jy/lń:Falls,\ldaHo/87łb year.-.No. 184


50 cents-’?

Good morning

Today’s forecasl:

> • - , Partly cloudy and wamter. Hi^hl 75 lo 80 dejtKCS. Lows ncar 45.

-------P»g* te


U.S. military wary of Bałkan mirę


A lonc MKkcyc mi I mon is hcading ibf Red li Mi Ufcc.

Pago Ct


Smallcr payoff

Magie-Va!lcy*5 ihrcc largest school dislricls will rcecivc a smallcr sharc of stale Lottcry moncy ihan they did lani ycar. .    • — -

Pago Cl *

Smal! piane crashes

A crofKhm^rcrnshcd and humed nCar Paul. but the piRjrsy.iIkcd away.

.    . .........Pago C3—

They’re off!

Rupcrt‘% annual Independenci* Day

ęiti-rnuluc! Mcing Mart* today. and Gary arbrough of Burlcy is the trainer to beat.

---- .    Pago 03—


w* «<»* i ••

Slaying coo! *

Tlicy didn’t get the iniscroblc all-d.»y rain of Wednesday but conipctitor* in the Orc-lria cyclc senes found things un*ca*unably coo! in the Wood Rivcr valky.

Pago BI


Surviving Ihe test

Thrcc-lime champion Boris Becker succcssfutly cvadcd the niisfoflune that - caught iwo olher former Wimblcdon —champion*.--

P.130 B1

ÓUldÓÓt9-::r •

Teaching the teacher

A trip down Idaho'* Salmon Rivcr Middlc Fork madę a pcrfect ccology teaming lab for somc NonhwcM school tcacher*.    • .

Pago D1

Watch that dam water

The wild fluctuattans of water flows causcd by dani manipulation in Moniana apparcntly is making thc*sturgcon scarcc ufUJaho s Koolcnai Kiver.

Pm# 02

ppjnioh - ■

Chickcn politics

Idaho lawmakcr* should be bravc enough lo go on rccord oboul their posilions cjp casino gambling, loday*s cditorlal says^4i-cntlcir.es an anonymous poi ling orsenators and rcprosćntalives.

Pag# A8


Showdown moves closer

Members of a Senate commiltce advancc legislation writing abortion -_ikh<Łimo fałcml law.


By Barton Gdlrun

The Washington Post

WASHINCf^ON — The road tiul the Bush ad mmi Mr.it jon has travclcd in the past three wccks from non-engagement 10 military commitmcnt in the Bałkan* his kft somc senior military leader* wiih dccp misgivings ahout the comprcimi*cs madc along tlić way.    * ,

Budi*s dccKion to usc force i f ncccssary — bul noi U.S. ground combat troops — to deliver food and medicinc to s|arving civilians in S.irajcso is deseriK*d by senior offiCiaK as an aitcmpl to strikc a halancc


among poiitic.it.'dtplonittlic. liumjnii-»n.in and mililary cftigcnck*.

But most senior officcr* iMcnlc^td Ihk wcck csfKcssćd ariiicty ihat ihe presukniN umimitincnl could oyertake lus cnctMraini*.

One spokc of "the python nmk the clcphant. * saying the crisis m ihe former Yugoslavia nuy bc'ioo big to swallow and too big to spit out. Another. in a sitnilaf image, said a sh;irk cannol iclc.isc its picy aflcr elasping ils Iceth.

Tjf you face oppoMtion.'* one Army

otficcr sani. "the only way you can crisurc that you accontplisli your mission is by pumng furccs.on the ground." 1;

For Ihe moment. U .5. and allied attention i* tocu*ed-on tlie ongoing attempt lo securo Sarajcvo*s airport willi a baiiallon of Uniled Nations jicacckccpcrs and establish a Mal»k cmmgh ccasc-fire to pcrmii brge-scalę disjrihution of food and jncdicinc.

Defense Sccrctary Richard B. Chcncy has dirccted ihe U.S. Europcan Command in Stuttgart to prmietc wliat one officiat itcscribecl as “a hl;ink chcdC to Hic Uniled Nalions4'or airerafl and matcricl.

"Wegre rcady lo go." said another

Youthful enterprise

ajioi istttann,

Al Iholr nelghborhood Kool-Aid stand, Nicole Cornlo, 6, trlcs to attract some buslnóss ot( Mcodows Łono whlle Llndsoy Moughn, 2, reaches for enothor cup ol relief. The Iwo woro part of a.sovon-kld refreshmbńr. ontorprlso V/ednosday In TWIn Folls:The smali cntrcproneur^wąre discmslng If-lhey should buy candy -wlth the proflts, or lnvost In morę Kool-Ald.

