p. 82 Listening 1: A Danish rezedy
remedy: zadośćuczynienie
breach: naruszenie, pogwałcenie [of contract]
specific performance: nakaz spełnienia określonych zobowiązań umownych
pledge: zobowiązanie
p. 82 Language use 2:
comply with: zastosować się do [order]
foged (in Denmark) is similar to bailiff in common law
p. 83 Reading 3
liquidated damages: odszkodowania umowne
construction industry: przemysł budowlany
stipulate: określić
ascertain: ustalić
liquidated sum: suma odszkodowania umownego
to be in excess of sth: przekraczać coś
inclusive of: obejmować
prescribed: określony
deduct from: potrącić z
sth is due sb: coś się komuś należy
by way of penalty: jako kara
aforesaid: wyżej wspomniany
jointly=mutually: wspólnie
p. 86, Listening 2: Remedies
contractual agreement: umowa kontraktowa
establish the facts: ustalić fakty
mitigate: załagodzić, zmniejszyć, zminimalizować [sentence, punishment]
waive: uchylić, odstąpić od [regulation, rule]
punitive dama ges: odszkodowanie z nawiązką
p.86, Text analysis:
in strict confidence: w wielkim zaufaniu
Language use 2: p. 83 ex.15
Repeated words: judicial enforcement agent, foged, money damages, granted
the breaching party can do two things: either comply or not comply with the order = the defaulting party either takes action necessary to perform the contract or he doesn`t
a foged is similar to bailiff in common law = he basically fulfills the functions of a bailiff
Danish Code of Procedure 17 regulates ……. = this code stipulates ….
Reading 3: p.83, ex.17
Because the contractors often got behind with completing the contract within the time stipulated and agreed and on the basis of such clauses the owner can demand remedy
Time is of the essence means that time is very important (czas to pieniądz)
Deducted from amounts due the contractor or if no amount is due as liquidated damages (not as penalty)
Reading 3: p.83, ex.18
in the form of = by way of
specified in writing = prescribed
more than = in excess of
jointly = mutually
is owed to = due
including = inclusive of
as stated above = aforesaid
subtracted from = deducted from
Text analysis p.86, ex.24:
Getting an overview of the case
Establishing facts and chronology of events
Identifying issues, developing and supporting a theory
Concluding the interview