Classical Press of Wales Catalogue

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All Classical Press of Wales titles are now available

in North America exclusively through ISD

The Classical Press of Wales, an independent venture founded in 1993, publishes monographs and collective
volumes on the whole of Classical Antiquity, and also on ancient Egypt. Particular strengths of the Press include
Archaic Greek poetry and politics, Sparta (where The Classical Press of Wales has a claim to be world leader),
culture and politics of the Hellenistic period, of the Roman Revolution, of Late Antiquity, as well as themes and
methods in the modern writing of Ancient History.

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King and Court in Ancient Macedonia

Rivalry, Treason and Conspiracy
by Elizabeth Carney

The Hellenistic courts and monarchies have in recent years become one of the most intensively studied areas of ancient history.
Among the most influential pioneers in this process has been the American historian Elizabeth Carney. The present book collects
for the first time in a single volume her most influential articles. Previously published in a range of learned journals, the articles
are here reedited, each with a substantive afterword by the author bringing the discussion up to date and adding new bibli-
ography. Main themes of this volume include Macedonian monarchy in practice and as an image; the role of conspiracies and
violence at court; royal women; aspects of court life and institutions.
400p (Classical Press of Wales, August 2015) hardcover, 9781905125982, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

What Catullus Wrote

Problems in Textual Criticism, Editing
and the Manuscript Tradition
edited by Dániel Kiss

The poems of Catullus barely managed to
survive the Middle Ages. All surviving copies
of the collection derive from an extremely
corrupt manuscript, and scholars have been
working since the Renaissance to reconstruct
the original text. This volume aims to
contribute to this effort with a substantive

Introduction and with six original papers. The authors study aspects of the
manuscript tradition of the poems and their editorial history as well as
contributing directly to the reconstruction of the text. The volume aims to
set an example of a collaborative approach to textual criticism, in which
significant choices are based not on the judgement of a single authoritative
editor, but on the outcome of debate between scholars who represent a broad
range of viewpoints.
250p (Classical Press of Wales, June 2015) hardcover, 9781905125999, $95.00.
Special Offer $57.00

Misery and Forgiveness in Euripides

Meaning and Structure in the Hippolytus
by Boris Nikolsky

The tragedies of Euripides are among the most admired works of Greek
literature. They are valued especially in our own day for their sceptical
attitude to authority and divinity, for their psychological complexity and for
their sympathetic but unsentimental portrayal of assertive women. In this
striking new monograph, Boris Nikolsky reinterprets a Euripidean tragedy
which combines these qualities to the highest degree, the Hippolytus.
Nikolsky questions the current gender and psychoanalytical approaches to
Hippolytus and challenges the widespread interpretations of the play as
being concerned with the irresistible force of love and the inevitability of
punishment for those who underestimate its power. He reads the play in
terms of its own culture and argues that Euripides’ primary interest lies rather
in the sphere of morality. Arguing from the dramatic structure of Hippolytus,
its imagery and the problems of its production, the author proposes a new
interpretation of the play’s main theme. In consequence, it is exoneration and
forgiveness that are shown to be the highest and only pure moral values.
280p (Classical Press of Wales, June 2015) hardcover, 9781910589038, $95.00.
Special Offer $57.00

Poetry Underpinning Power

Vergil’s Aeneid: The Epic for Emperor Augustus
by Hans-Peter Stahl

Stahl’s new monograph is the most thorough study so far to question modern
Virgilian criticism on philological grounds. He bases himself on the internal
logic and rhetoric of the Aeneid, and also considers political, historical,
archaeological, and philosophical subjects addressed by the poem. He finds
that the poet has so presented the morality of his central figure, Augustus’
supposed ancestor Aeneas, and of those who (eventually) clash with him,
Turnus and Dido, as to make it certain that Roman readers and hearers of the
poem were meant to conclude in Aeneas’ favor. Virgil’s intention emerges
from Stahl’s thorough, ingenious and original argumentation as decisively
400p (Classical Press of Wales, September 2015) hardcover, 9781910589045,
$110.00. Special Offer $66.00