Clinton talks to Hamilton as he ponders veep choice

Tho Aftuociated Press    . .    , w

SAN ANTONIO. Teus —- ftcmocrul Bill Clinton discussed his scarch for a cunning matę willi ai kast fnur provpcctive candidaicstin the last iwo day* hut said lic doctn*i cipcct to movc on his vicc .prcudcniul-pkk4his-wcck--

Rep. Lec Hamilton of Indiana said he met'willi Clinton Wednesday moming. IX:mocr.itic *ourccs who spokc on condition of.jnonymny *oid ihe expccted nom ince met Tucsday night whh former Democratic.riyal Bob Kcrrcy. a Nebraska senator; Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore ond Pcnnsylvnnia Sen. * Harris Wofford.

Cfinton campaign spokes-u.t>man Dcc Oce Mycn> ijid .she "would neitlier confirm nor deny!' whether tlić mcctrngs willi Kerrey. Gore and WoffonJ took place.

Otber sourcc* fnroiliar with the proces* said there wcrc slill morc prospcctivc running moles Mili undcrconsidcratiou.

Ali Clinton would say was Tm working on ii" wben osked about the mccling.


Hamilton said he scrious Consideraiiuii

woutd givc ii very if he wcrc .tdkicit a

s|x>fVWk the licket.

"I don*t think he*s reashed .»ny sKnclusmv#s aUiut who lo p'»ek. Iłami Ilon said. "Ycs^n*vc bs*en in contaci uiih Gov. Clinton bul any siatcmcnt on the vicc piA-sidcik;>u*ouMJiaveJu iainm fruui linii/ .

Hamilton. 61.- was firsi ckcled to the Mouse in 1964 an.l is lite secood ranking Deniocf.it Oli iIk* Foreign Aflairs Comaiillce. Me wa* ihe Mouse chairman of the’ spccia! Ifan-Conira invcstig.iling commiltce in I9H7-K8.

ITamitlon'said ho hnped he could l>e "of somc bcnelil" lo Clinton on foreign affairs bul also praiscd Clinioi»as ow/i "gravp of foreign policy.” Clinton, who wilj^ćlaini his^ party*s mMiiinatión tu two wceks ul the national convention in New York. was asked carlicr Wednesday about spcculatioo that he lud narrowctl his lisi uf potcnltal running rnates lo Matnillon. Keney. Coce and WofTord.

"I havc nanowed Ute list. I»ul mu lo Ihal number." Clinton said.


PO W probe ‘sloppy’

The Aisociated Press *

•WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’* invc*ligalioit of Anwcium POWn and Ml A* aflcr Ihe Viclnam War was "sloppy” and rellccigd a "mimUci lo debunk” ekuiowaf—dyjuinywnif-H i vc Anierican* in Souihcasl Asia. accordiltg- lo a 1985 Defense titielligciHrc Agcncy memu.

In Ute niemo, retirird Rcar Adm. Thomas A. Ilnnik* dcscribed the Pentagon** efforts to occount for war pcisoncr* ;uid missing in achofl .ifter iie* hHik ovcr ihe opcralkm.

"The dceper I lookcd. ihe less profcssŃHial the opcralNm appeured.’* lic w rmc.    ,    ,

• Among the protiremelłcnred: - —

•    ( .tsc tiicv wcrc incompłcfc. sloppy ... and gcncrally unpro-fcssmiul." ,

•    "Follow up aeihms lud not h:cn pursued. In somc cases. ohvious MIow-up acłnin* wcrc called foc but were nevcr taken and ycars lud passed.”

official. "The U N. how will leli n\ u hal they want us to get. from w herc. aml w hen. and wc*rc prepared to do that." *.

But adrnmisiration ufficial* rcmained skeptical Wednesday of the hrittlc cease Tire arr^ngements. and the air|Hnt um\ not yel bccn dcclarcd seture and o|h*ii lot relief. Officials in Washington and al lite United Nations eonlmucd l«t a resolutiott graitting authority lor Ihe u*e ol force would pass the 15-ntcnthei I N Security Council rapidly il Serhian lotce* prcvcnt relief from urrivmg in quanin> ..Should force hccomc nesessary. senioi Ploaso 500 BALKAN/A2

CSI funds

Ed board head believes State should footthe bill

By Deborah Su!Iivon

Times-News wrńer

TWIN FALLS — The-presidrnt of ihc-

Sute Board of Educ^lion think* all Idaho Lispayers should help lhosc in Twin Fali*. Jerome and KoolcAai COunucs suppori the _ siaic's publk two-ycar collcgcs.

In u speech lo the Idalio Fali* ChaniKi of Commcrce Tucsday, Kur! Shurtlifl. a Boise Dtiomcy. propesed creutmg a sute-funded junior college in Idaho Fall> to rcplacc Eastern Idaho Tcchmcal College.

That. he said. could only he accomplished by the sute also pic king up \f»c ub for opcrjung.Uie stale's <8licr twn public community collcgcs. the College ul Southern Idaho and Cocur‘d*Alcne\* Nurth Idalio College.

"If the State is going to prin idc that opportuniiy in Idaho Fali*/’ he *aid. "U sccms o‘rily f*ir’tlinTllie**lale"j»7il up rcsjpSBibilily for NIC and''CS1'.*~^

CSI and NIC were horn aflcr soicr* crcalcd junior college disirici* aml agreed

_lubdp.pay.fur upciaiiuu of.lbc.bsu.ichuuU......

ihrough propcriy usc*. ThosC ia\c* n»*w aceouni for‘ahoui 22 pcrcciifof CSP* revcnuc.

