5.    SROVNAL, V. Jr. Motion control of the mobile systems and remote temperaturę measurement, In proceedings WOFEX2005, Ostrava (2005), Czech Republic, p.300-306 ISBN 80-248-0866-8

6.    KOTZIAN, J„ MACHACEK, Z., SROVNAL, V. Jr., SROVNAL, V.: Embedded system for soccefs robot control, In proceedings WSEAS 2005 Dynamical system and control, Venice (2005), Italy, p.72-77 ISBN 960-8457-37-8

7.    SROVNAL, V. Jr,: Embedded system for wireless sensors network, In proceedings IFAC PDeS 2006 Programmable devices and embedded systems, Brno (2006), Czech Republic, p.356-361 ISBN 80-214-3130-X

8.    TUCNIK, P„ POKORNY, J„ SROVNAL, V. Jr, KOZANY, J„ LUKAS, D.: Software structure of a control system for the Mirosot soccer gamę, In proceedings FIRA RobotWorld Congress 2006 Non-Humanoids Robots, Dortmund (2006), Germany, p.183 -188 ISBN 3-00-019061-9

9.    KOTZIAN, J„ KOZANY, J„ LUKAS, D., MACHACEK, Z., SROVNAL, V. Jr., TUCNIK, P.: Complex system solution for mirosot soccer's robot, In. Proceedings 12th FIRA RoboWorla Congress 2007 Non-Humanoids Robots, San Francisco (2007), USA, p82-87

10.    MACHAĆEK, Z., SROVNAL, V.: Popis, identifikace systemu a navrh regulatoru pomoci MATLABu v aplikaci fotbal robotu, Ve sborniku Humusoft konference 2007 Poużiti Matlabu a Simulinku vpraxi, Praha (2007), Ćeska Republika, s.89 - 92 ISBN 978-80-7080-6

11.    KOTZIAN, J„ MACHACEK, Z„ SROVNAL, V. Jr., WAGNER, P.: Control and Strategy System of Group of Robots, In proceedings CIRAS 2008 5th International Conference on Computationai Inteligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Linz (2008), Austria, p.124-129 ISBN 978-3837065992

12.    MACHAĆEK Z., SROVNAL V. Jr., SROVNAL V. Wireless Sensor Gateway for Industrial Networks Connection, In joumals 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science ano Information Technology & 30"1 IFAC Workshop on Real-Time Programming - RTS 2009, Mrągowo (2009), Poland, p.103-108 ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4


1.    KOTZIAN, J., MACHACEK, Z., SROVNAL, V. Jr.: Zafizeni pro autonomni fizeni mobilnich robotickych jednotek, Funkćni vzorek 019/20-12-2008_F, VŚB-TUO, Ostrava (2008), Ćeska Republika

2.    KOTZIAN, J., MACHACEK, Z., SROVNAL, V. Jr.: Zafizeni pro autonomni rizeni mobilnich robotickych jednotek, Użitny vzor 2008-20624, 19419,VŚB-TUO, Ostrava (2009), Ćeska Republika


1.    AV ĆR1 ET101940418,2004-2008. Strategicke rizeni systemu s multiagenty.- spolufeśitel.

2.    GAĆR102/05/0467,2005. SROVNAL V. Architektury siti pro vestavene systemy. - spolufeśitel.

3.    GAĆR GA102/08/1429, 2010. SROVNAL V. Spolehlivost a bezpećnost siti v aplikacich vestavenych systemu - spolufeśitel.

4.    MPO CR TIP FR TI1/223 VAVEMOBIL, 2009 Komplexni feśeni pohonne jednotky elektromobilu - spolufeditel.

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