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Do YoU Get oN?

Vocabulary: getting on


Worksheet A

1 Read out the questions and replace the underlined phrase with the one your partner

gives you.

1 Are you good friends with your neighbours, or do you prefer to be alone?

2 Are you a very curious person?

3 Do you find it easy to start a good relationship with new people you meet?

4 Do you have any neighbours who interrupt your privacy?

5 Have you helped anyone recently?

6 What kind of behaviour annoys you?

2 Now listen to your partner’s questions and give them the correct phrase from the


get on well with mind their own business a nuisance invite your neighbours over
ask a favour of get to know

3 Discuss your answers to the questions.

Worksheet B

1 Listen to your partner’s questions and give them the correct phrase from the box.

keep yourself to yourself disturb you gets on your nerves make friends with
done favours for nosy

2 Now read out the questions and replace the underlined phrase with the one your

partner gives you.

1 Do you have a good relationship with everyone in your family?

2 Do you ever ask your neighbours if they want to come to your house for a


3 When you have a problem, do you like people to help or do you prefer them to

not get involved?

4 In your work/studies, is there anything which is annoying?

5 How do you find out about people you’ve just met?

6 Do you find it easy to ask for help from other people?

3 Discuss your answers to the questions.


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