D20 Modern Martial Arts Mayhem Part 3 Secret Techniques

Martial Arts Mayhem, Part III
by Rich Redman
Editing: Marc Schmalz
Design Review: Marc Schmalz, Stan!, & JD Wiker
Layout and Typeseżÿing: Marc Schmalz
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Martial Arts Mayhem, Part III
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Introduction Secret Techniques
Martial Arts Mayhem is a supplement for the d20 This is the third part of a martial arts supplement
Modern"! Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast. brought to you by The Game Mechanics. This
There are three parts to the supplement. You need the supplement complements the
other two parts of this supplement to use this part. material found in the d20 Mod-
Losing Prerequisites
I. Feats: These new martial arts feats comple- ern Roleplaying Game, Chapter
Secret techniques are
ment those found in the d20 Modern Roleplay- Three: Feats and Chapter Five:
feats: If you lose a
ing Game. They generally add to class bonus Combat.
prerequisite, you can t use
feat lists.
the benefit of the secret
II. Schools: Heroes who develop certain skills Coiling Dragon
technique. Once you
and learn certain feats may be students of You move with extraordinarily regain the prerequisite,
you regain the benefits.
particular martial arts schools. When they sinuous grace, confounding
For example, if your
meet the requirements of a school, they gain those who want to ażÿack you.
hero was a 3rd Degree
its benefits. Prerequisite: Second Degree
Master of Deft Touch
III. Secret Techniques: These are secret, power- Mastery of Drunken Fighting.
and took enough ability
ful blows, grips, holds, and other techniques Benefits: You may spend
score damage to lower
taught only to the most dedicated students. an action point at the begin-
her Wisdom below 13,
Their prerequisites and restrictions balance ning of your action to gain a
she would lose the ability
them against other feats, and characters learn +4 Dodge bonus to Defense
to use Gorilla Palm and
them just like feats. against all melee ażÿacks made Mantis Finger Spear, if
she had those feats, until
against you before your next
she regained enough
Using This Material action. If you take an action
Wisdom to access the
When a member of a martial arts school reaches (other than moving) that pro-
benefits of her school
and certain level of expertise and earns his master s vokes an ażÿack of opportunity,
trust, he may learn secret techniques of his school. or if you ażÿack, you lose this
These techniques are passed down from master to bonus.
master, taught only to the students most closely
approaching their schools ideals. Dragon s Eye
Secret techniques are feats. Heroes may learn Your keen perceptions give you insight into your
a secret technique any time they could learn a opponent s defenses.
feat, provided they are masters of the appropriate Prerequisite: Second Degree Mastery of Sticky
school and meet the secret technique s prerequisite. Hands.
For example, Erratic Weave requires a hero to Benefits: As a move action, you may spend an
meet all the prerequisites of Third Degree Mastery action point to make a single Spot check against
of the Drunken Fighting school before she can an opponent who is within 30 feet of you. The
learn it. She can learn Coiling Dragon ażÿer gaining information you gain depends on the result of your
Second Degree Mastery, but it is not a prerequisite check. You gain the information for your result and
for Erratic Weave. any results lower than yours:
Secret techniques are never on class bonus feat lists.
Unless a hero has some ability that allows her to
spend multiple action points in a single round, she
cannot combine secret techniques that require the
Result Information Gained
expenditure of more than one action point.
5+ Whether or not the opponent is a normal
When a technique requires that you spend an
character without action points.
action point, do not roll dice for that action point
10 + Opponent s total Defense bonus
unless the technique calls for it.
15+ Opponent s Dexterity bonus, class bonus to
Defense, equipment bonus to Defense, and
Rule 0
any situational modifiers (such as Dodge
I wrote the original combat and equipment rules
bonuses or cover).
for d20 Modern and participated in all aspects of its
20+ Opponent s current number of action points.
design, development, and testing. I made my best
effort to balance the rules in Martial Arts Mayhem
between being cool and being reasonable. This ma- Erratic Weave
terial is not official, and gamemasters may choose Your skill with Drunken techniques makes you
to disallow some or all of it. harder to hit.
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part III
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Drunken Monkey Leap
Fighting. You jump greater distances than normal.
Benefits: You may spend an action point at the Prerequisite: Second Degree Mastery of Northern
beginning of your action to gain a +2 Dodge bonus Leg.
to all ażÿacks made against you, both ranged and Benefits: You may spend an action point when
melee, before your next action. If you take an ac- you make a Jump check to jump a maximum dis-
tion that provokes an ażÿack of opportunity (other tance equal to twice your speed, but your normal
than moving) or if you ażÿack, you lose this bonus. movement counts against this distance. For exam-
ple, a hero with this secret technique has a move-
Irish Whip ment of 30 feet. If he moves 20 feet in a straight line
You can bounce yourself off stationary objects to (the minimum move that doesn t double the DC of
make charge ażÿacks. a jump), he can still jump 40 feet (DC 45).
