn 1 Brooklyn 2; Ptttiburgh I. Ne* York 4: Philndelphle MBwwhll 7. dadnnati 3. St. Lcuis t: Chkago 2-Chkage 10; St. LooU 1


Amrricaa Lrigoc:

New Yeck 12; Washington 0. Boalon y Babimort 1. Chicago 2; Cleteland I! Kiwa* City U; Detndt li. National Lenpe:

Pitblurgh 7; Brooklyn A Chkago 4; St Lob a 1 * Clnd.raati 10; MOwaukeo A New York d; Phibćelphia 1.

worWj largest bib a nimi L


The flrst euoperaUve roosumers' aockty tn Den mar* waj estab-Uihrd b IMA

COMMERC1AL DARTS CHAMPS—‘The Ayre and Scm« squhd, atove. worc presented with the handioir.e Asso-clitcd Drewtrs Trophy embltenatic o( the charr.picnship Li Ihe presentation o( prirci o( the ComnTerdtl Darts League on Thursday night Meir.bera o( Avre's team arc A. Roilings, C. Sturge, R. Snelgrore, H. Janes. C. #    ’ Hillier, F. Bear W, O. Thistle.

jrars ontil brr retiremmt last; >rir. Wtts Cotnefly waickcd Sal-j urday's f*wl fetm the pron boi wheee *he wa» wppflbg «• ihe loomament for screral BrRlah aerspapert.

Oaiy Beka Willi hloodr of the U. S. wfco won dght limes b 11

Crs. aod France'1 Suiante Lcog-sU-tlmc wianer. have marę vlctorks than 3Uss Broagh at THs. blcdOB

lira. Flciif, IS-year-old star vho transfen tbe ncket froir. one band ta the ot ber depet«lnf #o |he ihot. was the fint nother to play b he Ciwwi here b » ytars.

U. $. piayen won beth alaska at Wlnibkdao thb ycar, |o>se*ded Tony Trąbce* of Clnebaati hasbc beaten D«««ark*i Kort N elsen Tn stralght im Friday to wb tbe n»w's ilngkt.

In tle Meo'i doobks Saturday. Lew Heod and Rex Hartwig woa 74. M. B3 om Ken RoktiII and Neala Frajer, t! was an aD-Ans-trilUn finał.

Weak Unk b the RowrallFrajee team was the arnice of ItoMwaP. Hond and Hartwie returned H PowerfoHy and broke throogl w RmcwiIFs serrke ss stroił to u taty tktory. Frater'» Tulkyltg at the aet alsa was weak.

The wamea*a dockiei flosl was aa all-BrlUth affslr will Angrla Monimer acd Ann Ssiicock defcit-bg Pat Ward and Shirley Bfeorer 74. BI. TWs wis the fint Britlil tkkry u \he douWes sińca Ksy Starr.mcrs aad Miss F. James woi b mi

3IUa Brosgh recaM rhat sle lad lott to Mn. rifUi foor limes b the bit t*a yeari and idifcd:

"I goni yw bart go to be łtdy

Free Throw Lane

TORONTO (CPh-A poi] cm-daclcd by tbe Canadiaa Amateur BashnbiU Attecir.kn hai rc-HjM la the adojtien of a lBfeet włdt free terww lace ot ccurts aroeghout tta ccuntry.

The declsloo to Increase the witeh af the free tHrow lane from sli fcet ta 11 frrt was madę ■nhbte by tte CABA and li esptcfed to be adcpfod by aU pm-Inclnl smatrsr baslr^bill assecia-

Robinson Back At Second

BROOKLYN (APW«ekie Rek-lnsen returncd to bis oftd')ob at

Walter Alstcei rearranged >i Natboil ŁeagM Broohiya cbb by bezchbg Juokr GUliam.

RoMotOn kcoke bto organieed Kall as a second batemaa for Moub ml Royali htematboal Leajue cbk hut piayed fint hase In 1M7. hit firn witt Ibe dadgers. hc stlF.ed to scroAd the falioabg Mason. In the tast t*o or tlrer yean be bas plajtd bafh Infleld atd Mt-ł ndd pesiliont. W*h tie.eiceptbn of a couple of games. be his

plajed third base ai rklt

Piric FaiJs Break Record

LONDON < Aeolcrs) - Gordon Piric. Bntish diitance ninoer. Salurday fiifed by 24 secoMs ia kis Nd to break the Brilish three-ęaarter-mlk record today.

