Tomasz Bergier, Jakub Damurski, Karolina Maliszewska: Edukacja dla zrównoważonej gospodarki wodnej przez angażowanie studentów w rozwiązywanie rzeczywistych problemów - Education for sustainable water management through involvement of students in addressing real problems. 286

Agnieszka Dembicka: Ocena skuteczności kształcenia w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju na podstawie opinii studentów kierunku ekonomia - Assessment of the effectiveness of sustainable development teaching based on opinions of the economy faculty students. 287


Tadeusz Borys: The assumptions and objectives of the conference Education for sustainable development. Polish efforts addressing education for sustainable development were initiated several years earlier than the announcement of the Decade by the United Nations Organisation. A new ąuality of educational activities especially on the level of advanced education has been observed already in late 90’s. The article presents the history of the conference series EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT which lead to the organisation of the event in October 2009.

Tadeusz Borys: Key challenges for education for sustainable development. A diagnosis of the status of education for sustainable development in Poland shows that it does not represent a comprehensive character i.e. it does not embrace all education levels. Most of the collected diagnostic data refer to university education. In Poland, education and the content of the training curricula clearly do not catch up with the research outcomes addressing the paradigms of development. Although some progress can be observed, its scope and ratio however hardly meet the demands. They result from the need to change the axiological attitudes and basing them on an at least moderate anthropocentrism. Presently, it is egocentrism and a typical technocratic approach that dominate, also in the education system. A fuli integration of the efforts undertaken by different creative environments to address the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is needed together with the involvement of the Polish Parliament to promote this idea.

Anna Kalinowska, Ilona Morżoł, Małgorzata Skórka: The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Poland : Is the institutionalisation missing? After twenty five years sińce the dedicated decades have been announced by the United Nations Organisation to focus the attention of the communities ofin the world on the most important issues critical for solving urgent problems, the time has come to make a summary and analysis of the up to datę accomplishments. Such recognition is the first step to search for good recipes for improvements of the individual elements which build the organisation of actions and extension of the Decade outreach. An analysis of the good practices from Germany and Poland allows to State that some of them could be implemented interchangeably while some organizational Solutions represent high potential for adaptation.

Hans Diefenbacher, Rike Schweizer, Marta Wachowiak: The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Germany - the strong and the weak points. The focus of the sustainable development concept is on working out action plans as sustainable development cannot be realised without the readiness of people to change. This requires changing the attitudes, the philosophy of life and the education concepts. In 2005 and 2008 the German Commission for UNESCO published National Action Plans. Their authors promote them as „comprehensive plans for the modernisation of life and economy in the 21st century”, demanding new skills in education on the first place. The article presents an outline of the


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