fck table

Table Properties

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument ;

// Gets the table if there is one selected.
var table ;
var e = oEditor.FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ;

if ( ! e && document.location.search.substr(1) == 'Parent' )
e = oEditor.FCKSelection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'TABLE' ) ;

if ( e && e.tagName == "TABLE" )
table = e ;

// Fired when the window loading process is finished. It sets the fields with the
// actual values if a table is selected in the editor.
window.onload = function()
// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

if (table)
document.getElementById('txtRows').value = table.rows.length ;
document.getElementById('txtColumns').value = table.rows[0].cells.length ;

// Gets the value from the Width or the Style attribute
var iWidth = (table.style.width ? table.style.width : table.width ) ;
var iHeight = (table.style.height ? table.style.height : table.height ) ;

if (iWidth.indexOf('%') >= 0) // Percentual = %
iWidth = parseInt( iWidth.substr(0,iWidth.length - 1) ) ;
document.getElementById('selWidthType').value = "percent" ;
else if (iWidth.indexOf('px') >= 0) // Style Pixel = px
{ //
iWidth = iWidth.substr(0,iWidth.length - 2);
document.getElementById('selWidthType').value = "pixels" ;

if (iHeight && iHeight.indexOf('px') >= 0) // Style Pixel = px
iHeight = iHeight.substr(0,iHeight.length - 2);

document.getElementById('txtWidth').value = iWidth ;
document.getElementById('txtHeight').value = iHeight ;
document.getElementById('txtBorder').value = table.border ;
document.getElementById('selAlignment').value = table.align ;
document.getElementById('txtCellPadding').value = table.cellPadding ;
document.getElementById('txtCellSpacing').value = table.cellSpacing ;
// document.getElementById('cmbFontStyle').value = table.className ;

if (table.caption) document.getElementById('txtCaption').value = table.caption.innerText ;

document.getElementById('txtRows').disabled = true ;
document.getElementById('txtColumns').disabled = true ;

window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

// Fired when the user press the OK button
function Ok()
var bExists = ( table != null ) ;

if ( ! bExists )
table = document.createElement( "TABLE" ) ;

// Removes the Width and Height styles
if ( bExists && table.style.width ) table.style.width = null ; //.removeAttribute("width") ;
if ( bExists && table.style.height ) table.style.height = null ; //.removeAttribute("height") ;

table.width = document.getElementById('txtWidth').value + ( document.getElementById('selWidthType').value == "percent" ? "%" : "") ;
table.height = document.getElementById('txtHeight').value ;
table.border = document.getElementById('txtBorder').value ;
table.align = document.getElementById('selAlignment').value ;
table.cellPadding = document.getElementById('txtCellPadding').value ;
table.cellSpacing = document.getElementById('txtCellSpacing').value ;
// table.className = cmbFontStyle.value ;

if ( document.getElementById('txtCaption').value != '')
if (! table.caption) table.createCaption() ;
table.caption.innerText = document.getElementById('txtCaption').value ;
// else if ( bExists && table.caption )
// table.deleteCaption() ; // TODO: It causes an IE internal error.

if (! bExists)
var iRows = document.getElementById('txtRows').value ;
var iCols = document.getElementById('txtColumns').value ;

for ( var r = 0 ; r < iRows ; r++ )
var oRow = table.insertRow(-1) ;
for ( var c = 0 ; c < iCols ; c++ )
var oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
oCell.innerHTML = '' ;
//oCell.innerHTML = " " ;

oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;
oEditor.FCK.InsertElement( table ) ;

return true ;

function IsDigit( e )
e = e || event ;
var iCode = ( e.keyCode || e.charCode ) ;
( iCode >= 48 && iCode = 37 && iCode



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