Aristocracy in Antiquity

Redefining Greek and Roman Elites
edited by Nick Fisher and Hans van Wees

The words ‘aristocrats’, ‘aristocracy’ and ‘aristocratic values’ appear in many a
study of ancient history and culture. Sometimes these terms are used with
a precise meaning. More often they are casual shorthand for ‘upper class’,
‘ruling elite’ and ‘high standards’. This book brings together 12 new studies by
an impressive international cast of specialists. It demonstrates not only that
true aristocracies were rare in the ancient world, but also that the modern
use of ‘aristocracy’ in a looser sense is misleading. The word comes with
connotations derived from medieval and modern history. Antiquity, it is here
argued, was different; the editors call instead for close study of the varied
nature of social inequalities and relationships in particular times and places.
400p (Classical Press of Wales, September 2015) hardcover, 9781910589014,
$110.00. Special Offer $66.00

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Xenophon and Sparta

New Perspectives
edited by Anton Powell and Nicolas Richer

Xenophon campaigned with Spartan commanders in the field. His Agesilaos
is a eulogy of a Spartan king whom he knew personally. His Constitution of
the Lacedaemonians
is an intimate document of a different sort, moving from
sustained assertion of Sparta’s uniqueness as a ruling power to unexpected
rant against alleged Spartan failings late in the author’s life. Here a team of
internationally-recognized authorities on Sparta examine Xenophon’s close—
arguably too close—relation with the most powerful Greek state of his day.
270p (Classical Press of Wales, February 2016) hardcover, 9781905125371,
$95.00. Special Offer $57.00

‘The Eyesore of Aigina’

Anti-Athenian Attitudes across the Greek,
Hellenistic and Roman Worlds
edited by Anton Powell and Katerina Meidani

Our ideas about ancient Athens are constructed very largely from the writings
of Athenian authors. Relatively rare are our sources for how others saw
Athens from the outside. The 12 new studies in this volume trace negative
thinking about Athens from the late archaic period to Roman times. They
challenge the easy modern supposition that Athens was generally seen as the
cultural emblem of Greece.
275p (Classical Press of Wales, February 2016) hardcover, 9781905125593,
$95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Appian’s Roman History

Empire and Civil War
edited by Kathryn Welch

Appian of Alexandria lived in the early-to-mid second century AD, a time
when the pax Romana flourished. His Roman History traced, through a series
of ethnographic histories, the growth of Roman power throughout Italy
and the Mediterranean World. But Appian also told the story of the civil
wars which beset Rome from the time of Tiberius Gracchus to the death of
Sextus Pompeius Magnus. Consigned to the third rank by nineteenth-century
historiographers, and poorly served by translators, Appian’s Roman History
profoundly shapes our knowledge of Republican Rome, its empire and
its internal politics. This collection of 15 new papers from a distinguished
international team studies both what Appian had to say and how he said it.
330p (Classical Press of Wales, August 2015) hardcover, 9781910589007,
$100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Greek and Roman Consolations

Eight Studies of a Tradition
and its Afterlife
edited by Han Baltussen

This volume presents eight original studies
on consolatory writings from ancient Greek,
Roman, early Christian and Arabic societies.
The authors offer insight into the ancient
experience of loss and the methods used
to palliate it. This volume finds elements of
continuity and of individual variety in modes

of consolation, and reveals instructive tensions between the commonplace
and the personal.
232p (Classical Press of Wales, December 2013) hardcover, 9781905125562,
$95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Forthcoming February 2016


Tragedy and Archaic
Greek Thought

edited by Douglas Cairns

The book makes a powerful
case for the importance of
Archaic thought not only in
the evolution of the tragic
genre, but also for developed
features of the Classical
tragedians’ art.
320p (Classical Press of
Wales 2013) hardcover,