BycontraM. tlie statc\ puhlie hiur-year sehools — Idaho State Univcr*ily. Boise • State Univcrsity. the UnivcfMt> ol IdalK* and Lewi*.Clark State College — are subsidi/cd by uspjyers statcwiile.

"Not cvcry person wN> nceds. waiits. oi should havc an cducaiiun can dceitk to movc to Pocatcllo. Boise. Moscow «ir Lewiston to get one." Shurtlilf *aid/"lt becomcs lacrgasingly ncecssary lo lakę tik* . _ cducational opppTl unity lo w herc the pcoplc are. not to w herc histcify łniilt an irtMitution."

CSI President Gcrald Mcycrliocffer welcomcd Shunliff s idea.

"For ihe past three yrars ^c havc leslified heforc the /oini^iliiiancc-.. Appropriatioiis Cocnnutiec ihat we fch the słoto should ussunic higher re*pu«uibilits for funding local communiiy college*.

I herc by rcducing ihc*loc.il propcriy las portkipation." he said WcdncMlay. •;/'%-

At prcscni. stale appropriatiAn*-TorV acuddmk and vocatioiul |XogrjnK*oseouni for about 55 percenrot CSTrrcs-nroc---

Meyerhoeffer said local taspayer* sliould retam some rcsponsibility for funding CSI. • in order to niaintain eonlroi ovcr ihe scImoPs dircetion ond currkulum.

"We do fccl tiul sonie local paftkipaiNnr is miponanc and Ihis assure* somc degree oClocat autooomy." he said.




Soctlon A

WnnthPf 2




‘ Nation


Co mieś......







.......8 -

Doar Abby.




Soctlon B _ Sports..........1-4

Sectlon C. _ Mapie Valley ...1 Obituarirts'.V.....2 Mini-Cassia... .3

Soctlon D


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Cancer fight: New causesrnew

Chlorinated water, hair dye.suspect

The Associated Press

yVASHINGTON# — Drinking chlorinated walec’ór usmg hair .dye may inerease ihe risk of dcvclupipg cancer. according lo Iwo sludics puhlishcd Wednesday in ihe American Journal of Public Health.

“Chlorinc used in municipsl water supplies to kill germs moy. crcate Chemical compounds ihat make people morę susceptiblc to cancer^ of the bladder and rccium, according to rcsrfarchcrs at the Harvard Univenity School of Public Health and the Mcdicol College of Włsconsin.

Scicntlsts at ihe National Cancer

Institulc report that a siudy of-women cancer patients suggest* ihat using hair coloring may inerease the risk uf de ve top mg non- Hodgkin'% lymphoma, .a * cancer of the tmmunc system.

Tlie water Mody cvaIUatcd |hc piKsibk sourcc of cancer* reported m 10 rcscarch projecis published bctwccn 1966 and 1987.

Dr. Tliomas C. Chalmcrs of Harv#rd said tlie rcscarch found cvidcncc of "a* sienincont associ3tron”-bctwcen cancer* bf the bladder and of the rccium.

Oialmers said che incrcased cancer risk apparenlly is associatcd willi the chcmśstry ihat resulis wlicn chlorine rcacts willi impurilies in Ihe water.


An apple or 2, juice can reduce risk

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Most Amcricans could signilkantly cut their risk of cancer tvy”uiSdfog a gTccrTsalad and a glos* of juice lo their daily diet. the National Cancer Institulc said Wednesday.

Kicking off a fivc-ycar. S33 million program .c get people to cal fivc *crvmgs bf fruits of vcgctabks daily, ihe mslitutc *aid o new survcy shows ihat moM adults al rcady cal an avcngc of 3v<.

"An apple a day kceps the doctor away." was good adv»cc^sakl Bemadinc Hcalcy. director of tlie National Institutes of Health. "Wc'rc esicnding tiul."

A glavs of orange jukę in ihe moming.

a lettucc and tomato salad ai noon. apple or carrots for a snack and broccoti or anoihcr vegciahte at dinoer would pul a person over the quota. said Health aod Humań Scrvicc*' Sccretary’ Loui* Sullivan.

"Lei mc stress. fivc-a-day is a mdiiimmi." he said. "If you can cat up to* ninc servmgs a day, all ihe bet ter."

Many studies show nutrients in-lruit* and ycgetables protccl against celi damage that leads to qancęr. said Dr. .Peter Grecnwald. of tlie Nation.il Cancer— Institute. #    J*

He said the plan is based on findings' that people aro better protecicd if tlicyr cal a varicly of froits and yegciablcs.

Classified: lf you need a frlend

SeeVHound Pound News ...f Page E-3

, .1% łl.!1* •*•**,_ •• ti ,    • I M,    •    « •    .    .    # •    •

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