1    Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: cancelled. cruise. delayed. siahtseeina. lost. Dwa sa dodatkowe.

1    We went on an amazing...............holiday of Egypt.

2    The train was...............for 2 hours and I missed my interview.

3    There was a terrible snowstorm and all flights were................

2    Wybierz właściwe słowo.

1    Take the next turn/return on your left and go straight.

2    How far/much is it to the bus station?

3    Excuse me. How do I get/travel to the stadium, please?

3    Wpisz wyrazy: on (x2). bv (x2). in. W nawiasie podano ile razy należy dany wyraz wykorzystać.

1    He goes to school...............foot every morning.

2    Have you ever travelled...............boat?

3    She was on her way home...............a taxi when it started to pour.

4    Sandy has never been...............a piane.

5    My favourite way to travel is...............train.

4    Wybierz właściwa opcję.

1    Last winter we...............a smali chalet in the mountains.

A hired    B rented

2    You can get...............to the museum at the infbrmation booth.

A tours    B directions

3    I always get great holiday deals when I...............online.

A book    B hire

5    Przepisz zdania wstawiając czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie: Past Simple lub Past Continuous.

1 What (you / think) about when the teacher (ask) you that guestion?

2 I (find) a £20 notę under my bed while I (clean) my room.

3 As we (run) around the track, I (get) a terrible pain in my leg.

4 While we (eat / lunch), the storm (begin).

***6 Uzupełnij opowiadanie Toma brakującymi słowami.

Something funny happened to me when I was Corning home yesterday. It w_(1) raining so I

t_(2) the bus. I s_(3) down. The boy who I w_(4) sitting next to was about my

age. He s_(5), "Hi!" as if he kn_(6) me.

Ben:    l'm Ben. You don't remember me, do you? We m_(7) on Saturday at the football match.

Me:    Sorry, but I d_(8) go to a football match last Saturday.

Ben:    Weil, you w_(9) in the crowd, that's true. You w_(10) playing and I

w_(11) playing for the opposing team. You sc_(12) a great goal. I was

r_(13)downthewingwith the bali and you m_(14) to get the bali from me. You

_(15) past three of our players and k_(16) the bali into the net from twenty metres.

Me:    Look, l'm sorry but you've got the wrong person. I w__(17) playing football last Saturday

afternoon. My brother and I w_(18) taking part in a sailing competition.

Ben:    Oh, OK. Whatever you say.

He m_(19) to another seat. Obviously, he didn't_(20) me. I guess Pve got a double!


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