9781905125579, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Hindsight in Greek
and Roman History

edited by Anton Powell

The authors argue that hindsight—
especially in modern works—has falsified
the past, by playing down or eliminating
the record of ancient unfulfilled
forecasts, and of trends in events which
in the long term did not obviously prove
300p (Classical Press of Wales 2013)
hardcover, 9781905125586, $100.00.
Special Offer $60.00

Virgil the Partisan

A Study in the Re-Integration of Classics
by Anton Powell

Analysing closely the logic and the literary genres of
Virgil’s three poems, this book politely confronts the
modern orthodoxy that Virgil signaled distaste for the
methods of his ruler, Octavian-Augustus. It refreshes
the study of Virgil’s poetry by comparing it with the
detail of Rome’s civil wars after Julius Caesar’s death,
when Octavian’s survival looked highly unlikely.
310p (Classical Press of Wales 2012) paperback,
9781905125548, $40.00.

Special Offer $24.00

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Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death

The Hellenistic Dynasties
by Daniel Ogden

This study explores the intricate quarrels and violence
within the ruling hellenistic families. A main theme
is the role of ‘amphimetric’ disputes, competition
between a ruler’s offspring from different women, and
especially between the women themselves.
350p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2010) paperback,
9781905125401, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

Sparta in Modern Thought

Politics, History and Culture
edited by Stephen Hodkinson
and Ian Macgregor Morris

This is the first book in over 40 years to examine
this important subject. Eleven ancient historians
and experts in the history of ideas discuss Sparta’s
changing role in Western thought from medieval
Europe to the 21st century, with a special focus on
Enlightenment France, Nazi Germany and the USA.
400p (Classical Press of Wales 2012) hardcover,
9781905125470, $110.00.

Special Offer $66.00

Magnus Pius

Sextus Pompeius and the Transformation
of the Roman Republic
by Kathryn Welch

Welch argues that, far from being a ‘side-show’ or
a ‘bit player’, Sextus Pompeius was integral to the
fight for the res publica.
350p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2012)
hardcover, 9781905125449, $100.00.
Special Offer $60.00

Emperor and Author

The Writings of Julian ‘the Apostate’
edited by Nicholas Baker-Brian and Shaun Tougher

This volume offers the first comprehensive analysis in
English of all the writings of Julian (r. AD 361-363), the
last pagan emperor of Rome, noted for his frontal and self-
conscious challenge to Christianity. The book also contains
treatments of Julian’s laws, inscriptions, coinage, as well as
his artistic program. New light is shed on Julian’s distinctive
literary style and imperial agenda.
380p (Classical Press of Wales 2012) hardcover,
9781905125500, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

Sociable Man

Essays on Ancient Greek Social Behaviour
in Honour of Nick Fisher
edited by S.D. Lambert

Sociable Man, which celebrates the work of Nick
Fisher, Emeritus Professor of Ancient History at Cardiff
University, contains essays by leading classicists,
ancient historians and archaeologists on the theme of
ancient Greek social behavior.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2011) hardcover,
9781905125517, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Plutarch and History

Eighteen Studies
by Christopher Pelling

Fifteen studies are here published in a single volume,
revised by the author with up-to-date annotations and
bibliography. Together with three new studies, they
form an essential reference-work for serious students
of classical Greece and Rome.
493p (Classical Press of Wales 2011)
paperback, 9781905125531, $40.00. Special Offer $32.00
hardcover (Dec 2002), 9780715631287, $99.00.
Special Offer $60.00

Velleius Paterculus

Making History
edited by Eleanor Cowan

This collection of papers, by a distinguished cast of
scholars, represents a wide-ranging re-examination of
Velleius’ work, of its place within, and contribution to,
Roman historiography and the intellectual history of
the early Principate.
308p (Classical Press of Wales 2010) hardcover,
9781905125456, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Praise and Blame

in Roman Republican Rhetoric

edited by Christopher Smith and Ralph Covino

The papers in this volume address strategies of vitu-
peration and eulogy within the Republic, and examine
the mechanisms and effects of praise and blame.
330p (Classical Press of Wales 2010) hardcover,
9781905125463, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Plutarch’s Lives

