The iw<i uikMuI^I toams met at Harv «x-k stadium at Illinois State Unwersity the ovenincj ot Novomb«*r 2*1. The night wind roared. oomotimo* guatinq up lo 30 mile* por hour.

Bull<ioq fatia wen- słiockod when Iłw* Morris guartorback. John Darlmgton, connected with his rewiwr and Morris wm on the łx>ard lirst Richarda ca iw back to sono* just betore the hall.

Coarh Gary Korhown paced the wdehnes. tatar admitting that he was fingeiwg h«* rosary the whole tinw That second hall ho recaUed tatoi where the yards shtlted Ironi 5 to 15 wen? not lun '

The leronty ot I ho wmd madę a ktckmg play rir.ky

The iourth ąuarler onded on a heart atopping play Darlmgton conm' 1fr| with his rei-ewr whocłeared and waa rwnning tor the touchcJown, the touchdown that woułd win the >jame tor Morris. Art Russell madę the attompl to boruj hitn down but only alnwedhim lohn Rutkowski, who by hisown admtsnon liadnt tackled anyone smct* 8th grade spnntod downhokt and brought th«» man down.

The gamę went mto sudden death overtime

lohn dove hoad tirst to make a touchdown cm the Iourth play tn nvęrtune Then >t was M<>m tum. Darling ton ttirow to tur. re remrr buł the l>all was dellected by Chad Randtck.

The Bulldcgr. knew then that Morris coukhi i pul ii together to take it away Richarda won the gamę J 2 6

Together Kodu men and hu team captairu accepted lita trophy Ol- 4 A Class Champtons tor 1989

Quarlerback John Rutkowski passes olt to Arthur Russell lo rjain len yardr. on Moms

Inatead ot <.iottinq rid ot the bali Rutkowski de* idea to f jo r»qtit up the middle.

rtrk Mambo’ Ma* inni wait< Jor the r* ali.Mtnm o( Ihr* win tciomk iri

Richarda Bulldogn played <>vertune


ohn Newton punta the bali to an awaitmg Morris r*~ eiver nft the J. Hjrlh down

reign supremo in their victory atler an intennoly gamę


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