Lecture Three

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Culture of English Language Area

Lecture Three

Women's Franchise


Key words:
Odd women
Suffragists and suffragettes

John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor “On the Subjection of Women” is published in 1869.

*few minutes of a film about ^*

J.S. Mill was one of the first social critics who actually started to fight to process to give woman
voice in parliament.

1870 – Richard Pankhurst – called parliament the most-outdated institution of Europe and House of
Lords a slaughter-house. - petitions Parliament to give women rights (Oh the Irony)
1884- all men can vote, women can manage their property after their marriage
1894- women receive the right to participate in local elections.
The Cause:
Millicent Fawcett -1897 – The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (Demonstrations,
Petitions) (Suffragists)
Emmeline Pankhurst – The Women's Social and Political Union (1903) – Very Radical. Real
Revolutionaries (Terrorists) (Suffragettes)

Used peaceful and constitutional means.
Wrote letters
Wrote articles and journals
Produced petitions
Held public meetings
Tried to gain the support of MPs

Used more provocative methods. They:
Heckled (asked waaaaaaaaaaaay to many questions) and broke up political meetings
Smashed windows
Made personal attacks on MPs
Went on hunger strikes when imprisoned
Sought publicity

Emily Davidson -First Martyr to the Cause- threw herself under the hooves of King's Horse

1918 – vote given to all men over 21 and women over 30 who are householders or the wives of
1928 – women are given the vote on equal terms to men

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1928 – A Room of one's own. Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
-a Room of one's Own
-Three Guineas
-Mrs Dalloway
-To the Lighthouse
-Modern Fiction


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