Parallelism and Purpose
edited by Noreen Humble

This volume presents fresh ideas on a neglected topic
crucial to Plutarch’s literary creation. Its contributors
bring out many ways in which Plutarch invoked
aspects of parallelism. They show how pervasive and
how central the whole notion was to his thinking.
300p (Classical Press of Wales 2010) hardcover,
9781905125418, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Creating a Hellenistic World

edited by Andrew Erskine
and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones

The essays presented here offer an exciting interdisciplinary approach to the study of the emerging
Hellenistic world, its newness but also its oldness, both real and imagined.
380p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2010) hardcover, 9781905125432, $110.00.
Special Offer $66.00

Competition in the Ancient World

edited by Nick Fisher and Hans van Wees

The varied papers in this book form a case for viewing
competition for superiority as a major force in ancient
history, including the earliest human societies and the
Assyrian and Aztec empires.
320p (Classical Press of Wales 2010) hardcover,
9781905125487, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Roman Perspectives

by John Matthews

Studies in Political and Cultural History, from the first to the fifth century.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) hardcover, 9781905125395, $100.00.
Special Offer $60.00

Sparta’s German Children

by Helen Roche

Helen Roche is the first to examine this sensitive
topic systematically and in depth. She collects and
analyses official and published German evocations
of Sparta but also, and remarkably, reconstructs
the experiences of German children taught to be
‘little Spartans’ in the Prussian Cadet Corps and
National Socialist elite schools.
320p (Classical Press of Wales 2013) hardcover,
9781905125555, $100.00.

Special Offer $60.00

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Aphrodite’s Tortoise

The Veiled Woman of Ancient Greece
by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones

Greek women routinely wore the veil. That is the
unexpected finding of this study, one with interesting
implications for the origins of Western civilization.
368p (Classical Press of Wales 2010)
paperback, 9781905125425, $40.00. Special Offer $32.00
hardcover (2003), 9780954384531, $110.00.
Special Offer $66.00

Greek History and Epigraphy

Essays in Honour of P.J. Rhodes
edited by Lynette Mitchell and Lene Rubinstein

This important volume collects essays on topics in
Greek history and epigraphy by an international cast of
highly respected historians and epigraphers.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) hardcover,
9781905125234, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta

by Stephen Hodgkinson

This volume is the first major monograph-length
discussion of a subject on which the author is
recognised as the leading international authority.
498p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2009)
paperback, 9781905125302, $40.00.

Special Offer $24.00


New Perspectives
edited by Stephen Hodkinson and Anton Powell

Traditional approaches to Sparta are now being
supplemented by contributions from archaeology and
the social sciences.
427p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125319, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

Vergil’s Aeneid

Augustan Epic and Political Context
edited by Hans-Peter Stahl

A collection of 14 papers in which contributors use
diverging critical methods on a selection of extracts
from Vergil’s epic, with the examination of political
references in the work being prominent, as well as the
question of the Aeneid’s central meaning.
324p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125333, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

War and Violence in Ancient Greece

edited by Hans van Wees

The study of Greek warfare should involve much
more than reconstructing the experience of combat
or revisiting the great wars of the classical period.
Ranging from the heroes of Homer to the kings and
cities of the Hellenistic age, the contributors set war in
the context of other forms of Greek violence.
389p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125340, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

Organised Crime in Antiquity

edited by Keith Hopwood

‘What are states but large bandit bands, and what are
bandit bands but small states?’ So asked St. Augustine,
reflecting on the late Roman world. Here, nine original
studies explore the activities and the images of
ancient criminal groups, comparing them closely and
provocatively with the Greek and Roman government
which the criminals challenged.
278p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125296, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter

The War Commentaries as Political Instruments
edited by Kathryn Welch and Anton Powell

Nine contributions demonstrate that the appearance
of simplicity in Julius Caesar’s writings is achieved
through subtle skill in the selection of style, language
and content, which promotes Caesar and downplays
Roman enemies.
225p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125289, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00


Man’s Place in History
by Hans-Peter Stahl

Stahl’s classic book on Thucydides is one of the most
profound and widely respected modern studies of the
Athenian historian. Thucydides is shown as interested
in tracking how optimistic plans lead to irremediable
suffering in the field of foreign policy. Revised and
enlarged edition.
248p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125326, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

What is a God?

