Eastem Europę Politlcal (Contd)

Etatem Europę Politlcal (Contd)

Marzła’’ Philotophy At the Croasroada, by MlrosUv Rydl, 8 pp.

CZECH, np, Rude Prąvo. Prague, 16 Nov 67, P- 3*

JPRS 43,780

Czech Viev of Peaceful Coexiatence Policy, by Vladimlr Janku, 13 pp.

CZESCH, per, Zivot strony, Ko 20, 20 Sept 1967, pp 50-55-JPRS 43687 ailgertAn Oomnlst Perty Leader Stańko lbd>n>Y Interriemed ln Damark, 6 pp.

DWI3B^p«-. Łgd Og Foli,. ?    1967(Ł7-

Contradiction8 in Development and the Problem of Unity of the Socialiet Countries, by Anatol! P. Butenko, 21 pp.

GKFMAN, per. Forum, No 19, 1967, pp 6-9 4 11. JPRS 43570

Eaet German Vlew of Connuniea ln Scandlnavla, by Wolfgang Hopker, 8 pp.

GERMAN, revlev, Oeteuropa, Stuttgart,

No. 12, Dec 67, pp. 900-905.

JPRS 44,178

Ebcpansion of Politic&l Crindn&l Codę, by Walther Uosentnal, 6 pp.

GERMAN, per, SBZ Archiy, No 20, Oct 1967,

PP 309-310.

JPRS 43695

Gyorgy Lakaoe Speaks about the Ranaiaaanoa of Mandai, ty Jenoe Kostmann, 6 pp,

GKRMAN, per, Ple YblkeeUaae. 26 Hor 1967, p 3. JPRS 43991 ln Saarch of Eaat-Weat DlaloguetAddrasaed to Our Frleada ln the Weat, by Jlrl Bajek,

8 pp.

GERMAN, per, Ple Salt. Hamburg, 1 Dec 67, pp. 25 and 26.

JPRS 43,780

Rumanlan Ravlev of Csecb Publicatlon Devotad to Rumanlan-Caecb Relatlona, 1846-1948, by M. Moldovaanu and A. Ghlta, 8 pp.

RUMANIAN, par, Analala Inatltutulul da Studll Iatorlca el Soclal-Polltlce de pa Lingą CC al PCR. Vol. 13, No. 5, Buchareat, Sept.-Oct. 67, pp. 153-258.

JPRS 43,780

Attrlbutaa of tha Kation Undar Soclal&ma, by Tudor Bugnarlu, 7 pp.

RUMANIAN, np, Contamporanul, Buchareat, No. 46, 17 Nov 67, pp. I and 8-9.

JPRS 43,827

National Mlnorltles ln the Soclallat System, by Constantln Popovlcl, 7 pp.

RUMANIAN, np, Conteaporanul. No. 50, Buchareat, 15 Dec 67, p. 8.

JPRS 44,118

The Natlon Today, 16 pp.

rthly-iMpM dc ci—- ».!■ w.

Tha Natlon ln the Modern World, 16 pp.

RUMANIAN, per, Lupta de Claaa. No. 11,

Buchareat, Nov 67, pp. 51-62.

JPRS 43,827

Creatire Spirit in Teaching Marjcism-Leninisa. by Vaaile Nichita, 12 pp.

RUMANIAN, per, Lupta de claaa. No 11, Nov 196?, PP 75-82.

JPRS 43873

Suggeated Guidelinea for Runanian Labor Union Electiona, ty łon Vilaan, 6 pp,

RUMANIAN, np, Munca. 8 Nov 1967, pp 1-2,

JPRS 43675

The Reguletlon on Identity Carda for OCflclal Paraonnel ln intemal Affalrs Organa, by Radovan Stljaclc, 8 pp.

stuo-aouu^ p.r,    H,t ary, v.i 23,

No. 46, Belgrada, 13 Nov 67, pp. 1069-1071.

JPRS 43,869 £quallty la Klaalng Evan Undar SociallM, by Andraj Siracky, 3 pp.

SŁOWAK, newapaper, Pravda,lratlalavą, 22 Mor 67, p. 4,

JPRS 43,780



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