He w na In iwo auutcs. »2 sec-ends. * The recerd b 2:34.4. set r?fftitły by Brittb'1 Briaa Hcw-

The kur fint flaishcrs were aT. bside three minąłeś, tu o sccwsds b tte spccUl larłtttfon raee at Palmer'1 Greea.

Firk*i Hetery wis by the bamt of marglna 't?t cbampan hiM-miler B.W. Jackson, ioth utrę ekcicd In |ho same Ume. Third flnishcr was B.T. BarretL F. Wyatt of Bristol-wu fourth.


Commrrrial ariltba In Sweden. for the sUlb yeirr In a row. had a ao accMent mord b 13M-

Ahort 700 Oferent typeasf ew ealj-ptDS trees are tornad « Ans-Irslia,

INSIDE BASEBALL for Litłle Leaguers

»r Mioir

Tbe Canadlaa cre» vai tbe aa as the mc wkkh raced Fridag. Members wefe: ewuwata. Ogawfc atreke. smkh No. 7. Mikę Harf rii Ko. A La ehe* West Nb ». Herman bUerhiti No. 4, Tcyn-het Nb A* Dwflai McDonald. No. 1. BSI Hugkes, aod Bo*** Phil Koeber.

Tbe li«M MassackOKtti bstitate" U Techneiogy fi** defeated the Royal Air Forte er en to retab iht Times ChaSerje Cup by t«o-thłrdi of a kagth b scyco aue-irtes, 11 secoods. At no urnę wm tle t*a iheila separated by mer# lian tbe nbfilnf nargin TUBCE RfSSIAN YICTOBIES

Tbe Rosslaa Krylu Oob laoi the. Stewards Challenge Cup far burs, eaiily fron Bńtito i Leaader C.uh m r:ve« miMteB 40 M«eods. •*

G. hllb and 1. Emebek ot Rut-sia defeated. H Yollmer and K. KeBer of S*iUer1iad to take tho Doohłe ScaiU Challenge Cup.

Tbe third RouUa rictory tu by fw Buldakot aad Yleiar Iyjooy b Ibe SUrer Gohkia ia. wiieh tiey defeated i. A. Gobbo and Cheis Daiidje of Leanóer by foar Wnrh« b eigbt mbutea. 30 tedor Kocberka U Petaad cap. ttred tha DUmsod Seulli Trtęby. wunbg ot er S. C. Rand of .tho RAF by 1H Irnflhi b elfht mb-utes, 33 seccodi.

QJte a fe* bdeSdera tum tbrw heada away fron the baS wian It taiea a bad hop TMs la the rtuw why they often pt bit tf yoc krep ywor tyra ao the bali. yoa have a much hettar cbanee ta pt yowr gfere la front of It and Ono anCd bjwry.

Actuaily. a aumbrr ef aujee kogwera bart deetkped auch gukk rtfkie* Obi they cna laock down a *had heppor.m pwsnce on the bali and *111 thro* out tbe hotter. Henry Thoapaen na U a apec-Untor play ef UU ktnd In tte 19* World Sar** at a timt wben a Kim Mt by Jim Hcgan ceuld korę tcnitd Ytctory tato drfeat foe

tbr Clania

8ucb raggtd yUyrra aa Pepper Martin ta IU prttae of.rn would b3xk Munn Ooww tbe IMrd-Uae lir e wttt tbrlr ebeeta. pkk op the ba azd ftre R to fint bon b tlme to retire tbe Utter. Nowem. Diii dobieg ttchsi^we ii aot nconmewded for >xxmgfttrf, wbooe chreta ffJfht aot U aa lirtretrxtllk aa Mr. MaftUi*a. -

By ARCH MicKMENIE Caaadba fmi Suff WrRer


(CPj-Tht Uniierslty ef Brltiah Cclumbia eight iaugkt YiTantly te rut down tte UsircnUy ef Pennsy-IymU'1 fau gettway Wid b tte Cbi!leagc Cap finil b«4 test by a third of a kngtt In a cImc fbish Royal lleaky ReptU*s Grand Satnrday.

Tbe Csnadians. famrltes af tbe crpwd after tbełr surpńse JTMay over a crack Rmiia crew. tralted by balf a Ingth going one tte itartbg |inc.

Th# Amencan err». desrribed by Heaiey officals as tbe kest to cempcu here b M years.