Studies in the Nature of Greek Divinity
edited by Alan B. Lloyd

The eleven original essays here focus both on extremes
of the Greek world and on its classical ‘center.’
187p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125357, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00


Comparative Approaches
edited by Stephen Hodkinson

The focus includes kingship and hegemonic structures,
education and commensality, religious institutions and
practice, helotage and ethnography.
502p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) hardcover,
9781905125388, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

George Buchanan

Poet and Dramatist
edited by Philip Ford and Roger P.H. Green

Here fifteen scholars analyze Buchanan’s writings, his
creative use of ancient texts, and his impact on the
culture of Scotland and of Europe – not least in the
spheres of tragedy and music.
380p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2009) hardcover,
9781905125364, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

Epic Facework

Self-presentation and Social Interaction
in Homer
by Ruth Scodel

This sensitive study reveals that at the beginnings
of (surviving) Greek literature, Homer’s audience is
expected to appreciate psychology and self-control of
a very high order.
200p (Classical Press of Wales 2008) hardcover,
9781905125227, $90.00. Special Offer $54.00

The Lost Memoirs of Augustus

and the Development of Roman
edited by Christopher Smith and Anton Powell

A cast of internationally respected scholars reconstruct
aspects of the work, its importance for historians, and
its relation to Roman literary genre.
230p (Classical Press of Wales 2008) hardcover,
9781905125258, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Battle in Antiquity

edited by Alan B. Lloyd

The experience of warfare shaped soldiers and their
families in the ancient world. Drawing partly on
modern studies of battle ‘syndromes,’ this collection of
essays examines this important phenomenon.
277p (Classical Press of Wales 2009) paperback,
9781905125272, $40.00. Special Offer $24.00

The Limits of Ancient Biography

edited by Brian McGing and Judith Mossman

This volume considers both the form and the content of biography across the ancient world, and is particularly
interested in the frontiers with other related genres, such as history.
450p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover, 9781905125128, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

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The Body Politic
edited by Anton Powell and Stephen Hodkinson

This is the 7th volume from the International Sparta
Seminar, in the series begun in 1989.
300p, b/w illus (Classical Press of Wales 2008) hardcover,
9781905125265, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Panhellenism and the Barbarian

in Archaic and Classical Greece
by Lynette Mitchell

The author argues that in archaic and classical Greece,
Panhellenism defined the community of the Hellenes
and gave it political substance.
262p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125142, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

In Search of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice

The Traditional Tales of Lucian’s Lover of Lies
by Daniel Ogden

The author builds a sophisticated analysis for each of
the tales and places them sensitively in their historical,
cultural, and literary contexts.
312p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125166, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Words and Ideas

The Roots of Plato’s Philosophy
by Fritz-Gregor Herrmann

Offers a study of Plato’s philosophical language,
retracing to their origins the history and development
of the key terms of the Theory of Forms.
368p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125203, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Texts and Culture in Late Antiquity

Inheritance, Authority, and Change
edited by J.H.D. Scourfield

In this volume, thirteen scholars investigate complex
relationships between Late Antique authors and the
texts they inherited through the classical (‘pagan’) and
Christian traditions.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125173, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Persian Responses

Political and Cultural Interaction
with(in) the Achaemenid Empire
edited by Christopher Tuplin

Political and cultural interaction is illustrated in
fourteen chapters that move from issues in Greek histo-
riography to the early modern reception of Persepolis.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125180, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

Cicero on the Attack

Invective and Subversion in the Orations and
edited by Joan Booth

Eight essays examine the techniques of Cicero’s verbal
220p, 200 illus (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125197, $90.00. Special Offer $54.00


Essays on Aeschylus and his Fellow Tragedians
in Honour of Alexander F. Garvie
edited by Douglas Cairns and Vayos Liapis

