realit.y, very different. la t.he world:    t.he conf 1 1 nt.i ng

1 n t. e r e a t. a of different nat.lonal a t. a t. e a , o f . different. part. 1 e a and aocial groups , of pollt.iciana, bureaunrat.a , lobbles , eto. all too eaaily lead to naing t.he powerful nat.lonal at.at.e apparatuaea and t.he International    i na 1.1 tut i ona to aerve

a pedał Int.ereata rather t.han the generał Int.ereat. hot.h at. t.he nat.lonal and* the International • 1 e v e 1 a .

Perhapa, Keynea'a v1a1on of t.he at.at.e was much too almpllat.ic, ao t.hat. advocat.1ng an effeot.1ve at.at.e int.ervent.ion ant.nally reqn1 rea a much deeper and wlder oont.ext.ual analysia of how real at.at.e apparatuaea work. However, we oan draw a fundamenta 1    leaaon from Keynea ' a    worka and oonoret.e

experienoea. Twioe in hia I1fe, Keynea faoed very aerioua orlaea whioh 1nvolved the i nter na 1.1 ona 1 ayat.em at. large: t.he reoona truć t. i on aft.er the t.wo World Wara. Tn hot.h oaaea he re 1 en1.1 eaa 1 y worked to help develop poi ł oiea to overoome t.hoae oriaea in auoh a way aa t.o avoid t.he riak to have anot.her one In a relat. 1vely ahort. apan of t.1»e. At. t.he very haaia of hia indioat.iona t.here haa alwaya heen t.he idea t.h a t.. ao 1 i da r 1 ty waa moat. requ1red:    t.o    overoome t.he oriaia no one (i.e.

neit.her a aingle country nor a - aingle aocial gronp) co u Id p o a a 1 h 1 y t.hlnk of hav1ng t.he ot. hera t.o pay the whole coat. and bear the whole hurden of t.he oriaia it.aelf,

At. leaat. In the developed oountriea, t.he ourrent. ait.nat.1on, from what.ever point, of view, la not aa dramat.io aa t.he one Keynea had t.o deal wit.h. However, unemp 1 oyment. la a very aerioua deaeaae whioh affeot.a t.he aocial hody in ntany waya, and the need for o u ring 1t.    1 a at. 111 great. and preaalng.

Solidarit.y and morę effeoti vr waya of a t.a te 1nt.ervent.ion are 1n order.

Solldarlty, oooperat. łon and ooordlnat. ion t.hemaelves are element.a t.hat. at.rongly oonour t.o t.he det.erminat.ion of a morę at.ahle env1 ronment.,    1.e. t.o rednoe t.he degree of un oer t.a 1 n t.y .

However, one ahould he very elear ahout. t.he faot. t.hat t.heae prinoiplea oan he aotually yehiolea t.o get. t.o a morę at.ahle and poaiti ve environment. 1f t.hey are freed, aa much aa poaalhle, from ideology and lip aervioe and heoome operat, i ve gu1 de 1 i nea.

Hlat.orioal exper1enoe haa ahown t.hat. many t.1mea, in aplt.e of nominał oommitment. to aolidarlt.y, oountriea and aocial gronpa have aoted 1n t.he oppoait.e way, hy t.rying t.o pnrane t.heir own apeoial int.ereata in t.he moat. rut.hleaa way. Tf t.he need for aolidarlt.y, ooordlnat. łon and co- operat ion were t.o he 1nt.erpret.ed in a merely ideologloal and ahat.raot. way, one oould hardly expeot. any poai t.1ve reanlt.a at.emmlng from t.hem. Quit.e the oppoait.e, mere lip aervioe to t.heae prinoiplea wonld engender morę unoertalnt.y In t.he form of nistruat. and aoept.lolam thronghont t.he aocial and eoonomio ayat.em. Th u a, what. 1a reqn1red 1 a a genulne effort. t.o fol Iow t.he pat.t.ern of aolidarlt.y, co-opernti ve and oo-oo- ordinate atrat.egiea, 'whioh łmply t.aklng oonoret.e, rat.lonal and operat.1ve meaaurea.


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