Objections are a natural part of the sale process.
e most common objections include:
“I’ll think about it.”
“It’s too expensive.”
“We don’t have the budget.”
“We already have a supplier.”
“We’re not interested.”
“We’re talking to other vendors.”
Clarifying a sales objection means restating the customer’s comment
back to them in your own words. Th
e purpose of clarifying an objection
is to ensure you have fully understood the customer’s hesitation. Most
salespeople incorrectly make the assumption they know what the objec-
tion is because they think they have heard the objection before. How-
ever, every customer is diff erent, and although a customer may state an
objection that may sound like one you have heard in the past, it could
mean something entirely diff erent.
For example, think of how often you hear customers say, “It’s too ex-
pensive.” If you are like most sales professionals you have probably heard
“People don’t always say what they are thinking.”
Kelley Robertson