
Mathematical Sciences (Contd)


Mathematical Sciences iContd)



Flagtensor Algebra, by R. I. Pimenov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Unlyoreitet. Yeatnlk, Serly* Katematlkl. :-iekhaniki 1 Astrononli. No 13, 1964. P10037176?-V FTI>.Mr-65-02

Norma of Linear Polynomial Operatora ln Connection with Problems of Approxiioation of Contlnuoua P\mctions, by N. A, Sapogov, 18 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Unlyeraltet. Yestnlk, Serlya Katematlkl. Mekhaniki i Astronomii, No 13# 1964. F1003?i?Ó7-V FTD-13-^5-02

On Absence of a Positlve Dlscret* Spectrum for the Laplacian Operator of the Dlrichlet Problem in Certaln Unbounded Regions, by A. G, Ramra,

6 pp,

RUSSIAN, per, Unlyersltet, Yestnlk, Serlya Matema tiki, Mekhaniki 1 Astrononli. No 13, 1964, P100371767-V FTD-MT-6 5-02

One Simple Method of Establishlng Independence of Statlstlcs# by T, S, Feygel'soń, 4 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Unlyersltet, Yestnlk, Serlya Katematlkl, Mekhaniki i Astronomii. No 13, 1964, P1003?176?-V FTD-MT-65-02

Sooe Aspects of Potential Theory and Function Theory for Domains with Irregular Boundaries, by Yu. D. Burgo, V, G, Max'ya.

RUSSIAN, per, Zapiski Nauchnykh Seainaroy Leningrad Otdel MatematichesŁogo Knst ie V. A, Stekloya AN SSSR, Yol i. 1&7,

Plenum Press

Studies in Structural Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, by A, O. Slisenko.

RUSSIAN, per. Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminaroy Leningrad Otdel Matematicheskogo Inst"I«

V, A, Stekloya AN SSSR, Vol 4, 1%77 Plenisn Press

Uee of the Metł»d of EdffereotlU Deeoect for the Solntion of Nonllnear System*, by 3, I.

Al'ber and Ta I Al'ber.


The Structure of Matrices which are Inversc to the Correlation Katrices of Random Vector Processes, by L. K. Kutlkov,

RUSSIAN, per, Zh. Yychls. Mat. i Kat. Fis,.

Yol 7, No 4, 1967, pp 764-773.

•Dept of Havy/ API./JHU J-U05

Ssrto pp 27-

•'# per, Yestnlk Moskovskogo Unlyersiteta. Maternatiki. ?iekhanlka. No 3. 19^?T

An a Priori Estlnate for Some Quasi-Linear Parabollc Systems. I,, by T, D. Venttsel, RUSSIA]

Dept of Navy/ APL/JHU TG 230-T532

Autoaated Syntheale of DŁfital Antenata on the Bada of the LIAPA3 Algorlthalo Tangu ago, by A* D* Zakrerikly.

19b5. pp 503.    "° W


A Method for Solving Systems of Nonllnear Algebralc and Transcendental Eąuations, by M, D. Haergoiz. RUSSIAN, per, Zh. Yychislltel^ol Mat i Mat Fit.

Vol 7, No 4, 1967, pp 8^9-874.

Dept of Kavy/ APL/JHU T-2086

Apparatu* for Sjnteotloal Control of Progr Wrltten ln ALGOL, ty Z. V. Vel'blt*kij, 0. A. KlkhayloT.

RUSSIAN, Patent No 191230, Clą** 42M, 14. ♦TO.Ht^>3a-63C


Studies in Nimber Theory, by A. V. Malyshev. RUSSIAN, per, Zapiski Nauchnylh Senineroy Leningrad Otdel Matenaticheskogo Inst ln V. A, Stekloya AN SSŻR. Yol 1. 1966.

Plenun P

Convex Polyhedra with Regular Face*, by V. A. Zalgaller.

RUSSIAN, per. Zapiski Nauchnykh Seninaroy Leningrad Btdel Heteeatlcheikogo Inst im“ y. A, Stekloya AN SSŚR, Vol Z. 1967. Plenum Press

Inrestif atlon of the Fbiwolae fbr Co^putlng the feadfeold BedLfhte, the Defeotlon of the Yertioal en the Ptydoal Surfaoe of the Ssrth by the Aatronoado-Grayinetrio Lerelliat, by the Model Method, ty Lei Ching-wen, Ch'iu Chi-hel en. CHDOSS, per,

W 5. 10 1, PP

ifflclc U30



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