312p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125135, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Greek and Roman Colonization

Origins, Ideologies and Interactions
edited by Guy Bradley and John-Paul Wilson

Historiographical, comparative and post-colonial
approaches question ancient constructs.
224p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125067, $90.00. Special Offer $54.00

Spartan Education

Youth and Society in the Classical Period
by Jean Ducat

Ducat systematically collects, translates and evaluates
the sources for Spartan education.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125074, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00


A Textual Reappraisal
by John M. Trappes-Lomax

The poems of Catullus have notoriously been subjected
to numerous accidental corruptions. This work
represents a radical reappraisal of his text.
316p (Classical Press of Wales 2007) hardcover,
9781905125159, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

What’s in a Name?

The Significance of Proper Names
in Classical Latin Literature
edited by Joan Booth and Robert Maltby

Themes include ‘speaking’ names, names in contexts
of invective or endearment, the suppression of names,
and names in literary catalogues.
250p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125098, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

New Essays on Plato

Language and Thought in Fourth-Century
Greek Philosophy
edited by Fritz-Gregor Herrmann

The collection encompasses issues from the Apology to
the Laws and includes discussions of topics in political
theory, physics, metaphysics, and literary criticism.
228p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125104, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Sparta and War

edited by Stephen Hodkinson and Anton Powell

This is the sixth volume from the International Sparta
300p (Classical Press of Wales 2006) hardcover,
9781905125111, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Body Language in the Greek

and Roman Worlds

edited by Douglas Cairns

The volume seeks to apply a sense of history as well as
of theory in interpreting non-verbal communication.
300p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125012, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Satyr Drama

Tragedy at Play
edited by George W.M. Harrison

Conclusions are adduced from the fragments,
particularly those of Aeschylus, and there is special
study of Euripides’ Cyclops.
312p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125036, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Patterns in the Economy

of Roman Asia Minor

edited by Stephen Mitchell

and Constantina Katsari

The papers in this book work from literary texts,
inscriptions, coinage, and archaeology and study the
direct impact of Roman rule, the organization of large
agricultural estates, and more.
350p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125029, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Roman Crossings

Theory and Practice in the Roman Republic
edited by Kathryn Welch and T.W. Hillard

Eleven essays trace the development of political
culture in the Roman Republic.
352p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125005, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

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Approaches to Homer

Ancient and Modern
edited by Robert J. Rabel

Ten essays approach Homer with insights gained from
psychology and anthropology, narratology, oral theory,
and cognitive research.
240p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125043, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

The Philosopher and Society

in Late Antiquity

Essays in Honour of Peter Brown
edited by Andrew Smith

This collection of studies by leading writers on Late
Antiquity treats both the principles of metaphysics and
the practical engagement of philosophers.
250p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9780954384586, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Dialectic in Action

An Examination of Plato’s Crito
by Michael C. Stokes

256p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9780954384593, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Herakles and Hercules

Exploring a Graeco-Roman Divinity
edited by Louis Rawlings and Hugh Bowden

The studies examine Herakles’ role in ancient myth and
philosophy, drama and art, as well as in politics and
propaganda, warfare and religion.
270p (Classical Press of Wales 2005) hardcover,
9781905125050, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

Law, Rhetoric and Comedy

in Classical Athens

Essays in Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell
edited by D.L. Cairns and R.A. Knox

296p (Classical Press of Wales 2004) hardcover,
9780954384555, $100.00. Special Offer $60.00

Spartan Society

edited by Thomas J. Figueira

This is the fifth volume from the International Sparta
389p (Classical Press of Wales 2004) hardcover,
9780954384579, $110.00. Special Offer $66.00

Latin Epic and Didactic Poetry

edited by Monica Gale

This volume considers some of the strategies which
writers from Lucretius onwards have employed in nego-
tiating their relationship with their literary forebears.
262p (Classical Press of Wales 2004) hardcover,
9780954384562, $95.00. Special Offer $57.00

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