Prerequisite: Second Degree Mastery of Profes- Normal: You cannot make a horizontal long
sional Wrestling. jump that covers a distance greater than your
Benefits: Make a charge ażÿack normally except normal speed.
that you may change direction while moving. Op-
ponents make ażÿacks of opportunity against you Repulse the Monkey
normally, so if you leave a threatened area they You are adept at defending yourself against charg-
may ażÿack you before you complete your charge. ing ażÿacks.
Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Sticky Hands.
Gorilla Palm Benefits: You may spend an action point to ready
Your unarmed ażÿacks drain your target s internal an action and set yourself against a charge. When
energy. the charging opponent enters a square you threaten,
Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Deżÿ Touch. you may make an unarmed ażÿack against that
Benefits: As a full round action, spend an action opponent. If your ażÿack succeeds, you do double
point and make a single unarmed melee ażÿack. If damage. This effect lasts until you make an ażÿack
successful, your ażÿack does no damage. Instead, roll, or stop readying the action. This counts against
the target of your ażÿack loses 1d4 action points your total number of ażÿacks of opportunity for the
permanently. Gorilla Palm cannot reduce action round, and you cannot use this ability if you cannot
points below zero. make an ażÿack of opportunity (for example, you
have used all your available ażÿacks of opportunity
Hammer Fist or you are flat-footed).
Your hands and feet are conditioned to be capable
of terrible blows to objects. Snake Fist
Prerequisite: Second Degree Mastery of Southern You can make an unarmed melee ażÿack as a touch
Fist. ażÿack.
Benefits: As a full ażÿack action, you may spend Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Southern Fist.
an action point to make a single unarmed ażÿack Benefits: You may spend an action point to make
against an object. When you deal damage to the a single unarmed melee ażÿack as a touch ażÿack
object, you ignore its hardness. (see the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, Chapter Five:
Combat, Touch Ażÿack). This is a full ażÿack action.
Mantis Finger Spear
Your precision blows can negate an opponent s Tiger Step
agility. You can run up or along walls for brief distances
Prerequisite: Second Degree Mastery of Deżÿ Touch. Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Northern Leg.
Benefits: Before you make your ażÿack roll, declare Benefits: You may spend an action point when you
that you are using this feat and spend an action move so that part of your move is on a wall. You
point. Thus, a missed ażÿack roll ruins the ażÿempt. must begin and end your move on a relatively hori-
Make an unarmed melee ażÿack. If you succeed, zontal surface (such as a floor, ramp, or staircase),
you do no damage but the opponent ażÿacked and can reach any height within this movement
loses any Dexterity bonus to Defense until the restriction. Changing from horizontal to vertical, or
start of your action on the next round. vice versa, is the equivalent of 5 feet of movement
along a normal floor. For example, a normal hu-
man with this secret technique who starts at the
base of a 20-foot wall could move straight up the
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part III
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
wall, then move on to the top of the wall (total move Top Rope
of 30 feet). You may double move using this secret You jump with greater ease than normal.
technique, you may combine it with Spring Ażÿack Prerequisite: Third Degree Mastery of Professional
or Shot On the Run, but you cannot run. Wrestling.
Treat the wall as a normal floor for purposes of Benefits: You may spend an action point when
determining movement distance. For example, you make a Jump check to halve the DC of that
if you move both up and along a wall, you move check (round up). Alternatively, you can make a
diagonally (see Movement and Position in Chapter Jump check at the normal DC without first maknig
Five: Combat of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game). a 20-foot movement in a straight line first. For ex-
If you fail to reach a horizontal surface at the end ample, you may spend an action point to lower the
of your move, you fall prone and take damage ac- DC for a 15-foot running long jump to DC 10, or
cording to how far you fall (see Falling in Chapter you can make a 5-foot long jump without a 20-foot
Seven: Gamemastering of the d20 Modern Roleplay- straight-line movement at DC 10.
ing Game). Opponents on the floor still get ażÿacks
of opportunity if they threaten a part of the wall on
which you move.
Table III-1: Secret Techniques and Schools Table III-2: Secret Techniques by School
Secret Technique School School Secret Techniques
Coiling Dragon Drunken Fighting Deft Touch Gorilla Palm
Dragon s Eye Sticky Hands Mantis Finger Spear
Erratic Weave Drunken Fighting Drunken Fighting Coiling Dragon
Gorilla Palm Deft Touch Erratic Weave
Hammer Fist Southern Fist Northern Leg Monkey Leap
Irish Whip Professional Wrestling Tiger Step
Mantis Finger Spear Deft Touch Professional Wrestling Irish Whip
Monkey Leap Northern Leg Top Rope
Repulse the Monkey Sticky Hands Southern Fist Hammer Fist
Snake Fist Southern Fist Snake Fist
Tiger Step Northern Leg Sticky Hands Dragon s Eye
Top Rope Professional Wrestling Repulse the Monkey
Martial Arts Mayhem, Part III
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
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Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jona-
than Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Martial Arts M ayhem, Part I ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Martial Arts M ayhem, Part II ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Martial Arts M ayhem, Part III ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc.


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