1.1 Czym jest informatyka? 13

to predict new observations. For engineered systems, the object is to build a system that performs a given informational function. The theoretical con-cepts underlying engineered systems are intended to secure their correct and efficient design and operation.

Informatics provides an enormous rangę of problems and opportunities. One challenge is to determine how far, and in what circumstances, theories of information processing in artificial devices can be applied to natural systems. A second challenge is to determine how far principles derived from natural systems are applicable to the deuelopment of new kinds of engineered systems. A third challenge is to explore the many ways in which artificial information systems can help to solve problems facing mankind and help to improue the quality of life for all liuing things. One can also consider systems of mixed character; a ąuestion of longer term interest may be to what extent it is helpful to maintain the distinction between natural and engineered systems. 1

Definicja 1.5 (Department of Informatics, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science).

What is informatics?

•    Informatics combines aspects of software engineering, human-Computer interaction, and the study of organizations and information techno-logy.

•    In European uniuersities, informatics is the term most often used for Computer science.

•    Computer science studies computers; informatics studies computers and people.

Computing and information technology play an increasingly peruasiue role in our daily liues. Informatics is based on recognizing that the design of this technology is not solely a technical matter, but must focus on the rela-tionship between the technology and its use in real-world settings. That is, informatics designs Solutions in context, and takes into account the social, cultural and organizational settings in which computing and information technology will be used.

What topics are part of informatics?

©2009 by P. Fulmański, Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wersja z dnia: 9 stycznia 2010


http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/about/vision.html, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, dostęp 2009-10-05


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