voltages ranging from —6 to —18 volts d.c.—coupled with a d.c.-d.c. converter for obtaining higher voltages. While these cells had a capacity limited to about 1000 watt/hours, they were in-tentionally selected because of the an-ticipated short life of the satellite.

Ali of these power sources are se-verely contrasted with a radically new type: the nuclear battery. Several kinds are under development, of which two—the tritium celi, and the stron-tium 90 celi—will be used in satellites and space probes during 1960 and 1961. While these tiny batteries yield only a few microwatts of power, they will last an incrcdibly long period of time— about 20 years.

Although it is certainly difficult to predict exactly what will happen to electronics in that period of time, one thing is certain—electronics is going into outer space!    -{83b


a versatile


Here from Weller, long time leader in the solder-ing field, is the newest and finest soldering gun value on the market.

WELLER DUAL HE AT FEATURE saves time gives greater convenience and greatly inereases tip life. A touch of your finger on the Triggermatic con-trol switches heat to high (125 watts) or Iow (90 watts) as your job reąuires. It adapts instantly to varying needs, and you use high heat only when necessary.

HIGH EFFICIENCY WELLERTIP utilizes copper for superior heat transfer and soldering efficiency, plus iron plating for durability. Fiat cross-section design gives added strength and rigidity.

NEWEST DESIGN with sturdy plastic housing that resists hard knocks. Compact "feel” and comfortable balance aid precision soldering. Like all other Weller guns, this new model features instant heat, and a spotlight illuminates your work.



MINIMUM spucc and Ihc neal storugc of patclt corils is a major problrin in the liam sliuck or shop. Wc cali ihc liohlcr shown in llic phologruph the “bcar’» rlaw" and il «I«m*s a ncał job of sloring as many as 27 rords in a mere lYl inrh-('». Cords ran bc rcmovcd rasily as the sparing is sucli llial fingors ran grusp a ror<l without rłisturbing tbosc on rillicr sidc. The rords are arrangcd in order of inrrrasing Irnglli from lefl lo riglil willi one Irnglli per slot. Karb slot norinally liobls llircc banana pług rords bul four ran be arrommodalrd in a pinrh.

The liolder was ronstrueted of W Uiiritc. Slols are W" wille and 1" deep. Sparing is rriitrr-to-rriitrr. Tbe slols are maile by sawing Iwo ruls willi a liark-saw and brcaking oul Ilir renler. The euls are llirn smootbed willi a file. 'Fola! si/.e of llie plaslir slieel is 7Yi' x 4" for lop of llie rabinet moiinling und 3" w i de willi a 1" Hangę lurned up for wali or peglniurd moiinling. C.laws are lurned up by putling ihe front or rlaw eilge of llie plaslir on a Hal hol piąte and hend-ing ihe front down %" willi a wood blork while the plale is warming up.

Wlien llie plaslir soflens, Inrn llie bark edge up al aboul a 45-degree anglr. Move llie plaslir lo a smoolli rold sur-farę and liold llie bend willi llie blork until il rools and re-sels. If lliis is not done llie bend will straighten oul as llie sheel rools. Tbe bark may be trealed ihe same way. Dimensions, slol deplh, and w hit li or lengtli may be varied as desired. Thirker plaslir ran Im* used bul is not as rasy lo work.

A pieee of blark paper was slotled and plured in bark of tbe łiobler for pholograpbir purposes, the uetual rark in our shop is elear.    —Bflf—

...and best of all, it’s a new




In addition to the Dual Heat Soldering Gun you get

•    Wlre Brlstle Cleanlng Brush

•    Soldering Aid for openlng old Jolnts, twlstlng wlres

•    All-purpose Solder

On sale now al your Electronic Parts Distributor

Ocfober, 1959



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