Riilte hu its lead b tka ono-mSk.

Mbyard raee alttougk tbe Cana-dian m tte margin to abott t*w feet at tbe Ite-mlle post UNDER SETEN MIWTES Tbe UBC rowers ramę op wite a finał aport ła a desperate bid to ca tek Pean but tte Asericans otto gridually pciUog a*ay at ibe fiaish linę aod b tho fast Ume of tix miawUs 34 aec«M la brigM Mjhtee. with cmly a light bretie rippKog tte calm wa-ter* of the Tbames. fenn and UBC kolb gol away strohing at 31 bw. the Ameneaai almMt Tbe CgnadUns, bowrref, pul cn a •part Dearing the mldway polni By tte ooirtef-mOe feun. rww-mg ileadiJy. was a kalf-knglh up and iirokiai at 32 cb De Pean lead to a ftw feet Oncc afaia Per- fsrted abnd and a: tte mfk post bad regslned ata half-bngth ka4sAi tbe cre«s earre inio fie* of tbe grJn^stendi ^    .

UK ttcreased Us rałe H 34 aad    '

ckaod tta gap to feet. for appra-xatcly Tk« łflect włin'l fl-ojh .„ijABcntw*.

the Americans »«ed ibead iach -

by beh ta eapteft rowmg i prrm- *    “

kr troahy by a ttfedef-a-lmctt. u •GRAND RACE-    *

“Yoa rowed a grand race.-coocb Frank Read toU tte Cana-dlant.

Tbe stroke. Gka Saute said:

MWi didn t grt out rało af strąk-bg dr»n fast enougb We both started at 31 and it look us awek leager tha- Fcon to kutr tm I ratę. That probaNy mnat tte

•    race."

. Otterwise tbe disappooUd crew hsd f«w alibi.

Carl Ogawa, »year - ald 114-p»nd Japanfsc-Canadiaa co*, re . mrknJ tta*. eaodrtkm «tre The

*    same" for bete crew*.

•Tbe trookk is that ttey (Pean) rowsd tte sam# style a* »J." Tom Toynbce. Ho. 4 maa tt tte UBC tbefl. told C«L Ytctoc Spence of Ylctefto. B. C.. wbo donsird tte sbeR last year.

Tojnbee. gnOcrtec from a alwas; rondaioe. bad medirai drops be , for# tte raee.

toss mcox

{ Prans>'.ianii ritkf tte fxtt Amcrkat sietory In ihe orm siace Harrard *oo In IVA. la troe rowbg s*o*e jbrew tte eox. J. L de Grr.se IMa ibe riter. bareły a mlirnsc affer cromaf tbe fi*hh Unc.

Sil af the 19 traphki at Hcafcy. rtgardrd as tte worM becdimari-rrs of ronbg. went to ttter Undc Tbe only ctps *tm hy Brilish ryt. ert wert b raccs restrwted lv Bftteni.

Tb« Rmiant. a porta to hfiu r.aUsnsl ro»b* »bct they flrst cc Icred at Kcnky Uh ftar. «W three tropbki. Bul ttey fallM ia :

Md ta retab tte grand chafleigr cup woa lut )2ar by tte Krylu dab e. jbl.

RusDj*i KrasooenaaUa wns eotrred in the ęitu ihb year amf tbe UBC pufied tte blggest ot thr matu b Wianing by 1U kmgths In Prtday-J somi-ftoal EKCHANGE SHIRTS launeteately after Salurday s race thr Canafi^ns eichaaged ihirts with the RosiUm. Tbey aiso posed wite them tor pktom but UBC offkials refused to kt Sorki oarsmen try e*t ibe Ca^diaw akefl b a prartke Rit Th? RusUini were eiirtmelf to-trrcsled h tte Cansdiaa rowtn aad ashed Ajubi of ąoeslioes aboot tecbnbue and tralteng.

In hakmg ymt brradi. IH Ihe deugh "rtiT a bont 10 Binutee beforr moMing. Do«|h ohich Ku set briefly rt«ulU U hetler-shaped roOs aad barn-*



CATCHING—Lynn Ann KJhsU-sbowi, amoog oti.fr items. aV Usty sneok ibe larded edf 340-1 ap.l Bench. Lyio U qumroU U** Miami Brach Huir.nter TkiS łrg Tourmmcrt Jwly 4-S«pt



R. C. A.









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