Drago- CV 4

IF: 2.308

15.    Spatial-attention and emotional evocation: linę bisection performance and visual art emotional evocation.

V. Drago, G.R. Finney, P.S. Foster, A.M. Amengual, J. Yeong, T. Mizuno, G.P. Crucian,

K.M. Heilman.

Brain and Cognition, 2007; 66: 140-144.

IF: 2.308

16.    Emotional Influences on Spatial Attention.

P.S. Foster, V. Drago, D.G. Webster, D.W. Harrison, G.P. Crucian, and K.M. Heilman.

Neuropsychology, 2008; 1:127-35.

IF: 3.201

17.    Aceruloplasminemia with Progressive Atrophy and Neurologie Dysfunction in the Absence of MR1 Iron Overload: An Atypical Case Treated with Orał Iron Chelation

F.M. Skidmore, V. Drago, P.S. Foster, I.M. Schmalfuss, M.S. Okun, K.M. Heilman, R.R. Streiff. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 2008;79:467-70 IF: 4.622

18.    Greater motor improvement in right hemibody Parkinson 's patients after dopaminergic medications.

P.S. Foster, V. Drago, F. Skidmore, B. Skoblar, G. P. Crucian, M. S. Okun, H. Fernandez, R. D. Rhodes, and K. M. Heilman. Parkinsonism Relat Disord., 2009, 15: 20-23.

IF: 1.907

19.    Asymmetrical Alien Hands in Cortico Basal Ganglia Degeneration: Avoidance-Levitation and Tactile Mit Gehen.

D.B. FitzGerald, V. Drago, Y. Jeong, K.M. Heilman Movement disorders, 2007; 22: 581 -584 IF: 3.207

20.    Yertical scanning biases and their possible influence on reading direction: celtic wisdom or folly.

V. Drago*, A.M. Amengual*, P.S. Foster, R. Leiguarda, K.M. Heilman.

*The flrst two authors contributed equally to the manuscript.

Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 2008; 14:102-109. IF: 2.625

21.    Spatial Emotional Akinesia in Parkinson 's Disease

V. Drago, D.Trifiletti, P.S. Foster, F.M. Skidmore, K.M. Heilman.

Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 2008;21:92-7.

IF: 1.882

22.    The APOE e4 allele inereases the risk of lower spatial working memory performance in obstructive sleep apnea

F.Cosentino, P.Bosco, V.Drago. B.Lanuzza, I.Iero, M.Tripodi, R.S. Spada, G. Toscano, F. Caraci, R. Ferri.

Sleep Medicine, 2008 Dec;9(8):831-9 IF: 3.163


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